Mage Veja

Chapter 615 Target: Empire!

Chapter 615 Target: Empire!
This is the fourth war waged by the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

The first time was against the Kingdom, the second, third, and fourth times were against Veigar.

The first time he won a complete victory, the morale of Shenglong Kingdom was greatly increased. The destruction of a big country in three months was even more shocking to the world, but the next three wars were severely damaged. Not only did they not win a single victory, they also directly lost half of the country troops.

After this battle.

The vitality of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was severely injured, and a curse was cast on it. This curse is the Holy Dynasty.

Now, that flag with a golden crown on a white background has become a nightmare for the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

The 11 Earth Dragon Legion that escaped from the Anglos Forest seemed to have seen a ghost. The legion leader Lerhi did not reorganize the battle, and completely ignored the agreement with the empire, but returned with the army the same way.

Kraft turned pale with shock when he received the news.

He never thought that such a change would occur in a war that was sure to be sure.

It is clear that the Dynasty Army has fought fiercely with him these days, why the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was ambushed in the Anglos Forest, this is why Kafyn Dahlberg is puzzled.

If only that was it.

As the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes never come singly, when he received the Holy Dragon Kingdom army returning on the same route regardless of the agreement, an army of about 30 people was marching in the direction of the city of war.

Their standard is the staff and sword.

The power represented by this flag is self-evident. It is the latest great power in the east - the Jialan Empire.

Why that army came here is also self-evident, because their emperor is none other than Vega Saint Laurent.

In other words.

Now there are 50 Vega Dynasty troops on the front of the City of War, and 30 Jialan troops on the back, and they...are surrounded.

"Damn Holy Dragon Kingdom!"

Kafuin gritted his teeth: "I knew these people couldn't be trusted. They obviously still have 11 combat power, but they just returned the same way regardless of morality, these damn aliens."

Scolding is scolding, we still have to think of a way.

Kafuin first sent a request for help to the Imperial Army, as long as the reinforcements can arrive before the fall of the city of war, there will be rescue.

So how long does this time take?
It took at least a week from sending out the request for help, to organizing the army, and then to the arrival of the reinforcements.

Of course, one week here refers to the transport of troops by air route, with the threats of star mages, dynasties, and the Jialan Empire Air Corps, obviously it cannot be transported by air, so it can only be transported by land.

If you go by land, the time will be delayed by ten days.

In other words, Kafyn Dahlberg needs to persist in the city of war for seventeen days before he can wait for reinforcements.

Can he last seventeen days?
Kafuin still has this confidence. His title is the Indestructible Formation, and he is best at defensive warfare and blocking warfare. Even though Veigar has the weapon of war, the star mage, he still has this confidence.

Even if the city gate is lost, he can still fight Vega in the street.

He is the second imperial officer after Climans who has thoroughly understood Vega's street warfare theory. He understands very well that street warfare and guerrilla warfare are not the ones who are the founders, and whoever wins is sure.Street fighting and guerrilla warfare really need to rely on the familiarity of the terrain and the support of the majority of civilians, and this is no other place, this is the city of war!

The army in the city of war believes in war.

The civilians of War City also believe in war.

In this city where all the people are soldiers, guerrilla warfare and street warfare are like ducks in water. As an expert in defensive warfare, Kafuin is particularly confident in the upcoming war.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Escal."

Kafein muttered to himself: "After all, he regained the confidence of the Imperial Army, and it was he who made the whole city unite and formed the current situation where all the people are soldiers, paving the way for my next war."

But the moment he thought of Escal, he recalled that pity look.

Why should we pity him?
Could it be that Escal had predicted that this war would fail?

"Are you kidding me? You all think highly of this brat."

Kafuin did not suspect that Escal's secret informant led to the defeat of the Holy Dragon Kingdom War, because Escal, as a senior officer of the empire, must still have basic professional ethics.

As for why the Holy Dragon Kingdom was ambushed.

Everyone thinks that Veigar has predicted the enemy's opportunity first, because Veigar's sensitivity to war has always been creepy. He seems to have the ability to foresee the future in most wars. He can always predict the enemy's opportunity and be one step ahead of others. .

"Mobilize the whole city and tell them the war is about to begin."

Kafuin put all these behind him, and then began to gather people's hearts, preparing to fight a tug-of-war with Vega.

With millions of troops, the support of civilians, and his familiarity with the city's terrain, if all goes well, he is confident that he can persist for at least two months, so that even if Veigar breaks through the city wall, it will be difficult for him to move an inch.

Cavein's decision seemed foolproof.

If he faced ordinary enemies, he would not only be able to defend the city of war, but even be able to turn defeat into victory.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Veigar.

How could the existence who likes to play with people's hearts the most doesn't know the importance of geographical advantage and harmony of people.

The sages on the earth once told Vega that in the way of using soldiers, attacking the heart is the top, and attacking the city is the bottom;At this time, the enemy has an army of 100 million, and the combined army of him and the Jialan Empire is only 80, so even with the weapon of war, the star mage, Veigar can't use the method of military warfare.

Because psychological warfare is more effective and more convenient.

Now Vega holds the evidence of the alliance between the Empire and the Holy Dragon Nation. The recorded images and the testimony of the captives cannot be denied, especially the faces of the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Nation have distinctive features, so it cannot be faked anyway .

All countries in the world regard Shenglong Kingdom as a public enemy of the mainland.

The civilians of the empire gritted their teeth at the existence of the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

If the former knew that the empire had colluded with the Holy Dragon Kingdom to destroy Vega, they would launch a crusade, or isolate the empire, especially the establishment of diplomatic relations and layout of the empire on the west side of the Jialan Mountains, all of which would be in vain.

The latter is more serious than the former.

Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people have won the world, and losing the hearts of the people means social turmoil and military morale.

What kind of sparks will be created when the common people know that their government has formed an alliance with their own enemies?I am afraid that the army will immediately fall into confusion and begin to wonder what they are fighting for.

Wait until public opinion ferments to a certain peak.

Then the entire city of war, from the civilians to the soldiers, will not have the slightest desire to fight. Even if Kafuin has a perfect plan, it will be wiped out in an instant.

Not just City at War.

At that time, the entire empire will be questioned from home and abroad and cause turmoil.

Taking down the city of war is just the beginning.

Veigar's goal this time is—the empire!
(End of this chapter)

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