Mage Veja

Chapter 616

Chapter 616
a few days later.

Veigar announced to the world the evidence of the empire's collusion with the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

These include images, testimonies of captives, corpses of soldiers from the Holy Dragon Kingdom wearing imperial uniforms... and a series of undeniable evidence, Vega's evidence also directly pushed the empire to the cusp.

Now the empire has caused an uproar in Quanjialan.

The Western Alliance of Eleven Nations headed by the Freedom Alliance publicly condemned the actions of the Empire, and these eleven countries officially announced that they would cut off all ties with the Empire and no longer recognize the legal status of the Empire in the Jialan Continent.

More than that.

Originally hostile to the Freedom Alliance, the Western Nine Nations Alliance, which was friendly with the Empire, also announced the dissolution of its relationship with the Empire, no longer recognizing the existence of the Empire, and classifying the Empire as a terrorist organization such as the Holy Dragon Kingdom, and announced on the same day Arrest all Imperial diplomats in the territory.

This is a long time.

Since the predecessor of the Jialan Empire was the northern regime of the empire, the territory of the empire is now under the name of the Jialan Empire by the summit of the countries. After the Freedom Alliance, the remaining [-] countries in the West finally recognized the word Jialan Empire legality.

Follow in the footsteps of the West.

Vega also made the Holy Dynasty and the Jialan Empire declare the Nuolan Empire illegal, and, as a major eastern country, openly declared war on the two terrorist organizations, the Empire and the Holy Dragon Kingdom, under the banner of 'Fight for Humanity'.

Justice has completely come to Vega's side.

The empire did the most stupid thing. They thought that an alliance with the Holy Dragon Nation would surely kill Veigar and cover up the truth. Unfortunately, once Veigar won, the truth would be greatly affected.

Don't look at the thunder and rain of several countries, just verbally expressing the illegitimacy of the empire.

But the serious relationship among them is too great to imagine.

Once it is defined as a terrorist organization, it means that no country dares to form an alliance with the empire even if it has great interests.

The reason is simple, no one wants to be the next terrorist organization.

In addition, imperial officials will not be able to step out of the country, and even the intelligence system that lays out the world will be uprooted, and imperial civilians and businessmen will be forcibly expelled from the country.

This is bound to cause a chain reaction.

The civilians who are deported will be the explosive kegs of public opinion in the empire. Even if the empire wants to control public opinion, it will be impossible to block the news. These people are natural rumor makers.

No one feels a sense of belonging to a terrorist organization.

Coupled with the international recognition of the legitimacy of the Jialan Empire, the predecessor of the Jialan Empire was the northern regime of the empire, so that the common people will have a sense of belonging to the Jialan Empire. After all, everyone needs a place to stay, and the Jialan Empire will Be the first choice.

at the same time.

Vega announced that the Jialan Empire and the Holy Dynasty lifted the entry restrictions, and welcomed all merchants and civilians from the empire.

Negative news from across the continent spread like snowflakes to the Empire.

Now the Immortal City is no longer as prosperous as it used to be, and the three powers of the empire have long been battered.

Among them, the diplomats of the government system stationed abroad are all defined as members of terrorist organizations, forcibly detained by various countries, and sold back to the empire with a clearly marked price.In addition, foreign businessmen and civilians were expelled from the country and needed to be received by the empire, which required an astronomical amount of resources.

In order not to further lose popular support, the empire had to spend money to avoid disaster.

At this time, if it spreads out that even diplomats can't protect it, one can imagine how much impact it will have.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Now the domestic public opinion pressure has brought the government system to the brink of collapse, and even the public opinion in the imperial capital has begun to lose control.

The one that was hit hard was the empire's judicial system.

Originally due to the status of the empire, countries dared not speak out about the intelligence system and legal arrests established by the imperial trial system in his country. Now the wall is overthrown by everyone, and the intelligence layout of the trial system abroad has almost been uprooted.

The eyes are darkened, which is the current situation of the empire.

The Imperial Judgment System has been reduced overnight from a world-wide super intelligence organization to a third-rate intelligence organization like Vega's dark group, which is only internal.

Finally there is the army.

The morale of soldiers across the country has been affected by the devastating level.

They originally thought that they were heroes who defended their homes and the country, shouldered the glory and dignity, and were the most glorious existence.Many times they are proud of being imperial soldiers, but what about now?
Member of a terrorist organization.

This is their new name.

Once out of the empire, they are rats crossing the street, a title that makes them confused.

At the foot of the emperor, the political center is like this, let alone the city of war?
In the city of war.

Civilians took to the streets to condemn the actions of the empire.

"Please give us an explanation from the government!"

"We don't want to be part of a terrorist organization!"

"Terrorist organizations get out of the city of war!"


Cavein Dahlberg stood on the commanding heights, his hand trembling with his cigarette.

His lips were purple from the cold, and he muttered to himself: "It's over, it's over, without the support of the common people, once the city wall is breached, all previous plans will not be realized, and these damned commoners will even take the initiative to ask That kid provided the layout and movement of our army... I have already lost this war."

This is Veigar's style of warfare.

Before the war begins, I will announce the end of the war to you in advance.

All you can do next is to struggle to the death, or sit and wait for death.

Kafuin threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and muttered to himself: "Escal, so is this the reason why you would rather not be an admiral than resign from your post? At first I thought it was the place of war that restricted my ability. ability, now it seems that I was too naive, so naive that even I can't help but despise my former self."

That's right.

Kraft thought that the first battle in Warland was due to the thoughtless puppet soldiers who limited his true strength of the Unbreakable Formation. It wasn't until this time when he fought Vega in reality that he realized that he was proud of it. The defensive battle in front of the manipulative devil is just a joke.


He was sentenced to death even before the city defense battle started.

"No matter how powerful the defense ability is, it cannot defend against attacks aimed at the mind."

Kafuyin sighed: "The whole world says that you are the strongest shield of the dynasty, and you can defend the territory of the dynasty with your own strength, but in my opinion, even Ocasus is not as good as you. A single magic may kill tens of thousands of people, but your single decision can bring down a great country."

"Your Excellency Okasos, do you know what the sharpest attack in the world is?"

"What, star magic? Don't be kidding."

Vega and Ocasos stood on the commanding heights overlooking the direction of the city of war. He opened his mouth and said to Ocasos: "Words, and only words, are the sharpest knives in the world. Next, public opinion will crush the empire. We have won the war."

"His Royal Highness is so confident? There are millions of soldiers in the city of war." Okasos was a little disbelieving.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Vega smiled brightly: "I mean, we have already won all the wars against the empire in the future! The Nuolan Empire has already existed in name only in the Jialan Continent, and we are about to become the overlord of the East."

"Your Highness, you, are you joking?"

Okasos looked like he had seen a ghost: "Even if there is no empire, there is still the Principality of Baya and the Holy Dragon Kingdom in the east."

"The Principality of Baya and the Holy Dragon Kingdom?"

"Are you insulting me?"

"A weakened version of the United Kingdom, a small overseas country that has lost consecutive battles?"

Veigar glanced at Okasos, then turned and left with a smile: "I think I need to learn the Western Union language well, and have someone go to Saint Laurent to bring the two female slaves sent by the Liberty League last time." Come here, just take advantage of this interval to throw stones at the empire, and I don't have the slightest psychological burden on such things as taking advantage of the fire."

(End of this chapter)

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