Mage Veja

Chapter 618 Why Fight?

Chapter 618 Why Fight?

A loud bang.

The east wall of the city of war was completely overturned. The Seventh Heavy Armored Division in charge of the city defense attacked more than 7000 people and evaporated directly under the magic of Okasos. The whole city has been exposed under the iron hooves of the dynasty army.

Veigar looked at the imperial phalanxes standing in front of him.

At the moment when the city wall collapsed and the commander died, he saw confusion in the eyes of these soldiers.

As a commander, Veigar certainly understood that this was a sign of losing his fighting spirit, so he announced at this time with a magic loudspeaker device: "Soldiers of the Empire, your city gates have been breached and your commander is dead. Put down now." Your weapons, I will keep you safe."

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

The dynastic army let out a thundering roar, and the huge sound gathered into a sea. Some timid soldiers of the empire were frightened and put down their weapons, but after all, this only occupied a small part.

This is also of course.

Because the commander-in-chief did not announce the end of the war, as soldiers they surrender at this time is tantamount to treason.

"Soldiers, why are you still hesitating?"

Vega knew that the rest of the people just needed an excuse, so he said loudly: "Please see clearly, I am the emperor of the Jialan Empire, and the predecessor of the Jialan Empire was the regime in the north of the empire, and our country is in Kale Nicheng, your surrender is not a sign of treason, because the current empire does not deserve your allegiance, they are an internationally recognized terrorist organization!"

"Everyone, do you want to be a member of a terrorist organization?"

When Veigar's words fell, the phalanx of nearly 20 soldiers near the east gate dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender to Veigar's dynasty army. In less than four hours, Veigar took 20 prisoners.

Coverdale was a company commander in the Seventh Division of the Imperial Army.

He was also a member of the front of the East Gate Formation, but instead of kneeling and surrendering, he took advantage of the most chaotic time when everyone kneeled and surrendered, and fled backwards, and finally fled into the city.

No one pays attention to him.

Because compared to 20 people, he is just a drop in the ocean. Who would pay attention to an ordinary low-level officer?
As for why he didn't surrender like everyone else, but ran away at the risk of his life?

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is the worst choice, because if you surrender, your life will definitely not be in danger, and he also heard that the Jialan Empire lacks troops, and he may become a regular army of the Jialan Empire by then. To deceive oneself with glory and status is to cast aside darkness for light.

But ah-

He didn't want to do that.

Some things are worth holding on to with your life.

When the empire was most prosperous, he was proud of the empire. His status as an officer of the empire allowed him, a useless waste, to hold his head up in front of his relatives and become a respectable existence.

Now the Empire State Building will fall.

Whether it is abroad or at home, the empire under the pressure of public opinion can hardly breathe.

He will never forget that two days ago, an old man smashed an egg on his head and angrily called him a member of a terrorist organization and an accomplice in killing his son.

Empire, indeed, has hit rock bottom.

The wise people have turned from the dark to the bright, left the empire in the trough, and forgotten the glory that the empire gave them in the first place.

He is not smart.

So he will not leave when the empire is at a low ebb, even if the empire has indeed done unforgivable facts, but this is his homeland after all, and the Jialan Empire is just a fake.

He firmly believes in—

The empire will rise again.

The country that gave him glory and dignity will definitely come out of the trough and stand at the center of the Jialan Continent again.

Run away desperately.

Coverdale fled all the way towards the center of the city.

He knew that there was the general headquarters, and the commander-in-chief known as the unbreakable formation was in it.

"If it is that adult, there will be a way."

Coverdale murmured to himself while running: "The current intelligence system is probably paralyzed. I must bring the intelligence from the front to the headquarters so that the commander-in-chief can rearrange the front line."

"He must be able to defeat the enemy."

Coverdale kept hypnotizing himself. In his heart, Kavein was his last straw. For every soldier, a famous general like Kavein was a legendary existence.

He looked forward to it.

In this city of war, a miracle can be born again.

boom boom-

The closer you get to the headquarters, the more pronounced the roar of magic.

Taking this street as a line, there was already a sea of ​​flames ahead. Coverdale knew that his own air force had probably been completely wiped out by the air forces of the Dynasty Army and the Jialan Army. That's why the headquarters suffered such intensive magical bombardment.

In front of him was already a hell of flames.

In the hell, there are ruins and corpses everywhere, and it is already creepy before stepping into it.

go ahead?

Or is it standing still?

Coverdale stepped into it without hesitation. He braved the intensive magic bombardment and kept moving towards the headquarters. Not far in front of him was the headquarters building, where their commander-in-chief and their faith lived.

After going all the way to the headquarters building, what greeted him was not friendly troops, but a flame explosion that fell from the sky.

"Do not!!"

Coverdale roared unwillingly.

Although the explosion missed him, it hit the bull's-eye and hit the command building.This old building also burned at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ferocious flames seemed to laugh at how stupid his efforts were.

"No, we haven't lost yet, we still have a chance."

Coverdale's lips were trembling, and a flash of light flashed in his brain in a panic: "Underground air-raid shelters, such headquarters usually have underground air-raid shelters, and the commander-in-chief must be there."

With final conviction.

Coverdale struggled to find the entrance to the underground bomb shelter.

Hard work paid off, and after ten minutes, he finally found the entrance hidden under the ruins.

"Who! Drop your weapon!"

There was a roar from the entrance.

Coverdale was not frightened, but laughed happily and shed tears: "Your Majesty, Commander of the 2th Company of the 4nd Brigade and 127th Regiment of the [-]th Division, has the latest information from the front line and needs to report to the Commander-in-Chief."

"Thank you for being here, come with me."

As the guard led him in, he said, "We have lost air supremacy, and the coordinates of the general headquarters have been exposed. Now the enemy's air force is carpet-bombing here. We haven't received any news from the front for several hours. gone."

knock knock --

"Report to Commander, the latest battle report from the front line."

"Come in."

A feeble voice came from within.

Unaware of the excitement, Coverdale entered the meeting.

At a glance, the high-spirited commander in the past had loose hair, a cigarette between trembling fingers, and was sitting decadently on a chair. A map of the city of war was placed on the desk in front of him.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief."

Coverdale straightened his back and reported: "The east gate has been destroyed by the enemy's astral mage, and the commander of the east gate city defense army has also died under the astral magic. The 20 defenders of the east gate... have all surrender."

"Oh? Aren't you surrendering?"

A hoarse voice came out of Kafuin's mouth. He didn't seem surprised by the latest battle report, and his face was as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

This made Coverdale's heart sink.

Even if it was anger or sadness, any expression on the commander-in-chief's face would not disturb him. However, the expression on Cavein's face at this time was no different from that of his comrades who surrendered at the East Gate a few hours ago.

That is... the numbness of losing fighting spirit.

Coverdale threw his thoughts to the back of his head. He held the last ray of hope and said firmly, "I am a soldier of the empire. I would rather die than surrender! Please, Commander-in-Chief, lead us to victory. We can still fight!" , we can still win!"

"Lost, already lost."

Kafein laughed loudly: "How can you, a little lieutenant, understand that this war was lost before it started. Lieutenant, go and surrender. I allow you to surrender. As the commander-in-chief Forgive your innocence!"

This was followed by Cavein's desperate laugh.

"The city of war is over, and the empire is also over!"

"No one can save the empire, not me, not you, not anyone!"

"Violence can be controlled for a while, but it cannot be controlled for a lifetime."

Kraft looks crazy.

Lieutenant Coverdale was completely confused at this moment: "Even the commander-in-chief has given up on the city of war and the empire. Now, what am I... fighting for?"

(End of this chapter)

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