Mage Veja

Chapter 740

Chapter 740
"What did you say?"

Foster looked at the intelligence officer in disbelief: "Our army retreated to the bank of the Dunk River under the counterattack of the rebels, and was almost beaten back to the south bank? Are you sure you're not joking about this kind of thing?"

"My lord, commander-in-chief, forgive me."

The intelligence officer wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "The enemy has changed his straight-forward fighting style and started street fighting with us. Since our army has just arrived and is not familiar with the city, it has suffered a big loss. I believe that when our army is ready , the second attack will definitely be able to take down the rebels."

"There's no need to argue for them."

Foster snorted and said, "Why are you unfamiliar with the place? It is obvious that the frontline officers don't understand the concept of street fighting, so they are led by the nose by the enemy. These lazy people who refuse to learn and make progress should be sent to military schools. Reboot."

scold to scold.

In Foster's heart, he was so shocked that it was difficult to attach.

It would not be surprising if the high-ranking generals of the empire were able to fight street battles, because Veigar's combat methods had been thoroughly understood now, but it was the rebel army who had no combat concept who used this strategy.

Is this too abnormal?
Foster had an ominous premonition in his heart. He always felt that there was an invisible hand intervening in this war. The most frightening thing was that the enemy was in the dark and he was in the light. He didn't know the enemy's combat style, and the enemy But know him well.

"Is it really Vega Saint Laurent?"

"No, no, the support troops of the Jialan Army have not yet arrived."

Foster frowned, still unable to think of the key.

As a person in this world, his inertial thinking is still stuck in the idea that the reinforcements must be the army, and it is impossible to imagine that Coverdale would suddenly want to borrow Vega to command the war.He couldn't even guess that not only Vega was here, but even his old opponent Hausmann was here.After all, even Vega had never seen Coverdale's way of asking for help in his life, and he was surprised.

It is this that has never been figured out.

This made Foster get into a dead end, no matter what, he couldn't figure out why.

Foster understands very well that wars are always a matter of small margins and thousands of miles away. If you can't figure out what happened in the rebel army, it is very likely that you will eventually fail because of this variable.

"Major General."

Foster looked at the intelligence officer: "Whether you are intimidating or luring, I want you to use all means to find out exactly what has changed in the rebel army in these few days."

"Even if the intelligence department is wiped out?"

The intelligence officer took a deep breath and asked.

Foster gave a very affirmative answer: "That's right, even if the intelligence department is wiped out!"

"I see."

The intelligence officer saluted Foster, and strode out of the room.

After all, Foster is Foster. Without knowing what happened to the rebel army, he chose to stand still and display the army on the bank of the Dunk River, guarding the bridges and ships, without any further steps.

at the same time.

At the meeting of the rebel army on the third day, several officers reported: "Master General, we have captured a large number of imperial intelligence personnel in the past three days, and the imperial army has been standing still for three days. May I ask what the hell they are doing? Did the failure last time really scare them?"

Housman did not answer the question.

He looked around every seat in the meeting room, and then pointed to the last vacant seat and said, "I remember that position is that of Deputy Division Commander Grange. Does anyone of you know why he was absent from the meeting today?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one could answer.

"Oh, I made a mistake."

Hausmann rubbed his temples: "Deputy Commander Granger has probably encountered an accident, and my existence has been exposed. The next war seems to be a bit difficult. The plan of street fighting has failed, and now we will start hiding soldiers among the people." Guerrilla warfare."

It was indeed a mistake.

He didn't expect Foster's sense of smell to be so sensitive, and immediately sent a large number of intelligence personnel. Although the last public opinion war had almost wiped out the enemy's intelligence department, his existence had obviously been exposed.

With his identity exposed.

It is obviously impossible to use street fighting to delay the imperial army.

Because Foster can use his hands and feet to counter the street fighting with his hands and feet, instead of being restrained like facing Vega, because Foster has no fear of Housman at all.

But luckily.

Foster only knew that he was in the Rebels, but he didn't know that Veigar was here too.

"Master General."

When Housman was worried, an officer asked questioningly: "Street fighting has clearly achieved great results. May I ask why you want to cancel this plan, can you not use this plan to continue to contain the enemy?"

"It doesn't work anymore."

Housman shook his head and said: "Foster is still a little ink, he dare not act rashly when I am in the dark, but when I am exposed to his vision, he dares to advance the front line with confidence. "

"I think it's better to try again?"

Several officers looked at Housman: "What if it is still feasible?"

The rebels who had tasted the sweetness obviously did not believe that street fighting would not work, and insisted on continuing to try.

Is this... disobedience?
Housman was taken aback for a moment, apparently the situation was beyond his expectation.

So what to do next?
If you thought he was about to throw a tantrum, you'd be wrong.

Although a little trick or a rage may make these people obey, so that the rebel army will not die too many people, but this is the rebel army.

What did it matter to him how many people the rebels lost?
As long as Vega and Coverdale can take down the granary, the imperial army will naturally need to retreat. Before that, he doesn't care even if these officers kill all the troops. Anyway, his task is just to let the imperial army retreat.

"Since you insist, then please take responsibility."

Housman has mastered the means of politicians, and he puts aside all responsibilities when he comes up.

Of course these people will have no opinion.

They quickly assured Housman: "Please rest assured, General, these are all our own decisions and have nothing to do with you, but if the plan is still valid, please ask the general to say a few words in front of the leader."

"Of course."

Housman smiled friendly.

As a result, the main force of the rebel army continued to carry out street fighting around commanding heights, large buildings, and traffic arteries.

At this time, Vega and Coverdale finally led the army to the granary——

The lower reaches of the Dunk River, a small town in Jersey.

(End of this chapter)

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