Mage Veja

Chapter 82 True Mage Shield

Chapter 82 True Mage Shield

If one word were to be used to describe Veigar's situation, it would be more appropriate than "at the end of the mountain".

The exhausted right hand, the dull body, and the hoarseness of the voice made it difficult to even stand up. The strike of a level 5 trainee using a combat skill let him, a level 4 trainee who couldn't even afford a combat skill, know What is the crushing of strength.

He has tried his best.

Relying on the surprise of the mage's shield, he almost killed three professionals of the Kingdom Army and was promoted to a level 1 magician.

But he overestimated the strength of his teammates and underestimated the horror of the enemy.

The final result was that he was at the end of his rope, and now he couldn't do anything other than wait for death, because he was under such a heavy attack, it would be a problem for him to kill a level 2 trainee in his current state.

Stand up with difficulty.

Veigar held a short knife and planned to struggle once before dying.

Because as long as you still have the strength to breathe, it proves that you haven't exhausted your strength.

But something unexpected happened to Veigar.

Although he was severely attacked and almost lost his combat power, the five professionals on the other side did not attack, but stood in the distance and locked their eyes on Veiga.

Goss Leviathan held a long sword and was about to walk towards Veigar when he was stopped by another level 4 trainee professional: "Commander Goss, you can't be wrong, that is indeed the sign of a mage, the symbol of a mage shield."

Another level 3 professional echoed: "Commander Goss, please be careful. Although your blow seems to have a great effect, it cannot be ruled out that it is a trick of the magician."

"Magicians have always been known for being mysterious. I think it's safer for us to go together." The third-level apprentice professional raised the long sword, obviously quite afraid of Vega, because compared to a professional, a professional is like an ordinary person against a professional. .

This is the evil name of the magician outside.

Just lighting up a sign is enough to make the professionals below the lower ranks panic.

Veigar is not a real mage, and even the mage's shield is a counterfeit version, but just because of a simple mage's logo, all the professionals are frightened.

Still, Goss Leviathan was clearly unafraid.

With a wave of his hand, he brushed away the few people who stopped him: "I once confronted the mage in the army. He asked me to do 3 moves, but after 3 moves, his mage's shield didn't even show a crack. Compared to that Master Mage's Mage Shield, this kid's Mage Shield is just a joke, I don't believe he is a powerful magician."

Da da da--

Goss Leviathan is approaching.

But the professionals behind him took a step back instead. Professionals' fear of magicians penetrated into their bones, and even lower-level professionals were not interested in the next-level magician.

Seeing Goss Leviathan approaching, Veigar took advantage of the other party's conversation, and Veigar, who had recovered some strength, clenched the dagger in his right hand again. At the same time, his spiritual power drove the magic power, and the mage's shield condensed again.

"Combat Technique Double Strike."

Goss Leviathan repeated his old trick, once again using combat skills to destroy Veigar's mage shield, and then rammed towards Veigar unabated.

This time, Veigar's body was directly sent flying several meters away, and even flew to the side of the half-conscious Lalba.


A mouthful of blood spit out.

Veigar's body is already covered with scars, judging from his current condition, the chance of surviving the next blow is less than one in ten thousand.

And at this time.

Goss Leviathan was already walking towards Veigar with a long sword in his hand.

Not only Goss Leviathan, but the remaining 4 trainees also decided that Vega was not a real magician because of Goss Leviathan's blow, so they calmed down and swarmed in Vega's direction.

There is no escape.

Fight and can't win.

Veigar watched the opponent continue to move forward, feeling extremely bitter in his heart.


Just then, an abrupt voice came.

The voice came from none other than Lalba, who was half unconscious.

Judging from his painful expression, it seemed that he was about to wake up, but there was no difference between him waking up and not waking up, because he was only a second-level trainee professional.

A second-level trainee professional.

Not even the ability to resist the opponent for a second.

"and many more."

A flash of light flashed through Veigar's brain.

Although there is not much difference between one more second-level apprentice professional and one less second-level apprentice professional, Lalba is also a professional after all, and professional...

kill him!

A flicker of madness flashed in Veigar's eyes.

Killing friendly troops may be incomprehensible to ordinary people, and may even be cast aside.

But Vega had no choice, because if he didn't kill Lalba to advance to the first-level magician, then both he and Lalba would die, even the imperial soldiers who were still fighting.

However, as long as Lalba is killed, Vega can be promoted to a level 1 trainee magician.

Although Lalba died at that time, he had a chance to survive. Not only him, but even the army had a chance to survive a large part of the people.

That being the case, there is no need to hesitate.

Veigar tore off the video crystal from his chest, crushed it, and then raised the short knife in his hand.


The knife hit the heart, and Lalba suddenly opened his eyes before dying.

The beating heart experienced the touch of the cold knife tip for the first time. He knew that his vitality was passing away, and he even knew the end when he was defeated by a move, but he did not expect that it was not the enemy who killed him, but ...

Veigar drew out his dagger without hesitation.

It was this that completely killed Lalba.

Lalba's brain could no longer function, and he eventually lost his breath of life.

Crane-like bright red arterial blood spurted out, flushing the pallor of his cheeks, Veigar looked like a bloodthirsty devil walking from hell, he actually smiled so brilliantly from an angle that ordinary people couldn't understand.


He is not the protagonist of a novel at all.

If it is to be written as a novel, then he must be synonymous with villains.

Because the hero of modern novels is a greedy person who wants women, brothers, and save the world. He has no right to be greedy, and the end of greed will only make him die faster. Generally, sacrifice a teammate to gain the right to live.

The last wave of mental power flowed into his brain, and he completed the promotion—level 1 magician.

The chaotic brain became clear, the 180-degree viewing angle became 360-degree, the control over the body and magic power reached an unprecedented height, and most importantly...


The mage's shield condensed again.

The translucent light black shield was twice the size of the original one, and the mysterious runes were embedded around it. Although the magic power paid out was more than ten times that of the original one, Veigar felt the indestructible defense power from it.

This is the real mage shield.

It's the mage's hallmark, the professional's nightmare.

Then, it's time to sound the horn of counterattack.

(End of this chapter)

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