Mage Veja

Chapter 83 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 83 Remaining life after catastrophe
Kill teammates?
Goss Leviathan couldn't understand and act.

Not only Goss Leviathan, but even Du Swell and other professionals who were paying attention here couldn't understand Veigar's sudden strike.

Although the level 2 trainee professional has lost his combat effectiveness.

But no matter how stupid a teammate is, he must be useful, not to mention that the only one he can rely on on the battlefield is his comrade-in-arms. The sudden killing of his comrade-in-arms made it impossible for everyone to understand Vega's true thoughts.

Create a reason for him without a reason.

For example, when a person is in a desperate situation, it is possible to do some unreasonable behaviors.

Goss Leviathan and a group of professionals took it for granted that Veigar was classified as a 'lunatic'. Since the enemy had already gone mad, there was no need for any fear, and they rushed forward with all their strength.

Goss Leviathan's move came first.

But Veigar's mage's shield seemed to have eyes, and it accurately blocked this move.


A muffled sound echoed.

This time, the mage's shield was not broken like the previous few times, not even a single crack appeared. Instead, Goss Leviathan was pushed several meters away by the huge reaction force of his combat skills before slowing down.

What's happening here?
Goss Leviathan's jaw hurt while holding the long sword, and he looked at Veigar in disbelief.

At this moment, he recalled the battle with the mage in the army.

The current situation is simply a replica of the battle at that time——

The mysterious magician, the impenetrable mage's shield, and then... weird and terrifying magic.

at the same time.

The attacks of the remaining four professionals also came from behind.

One in front, one to the left, one to the right, and the last level 4 trainee professional rushed behind Vega.

Facing the attacks from all directions, Veigar didn't move. He only felt that the mental power in his brain split into four strands, carrying a large amount of magic power and converging into four mage shields, which blocked the attacks of the four people respectively.

bang bang bang-

A series of iron knocking sounds came, and Veigar completely withstood the siege of the four professionals without even raising the dagger to defend, and his mage shield didn't even show a single crack.

Of course it's not without side effects.

Split from one mage's shield into four sides, the mental power and magic power he paid also quadrupled.

If he continues to consume like this, I am afraid that sooner or later he will become an ordinary person due to the massive consumption of magic power and mental power.

Time to fight back.

Veigar blocked the attack of the four for a moment, and quickly launched a counterattack before the opponent's first round of offensive was withdrawn.


The short knife drives the wind.

The head of a third-level trainee professional has been moved.

The influx of mental power not only offset the previous consumption, but also instantly restored Veigar to its peak state.

As for magic?

The friendly forces on the battlefield are continuously feeding him with magic power. Although he can't advance to level 5 trainee professional in a short time, it is more than enough to cope with the consumption of the current battle.

Veigar looked at the remaining four professionals.

It was this simple glance that made the opponent not only not attack again, but took a step back.

they are...


Yes, it is fear.

One of the second-level trainees even trembled slightly with his right hand holding the long sword. If it wasn't for the order of his superiors, he might have already made the fact of running away.

"Commander Goss, what do we do now?"

After losing three professionals in a row, everyone was already thinking of quitting, and they turned their attention to Goss.

Because only Goss has the highest strength here, and he is the company commander of the elite troops, so he is usually the person with the highest voice in the battalion except the battalion commander Du Swell.

Goss Leviathan did not speak.

His eyes were full of hesitation, the blow just now clearly made him feel the indestructible attribute of the real mage shield, but Veigar's performance did not look like a magician at all, because magicians are not masochists, how could it be possible It doesn't make sense to stand up and make you vomit blood first, and then start to fight back.

Common sense?

Goss Leviathan doesn't know that common sense doesn't apply to Veigar at all.

Seeing that several professionals from the Royal Army did not attack, Vega raised his dagger and launched an offensive towards the remaining four professionals, because the horn of counterattack had already sounded.

in his eyes.

These four professionals have been reduced from hunters to prey, and now he is the real hunter, because he is very sure that the opponent can't break his defense at all, and not breaking the defense means that he is invincible.

"Not good, defend quickly."

Goss Leviathan let out an exclamation, and then faced Veigar with a long sword in his hand.

The other three people came to their senses at the same time, but what they did was not to help Goss resist Veigar together, but to hold weapons and be timid, not daring to step forward.

"These bastards."

Goss Leviathan cursed on the spot.

But he was already on top, so he could only use all his strength to concentrate on fighting the enemy. After all, Vega's attack could break his defense.

Bang bang bang.

The battle between Veigar and Goss Leviathan officially begins.

Gothleviathan used combat skills to fight against the enemy, and generally observed Veigar's fighting style.

The final conclusion is that Veigar does not know any magic, but he also cannot break Veigar's mage shield, which means that Veigar is a professional who has just been promoted to a magician and has not yet learned magic.

After thinking about this, he immediately shouted: "Don't be dazed, he is a professional who has just been promoted to a magician, and he doesn't know how to use magic for the time being, let's do it together, exhausting his mental power and magic power We won."

Hear the words of Goss Leviathan.

The other three finally got up their courage and jointly launched an attack on Veigar.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. With allies continuously replenishing Vega's magic power, and killing low-level professionals to replenish his mental power, he was not consumed to death as Goss Leviathan imagined, but became more and more powerful. Beat the spirit.

The battle lasted for half an hour.

Goss Leviathan has exhausted most of his mana due to his continuous use of combat skills, and another level 4 trainee is also in danger. As for the level 2 trainee and 3 level [-] trainees, he has died in Vega under the knife.

The situation has been reversed.

After half an hour of fighting, Veigar's combat power has not been weakened, but has been strengthened. His mage shield has become more solid, and both the upper limit of magic power and the upper limit of spiritual power have been improved.

But at this moment.

The Royal Army actually blew the horn to retreat.

What's happening here?
Veigar looked in the direction of the large army of the Royal Army.

One of them was covered in blood, and only one right-armed soldier of the Imperial Army was waving a long spear to kill Du Swell unhindered. His body was filled with magic power, and ordinary knives and guns could not break through his magic power defense at all.

He is a soldier of the Empire, but also a professional.

It was Peter, the trainee professional who suddenly awakened, who destroyed the last line of defense of the Royal Army, so that Commander Du Swell had to give the order to retreat and return to defense.

It's too late.

Although the order to return to defense was issued, Peter also killed him.

At this time, there was no professional protection by his side.

Peter's eyes were full of courage. Even if there were thousands of troops standing in front of him, that terrible courage could not make him afraid. His magic power was almost exhausted, but he still pushed forward.


A spear pierced Du Swell's throat, ending his life.

To his death, Du Sville never expected that the trap he set up would be cracked so easily, and that the one who killed him was actually a soldier from the cannon fodder regiment... just because of those few words?

"battalion commander!"

Goss Leviathan roared and rushed towards Du Swell at a terrifying speed, bumping into Peter who had just been promoted to a professional along the way.

Peter was not afraid.

Even though the magic power on his body was exhausted, he attacked Goss Leviathan without fear.


There is no difference between a professional without magic power and an ordinary person. Peter's right hand holding the spear was cut off, but he bit Goss's neck with his sharp teeth with his last breath.


His brain stopped fighting when he lost control of his body.

Level 5 trainees can't stop Veigar from escaping, but level 4 trainees are almost impossible to escape Veigar's entanglement. As soon as Peter's head fell to the ground, Veigar here also Killed the No.6 trainee professional.

Look around.

Although the Royal Army still holds the upper hand on the field relying on its strong troops and horses, and nine out of ten of the Imperial Army have already died, the upper-level force of the Royal Army is now only left with Goss Leviathan, and even the supreme commander died on the battlefield. superior.

The battle is over here.

Goss Leviathan led the remaining Royal Army to retreat in accordance with Battalion Commander Du Swell's previous order.

He looked back for the last time, and after firmly remembering Vega's petite figure, he completely disappeared on the horizon.

The Royal Army retreated.

The imperial army was powerless to pursue it.

It's hard to say who will win this battle. The Royal Army didn't lose many soldiers, but it lost a large number of professionals. Although the Imperial Army broke through the siege, there were no survivors.

If I had to point out who the winner of this battle is.

Then there is no doubt that it is Veigar.

After this battle, he finally succeeded in being promoted to a magician.

Now he does not have the joy of surviving, nor is he afraid of killing the chief rashly. Now he just wants to apply to return to Kareni as soon as possible, and go to the mage area to be certified as an official magician, with even a little bit of self-protection power.

 Two chapters are presented today.

  I will push this friend's new book "Elf's Creed" again. Since I am testing the waters, please help me to bookmark~~~ I would like to express my gratitude to everyone here~

(End of this chapter)

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