Mage Veja

Chapter 788 Coincidence

Chapter 788 Coincidence
Holy Dragon Kingdom, the capital of Redesa City.

This was originally the capital of the Kingdom of the Clouds, but after the Kingdom of the Clouds was destroyed, it became the capital of the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

The meeting hall of the Royal Palace of Redsa City.

The Holy Dragon King sat on the throne, and Augustus stood in front of him.

The current Holy Dragon Kingdom is no better than it was back then. The elite troops and most of the young generals have returned to the overseas Dragon Islands. Now those who stay here are old people who have no future. The only one who can discuss things among these people is Aogu. Stass.

"What do you think about this summit of nations?"

The Holy Dragon King asked frowningly, obviously worried about being forced to attend the meeting this time.

From the beginning to the end, he believed that the blood of the sub-dragon race was supreme, but this time he was severely taught by the Freedom Alliance. Not only did he lose [-] direct troops, but he was also forced to participate in the meeting. How can he not be angry.

The sub-dragon species who don't know what compromise is, when did they suffer such grievances?
"For the present plan, we can only stop the war."

Augustus sighed: "Western countries are united. With our current strength, we can't win at all. There are only two roads before us. Either choose to cease fighting and develop, or choose to oppose self-destruction."

"Is there no other way?"

The Holy Dragon King is obviously not willing to compromise with the nations. Although the truce can tidy up the internal affairs and develop well for a period of time, it is only a low-speed development. I am used to the high-speed development path of fighting to support war, so how can I calm down and cultivate my health.

Shenglong Kingdom does not have so much time to delay.

"Your Majesty, there is no way."

Augustus said: "What we are afraid of is just the various arms of the Freedom Alliance. If we form an alliance with any force, and the other side helps us hold down the Freedom Alliance, we don't have to fear the threat of the Western countries."

"You mean... the Principality of Baya?"

The Holy Dragon King saw the key at a glance: "If you form an alliance with the Principality of Baya, let him contain the Freedom Alliance, and I will deal with the Gundy City State, then other countries are just a joke. What else can they do besides head-to-head? Speaking of head-to-head, we sub-dragons are afraid of mere human troops?"

Want to understand this.

The Holy Dragon King stood up excitedly: "Commander of the Augustus Legion, we will immediately go to the Principality of Baya and form an alliance with them to oppose this armistice agreement. The nations compromise!"

That's right.

From the beginning to the end, the Holy Dragon King never thought of supporting the armistice agreement.

This was the only point Vega didn't see clearly about the situation.

Because Veigar underestimated the pride of the sub-dragons in their bloodlines. Their bloodlines came from the supreme dragons. When the dragons disappeared into the dust of history, they had long thought that they were the most noble race.

But what about now?
The mere alien race tried to use brute force to make them compromise, which made the proud sub-dragon species agree.

Therefore, by coincidence, without Vega's persuasion, the Holy Dragon King had the intention of forming an alliance with the Principality of Baya, but Augustus believed that it was not enough to form an alliance with the Principality of Baya. He raised a point that he was worried about .

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty thinks there is still a little doubt."

Augustus frowned and said: "Judging from the current situation, the Jialan Empire has just acquired the territory of the Old Kingdom, and now they have a half chance of choosing to stop expanding. Because he is the number one military power, As long as he does not launch wars against other countries, almost no forces dare to provoke them, and they have plenty of time to stand firm and advance step by step."

It looks really powerful to support war with war.

But this method is only used by countries that are driven to a dead end, because taking too many steps means that the foundation is unstable.

Racial conflicts, cultural discrimination, currency circulation, language exchanges...

Every time a new place is occupied, these collisions will continue to deepen. Now the Principality of Baya and the Holy Dragon Kingdom are only using force to force down these disharmonious factors. The deeper the pressure, the greater the rebound.

So supporting war with war is like walking a tightrope.

Either become a hegemonic country and then slowly mediate conflicts, or be trapped internally and externally and collapse instantly.

Therefore, for the Jialan Empire, there is no need to use this rapid expansion method at all. In the absence of natural enemies, stopping and fighting steadily is the best strategy. This is why Augustus believes that Vega will support the truce s reason.

Once the Jialan Kingdom chooses to cease fighting.

The Nuolan Empire, which has just ended its civil strife, will of course support the truce.

When the two countries stand up against the armistice, it will not only annoy the western countries, I am afraid that the empire and the Jialan country will have deep opinions on them, and maybe the whole world will unite to wipe out these two evils first. Harmonious sound.

Against the world?
Shenglong Kingdom is not Jialan Kingdom.

The Holy Dragon King thinks that he does not have the guts to make an enemy of the world. Even if he drags the Principality of Baya as an ally, the Jialan Kingdom will not take action against them, and they dare not do so.Because the empire is still watching, a lean camel is bigger than a horse after all.

"Augustus, any other good ideas?"

The Holy Dragon King, who was still quite excited before, sat back in his seat, and now he was forced into a dead end again.

"Your Majesty, please be calm."

Augustus said confidently: "First of all, you must understand that the Jialan Empire has divine mages. Whether you choose to stop the war or not, it is just a dead letter to him. That is to say, as long as we can pay enough At this price, we can win Jialan Country into the camp that opposes the truce."

The Holy Dragon King suddenly realized.

If the support of the Jialan country can be obtained, the truce agreement will definitely not be signed. At this stage, no country dares to provoke the Jialan country, which has a divine mage.Although the empire has always declared that there is no divine mage in Jialan country, who would dare to bet?

The goal of the Holy Dragon King is clear.

First obtain the friendship of the Principality of Baya, and then find a way to impress Vega and form the Triple Alliance to oppose the armistice agreement.

If you want to drink water, someone just digs a well.

Just when the Holy Dragon King was about to contact the Principality of Baya, a guard came in and reported to the Holy Dragon King: "Report Your Majesty, the King of the Principality of Baya and the King of the Jialan Empire request to meet with you."

"Can you say that again?"

The Holy Dragon King and Augustus looked at each other and nodded tacitly.

"Sure enough, everyone is not a fool."

The Holy Dragon King and Augustus walked towards the door. The alliance seems to be a matter of course. When the three countries sit at the summit of the nations, the truce agreement may not be signed.

But how could other forces not pay attention to such a big move?
Although he did not dare to assassinate Veigar before the meeting started.

However, as soon as Vega stepped out of the Jialan Mountains, his whereabouts were fully exposed. However, the Western countries seemed not to care about the three countries that were about to form an alliance, and they did not intend to interfere with it, as if they had already planned it out.

(End of this chapter)

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