Mage Veja

Chapter 741

Chapter 741
Jersey town.

This place is located in the lower reaches of the Danke River. Due to the convenient land and water transportation, the imperial army first captured this city after entering the northwest to stockpile war supplies.

Veigar and Coverdale had reached here with a reinforced brigade.

After arriving here, Veigar did not rush to attack the small town of Jersey, but sent a large number of reconnaissance troops, and began to investigate the situation in the city, as well as the location of the army and warehouse.

Because the imperial army never thought that the rebel army with a straightforward combat style would raid their rear, the defense of the entire small city was actually not that strong, and the reconnaissance troops on the rebel side even got the information without losing a single person.

"Report to the leader."

The scouting captain reported to Coverdale: "There is about a legion of 3.4 defenders in the city, 2 of the defenders are distributed among the four city gates, and 1.4 soldiers are responsible for the defense of the warehouse. Reorganized high-level armed forces."

"Although the enemy army is relaxed, it seems that it is not easy to complete the task with ease."

Coverdale looked at the full map of the small town of Jersey given by the intelligence agent and said to Vega: "The warehouse is the closest to the east gate, and there are 5000 defenders at the east gate. This is the first line of defense we must break through no matter what. If it is taken by surprise, it is not difficult to take down the first line of defense, but..."

Just like Coverdale's concerns.

In the case of surprise, the enemy has no time to prepare, so it is not difficult to break into the city.

The real difficulty is that once a war starts at the East Gate, the defenders in other places will move upon hearing the news. When they arrive near the warehouse, they will probably not face the 1.4 defenders, but the entire Jersey City defenders of up to 3 .

It is almost impossible to defeat a standard army with a reinforced brigade.

This is absolute crushing in terms of strength.

Even if people didn't notice that you went around to the rear, their impromptu counterattack could knock you down.

"Your Majesty, can we adopt a strategy of smacking east and west?"

It seems that he has been deeply influenced by Hausman these days, and his foundation is seriously lacking. However, Coverdale, who is quite capable of learning, asked Vega this question.

From Coverdale's point of view, the enemy is now in the dark.

Once an army attacks one of them, the enemy commander probably won't think too much when the situation is critical, and will mobilize the defenders from various places to the side of the feint attack, so that their main force can take advantage of it.

The idea is of course good, and it has the possibility of success.

But Veigar gave a negative answer.

He analyzed to Coverdale: "No matter how you attack east and west, it can't change the fact that our troops are less than 1.4 people. The enemy will be affected by your attack east and west. Only the four guards will be affected. The 5000 soldiers near the warehouse will definitely not move a step. At that time, your 1.4 or so troops will fight against the [-] elite soldiers of the empire, which is tantamount to asking for a dead end."

"How should this be?"

"We must not divide our forces."

Vega calmly analyzed: "With only [-] troops, we must concentrate all our forces in one place to have a chance of survival. Therefore, what we need to think about is how to break through the first line of defense without threatening others. "

"how can that be?"

Coverdale immediately vetoed: "The soldiers of the empire are not blind, how could they let us enemies into the city?"

"Of course it is impossible for the imperial army to let the enemy enter the city..."

Veigar pulled a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "But what if we are allies?"


Coverdale thought Veigar was joking: "No matter how stupid the Imperial Army is, it's impossible for them to treat us as allies... right?"

"My lord, have you ever heard of the phrase "borrowing a dead body to revive the soul?"

Look at Veigar's smile.

Coverdale suddenly became a little uncertain.


Time came to the sixth day.

Veigar and Coverdale waited for six days outside the small town of Jersey without making a move.

Although Veigar and Coverdale did not move a single step in these six days, Veigar has obtained vital information through these six days.

First of all.

A temporary air port was built in the small town of Jersey, but it seems that because Hausmann put tremendous pressure on Foster, the Air Corps was transferred to the city of war and has not yet returned.

Lost war airship formations.

The only way for the imperial army to transport supplies is by land.

According to Vega's observations in the past six days, an average of three days, a logistics force of about 7000 people came from the city of war to the small town of Jersey to get supplies.Among them, there are 3000 logistics soldiers responsible for transportation, and another 4000 people are a reinforced regiment responsible for protecting the safety of the transportation team.

of course.

The reason why there is only one reinforced regiment of guards is because the fewer the number of people, the faster the marching speed. One delivery of supplies can't drag a standard division as the guard.

What's more, this escort group is not aimed at the rebels.

They are only deployed to prevent refugees and robbers from attacking the garrison. To deal with those people, a reinforced regiment is enough.

Veigar set his sights on this transport team.

He led his troops to set up an ambush along the way. Based on the time calculation, tomorrow's rotating transport team will pass by this national road. I'm afraid they never dreamed that there would be a rebel army ambushing here on a safe transport route.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon the next day.

Today is a cloudy and rainy day. Although this kind of weather is extremely unfavorable for marching and fighting, it can effectively prevent the enemy from probing, so it is undoubtedly beneficial for the ambush side.

"The Imperial Army is coming."

From the high places on both sides of the small canyon, Coverdale saw the traces of the Imperial Army.

"Leader, prepare to start the battle."

Coverdale nodded: "Your Majesty, please wait here for my good news."

Veigar watched Coverdale leave, and he continued to stay at this commanding height, observing the entire battle situation.

Getting closer.

Through the telescope, Veigar could clearly see that the imperial army was not vigilant at all.

Some professionals and magicians of the Imperial Army didn't know whether it was out of vanity, or because they really didn't want to let the rain wet their clothes, they kept turning on the magic defense to resist the invasion of rain, and the officers seemed to have no intention of stopping it.

Although magic power defense does not consume much magic power.

But along the way, it is inevitable to consume 1/3 of the mana.

The price of carelessness is undoubtedly heavy.

When the imperial army entered the range of the magic strike, the mages of the rebel army first opened a round of magic strike.

boom boom-

The fire element was roaring crazily, and even the dripping rainwater was evaporated.

The imperial army didn't check for a while, and was beaten dizzy. The whole team was like a headless chicken, and they couldn't even find out from which direction the rebel army launched their attack.

(End of this chapter)

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