Mage Veja

Chapter 619 The end of the war

Chapter 619 The end of the war
"Why am I fighting?"

When the most loyal soldier of the empire involuntarily asked this sentence, it meant that the war was over.

A war that even commanders give up on.

A war not supported by the common people.

Such a war must be impossible to win.

As Kafyn said, the empire is over. From the moment the empire lost the hearts of the people, this war... No, it should be said that all subsequent wars of the empire have been unable to win.

If you are not wrong.

The reason why the empire has not completely collapsed is probably because it relies on violent means to forcibly suppress discordant voices.

Can violence last?
It must be impossible.

It is foreseeable that uprising wars will break out all over the empire.

One wrong step, and everything is lost.

Who would have thought that just because Eskar leaked such a piece of news to Vega in order to repay his kindness, Vega would actually use it to such an extent.

Veigar strode into the City of War.

Where he arrived, the imperial army guarded behind him, and the imperial army lowered their proud heads.

Killed 17 enemies and surrendered 74 troops. Within three days, Vega occupied the city of war. After the north, the northwest of the empire was captured by Vega. Now the territory of the Jialan Empire has doubled, and Nuolan Empire territory reduced by 2/5.

The first light of dawn illuminates the city of war.

Veigar, under the guard of a million troops, came to the ruined command building.

just now.

This land of less than a thousand square meters is the last area occupied by the imperial army, but it has been surrounded by millions of troops.

In the air-raid shelter of the command building.

Lieutenant Coverdale was squatting at the door of the command room, wiping the long cross sword in his hand. There was no sound around him, only the magic lamp, which was dying of life, was flickering on and off.

Apart from him and Kafin in the conference room, there was no one else here.

All the imperial officers and soldiers other than them have walked out of the air-raid shelter one after another within the past few hours and surrendered to the dynasty army. Lieutenant Coverdale did not respond to this anger, because even he didn't know what happened. Why fight, why ask others not to surrender to the dynasty army.

It's just that he doesn't want to give up.

Even though Commander Kafuin has clearly stated that the city of war is over and the empire is also over, he still hopes that the country that once gave him glory can cheer up, as long as he is alive, there is hope, right?
knock knock --

He knocked on the office door, but it didn't open.

Lieutenant Coverdale stood outside the door and said: "Master Commander, it has been quiet outside for a while, and the war must be over, please prepare to retreat from the tunnel, the officer will definitely protect you from the city of war .”

There was still silence.

No one answered Lieutenant Coverdale's words.

"Commander, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

Coverdale repeated the sentence again, but there was still no sound.

Taking a deep breath, Lieutenant Coverdale said loudly, "Commander, since you don't want to leave, I can only take you away by force. Please forgive my rudeness."

Lieutenant Coverdale knocked open the door to the command room.

In his understanding, temporary decadence is nothing, as long as these senior officers are still alive, there is still hope for the future of the empire.Therefore, even if he tried his best, he would flee here with Kafuin, waiting for the day when these senior officers would regain their strength.

Call him stubborn or stupid.

These high-ranking officers are one of the last straws for the empire. Lieutenant Coverdale wants to fight even if there is only a one-hundredth of a millionth hope.


The scene in front of him made him cry like rain.

As a soldier, even if his life was hanging by a thread, he couldn't make him cry, but at this moment he was crying, crying heartbreakingly.

Because before him was a dead body——

The body of General Commander Kafyn Dahlberg.

He committed suicide in the conference room, with a dagger stuck in his heart, and he lay straight on the desk like that. Blood stained the empire's territory red, and he couldn't close his eyes no matter what.


"Why don't you even give me the last glimmer of hope!"

Lieutenant Coverdale dropped the long sword in his hand and cried loudly.

Only at this moment did he realize that the reality was so cold that even the last one-in-a-billion chance was abruptly cut off.

Da da da--

The echo of military boots sounded in the silent air-raid shelter.

Lieutenant Coverdale knew that the enemy had already entered, and the outside was probably surrounded by millions of troops.

City of War is really over.

His fantasy, after all, was ruthlessly shattered.

"Who? Hands up."

There was a shout at the door, and two dynasty soldiers discovered Coverdale.

It's time to surrender.

Coverdale slowly raised his hands.

But as a human being, even if you can deceive yourself and persuade yourself to give up struggling, your beating heart will never accept such a cold reality.

"Struggle again."

Coverdale suddenly picked up the lost cross sword, turned around and rushed towards the hole on the right.

That dark hole is the tunnel for escape. Every senior officer's command room has such a hole, so that the commander-in-chief has a chance to escape when he is surrounded by beheading troops.

Coverdale doesn't want to give up just yet.

He still wanted to struggle once more: "If the top management of the empire betrays my hope, then I will lead the empire back to its peak. With such a heart that wants to see the empire rise again, it is not inferior to you so-called famous generals in the world!"

A lieutenant named Coverdale escaped.

A few minutes later, Veigar received such a message, but it didn't attract his attention, his attention was completely attracted by the dead Kafuin.

"Oh, why bother to get this field?"

After reading it, Veigar turned and left the command room.

Veigar has never been able to understand this kind of foolish loyalty that would rather die than surrender. If it were him, he would have knelt down and surrendered. With his status as a general, as long as he chooses to surrender, there is probably no country that will not accept it.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, Veigar doesn't despise this kind of behavior.

On the contrary, Veigar felt sincere admiration for such an act of courage to die for loyalty.

"Let's start rebuilding the city."

Seeing the end of the battle in the City of War, Vega issued an order: "The focus of the reconstruction work is to appease the emotions of the civilians and compensate them for their losses. In addition, I need the 80 imperial troops who surrendered to serve me."

After ordering.

Veigar looked in the direction of the empire with very tired eyes and muttered to himself: "The war has been fought so far, and I can finally have some leisure time. I guess it will be enough to just sit and wait for the empire to fall apart?"

(End of this chapter)

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