Mage Veja

Chapter 789

Chapter 789
Western countries really don't care whether the three countries form an alliance.

The first reason is that the Freedom Alliance and the Gundy City State themselves disdain the two emerging countries, the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the Baya Principality, and look down on them from the bottom of their hearts.Coupled with the victory of the last war, this trend of contempt will naturally intensify.

Even if the two countries really join hands.

Whether it is the Gundy City State or the Freedom Alliance, they are sure to lead the Western Allied Forces to annihilate these two forces together.

So it was Veigar they really cared about.

If these two countries join hands with the Jialan Nation to oppose the armistice agreement, then the meeting may break up unhappy.

So here I have to mention the second reason to reassure them.

Gangti City-State has always known that there are no divine mages in the Jialan Empire, and they were the first to tell the news to the Liberty Alliance, which is also the center of the West, but they have not officially announced it to other forces.

But it's also conceivable.

If the news that there is no divine mage in the Jialan country is spread, although it will not cause the Jialan country to fall to the throne of the number one military power, it will be enough to reduce the influence of the Jialan country.

Especially what will the other two countries that are allied with Vega think of the Jialan country?

I'm afraid that I will more or less lose the confidence to persevere.

In other words, Gundy City State is actually ready to reveal the truth and expose the war species.At that time, under the threat of the magic of the gods, the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the Principality of Baya will eventually compromise with them and announce their support for the armistice agreement.

Once the two countries compromise, will the Jialan Kingdom dare to act presumptuously?

The Jialan Kingdom without divine mages might not be enough to scare the whole world.

On the contrary, the city-state of Gundy, which controls the war species, became the center of the meeting.

It can be said that whoever has the war species in his hands is equivalent to controlling the nuclear threat. Facing the threat of 'nuclear weapons', it is estimated that no one dares to stand up and sing the opposite, not even the Jialan Empire.

This is why Gundy City State is at ease.

They even looked forward to the alliance of the three countries, and then waited for the day when the meeting was officially held, in front of the leaders of the world, let Vega's two allies bow their heads, completely isolated Vega, and frustrated the spirit of the Jialan country .

The Triple Alliance collapsed.

An armistice agreement is signed.

It is foreseeable that there will never be another war in ten years.

Taking advantage of these ten years, Gundy City State believes that the western countries that have enough experience will improve their military to a higher level.

When the war resumes, even if there is still some gap with the Holy Dragon Kingdom, Baya Principality, Jialan Kingdom and other countries, it is estimated that they will not be completely beaten on the ground like now, and they will not show up with the Freedom Alliance or even fight back There is no room for it.

"Report Your Majesty."

A knight in white interrupted Pope Andrews Eddington's thoughts: "The kings of Jialan Kingdom, Holy Dragon Kingdom, and Baya Principality have arrived."

"Sure enough, we got together."

"As expected."

The King of the Liberal League, Strachey Fogerton, said: "Let them be happy for a few more days, and let them know who is the last laugher when the meeting starts. But before that, we still Meet them first, so as not to fall into the etiquette of the host of our meeting."

Under the proposal of King Strachey of the Alliance.

The two went out together and met the three Vega who had secretly formed an alliance.

"Thank you very much for participating in this meeting."

The two host countries expressed their gratitude to the three of Vega, and then entered into a fruitless exchange of pleasantries.

After exchanging greetings for a long time, Strachey Fogerton, the king of the Freedom Alliance, said intentionally or unintentionally: "Congratulations, the three of you can come together, it seems that you have let go of your hatred. Thank you very much for your contribution to world peace." contribution."

No expression of embarrassment.

King Strachey Foggleton of the Liberal League uttered these words.

Because even a fool knows that there is an irreconcilable conflict between the Jialan Kingdom and the Shenglong Kingdom. This contradiction is infinitely higher than the hatred of killing one's father or taking one's wife.

So when Strachey said this, he was just probing.

The other party obviously wanted to find out whether the three countries stood in the position of supporting the armistice agreement, or would they oppose the armistice agreement at the meeting, because Vega did have a 50.00% chance of supporting the armistice, after all, Jialan also needs peaceful development time.

Veigar was well aware of the temptation of the Freedom Alliance.

He didn't mind expressing his position in advance before the meeting. This was for the purpose of firming up his position and reassuring the Principality of Baya and the Holy Dragon Kingdom, so that they would not be suspicious of each other before the meeting started and would be taken advantage of by the other party.

"I wonder if His Majesty Strachey has made a mistake."

Weijia pretended to stay away from the Holy Dragon King and said: "The hatred between our country and the Holy Dragon Kingdom is irreconcilable. Even if I promise to let go of the hatred, my trillions of people will not agree. I think the Holy Dragon Kingdom also thinks so. Yes."

"Of course!"

The Holy Dragon King snorted and said, "A truce is absolutely impossible. If anyone wants to propose world peace at this meeting, I, the Holy Dragon Kingdom, will be the first to stand up and oppose it."


Not to be outdone, Grand Duke Baya said righteously, "Peace under the hatred of the country and the family is the most hypocritical peace. I don't think any fool would think that this kind of peace can last forever."

The three of them sang together.

It is not true to say that the Liberty Alliance and the Gundy City State are blocked, and the atmosphere is extremely embarrassing.

"I think you'll change your minds."

Pope Andrews Eddington of Gundy City State smiled, looked at Vega meaningfully, and said such a sentence, and then left with King Strachey of the Freedom Alliance.

"The Pope."

Confusion appeared in Veigar's eyes: "What did his last sentence mean?"

Although both the Holy Dragon King and the Grand Duke Baya regarded the pope's last words as cruel words for the loser to leave the field. Generally speaking, such cruel words have no meaning and are just a fig leaf, but Vega felt something was wrong.

Sense of words and emotions is Veigar's forte.

That confident tone, the eyes that look like a clown performing, are completely different from the other person——

King Strachey of the Free League.

At that time, the angry expression that Stress showed because of his helplessness was the most suitable expression for the situation at that time.

So there's nothing wrong with that.

That sentence is definitely not the words for the loser to leave the stage, but the confident words of a confident person.

Because of that sentence, Vega became vigilant.

He rejected the invitation of the Holy Dragon King and Grand Duke Baya to have dinner together, returned to the residence alone, and began to carefully speculate on the strength of the Gundy City State for this meeting. He firmly believed that there was something he had overlooked.

(End of this chapter)

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