Mage Veja

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

With the destruction of the United Kingdom of Hundred Clans.

It also directly indicates that the dream of the Western countries to escape back to the West has been shattered.

When the major powers braved the bombing of war airships and finally returned to the vicinity of Calasia, the flag of the Jialan Empire fluttering on the tower made them stop again.

Forced siege?

Just think about it.

Now even if they want to order to attack the city, I'm afraid the soldiers will not obey their orders.

Rather, it is very difficult for soldiers to cross the magic bombing zone of the air force at the risk of death. Now they want to use soldiers to open a way for them to leave the east, and the whole army will collapse if they order it.

need to know.

Cross the bombing zone of the war airship and use the king to lead the charge to forcibly rally the army.

But if you attack the city, you can't let the king take the lead in attacking the city.

Unlike the indiscriminate strikes of the air force's magic bombing, the defenders of the city will attack at fixed points.The Jialan army probably hoped that the king would charge forward, so that they would shoot the man first and the horse first, and capture the thief first and capture the king first.


They don't think that the city defense force will be ordinary.

This is one of the only roads they must pass to retreat to the west. With these remnants of their army now defeated, even if the factor of the collapse of the army is ruled out, it may be difficult to win the Jia blue army head-on.

So the war seemed to be deadlocked again.

Sure enough, luck is not on their side. The [-]% hope of returning home is like a mirage. When it is within reach, it is only an illusion. In the end, the only choice is to surrender. .

The word surrender once again appeared in everyone's mind.

There is a saying that no tears will come when you see the coffin, and this time they saw the coffin completely.

There is not much time left for them. If they do not make a decision after five days, the first problem they will face is not the Jialan Army, but the 'suspended food'.Their supplies are only enough for five days.

Perhaps it is knowing this.

The Jialan army only strengthened the defensive power of the defense line, and did not take the initiative to attack the western countries at all.

After all, if you can fight without bloodshed, who would take the trouble to fight each other.

Veigar's greatest joy every day is to go to the tower of Lakasia, use a telescope to look at the smoke rising from the camps of the western countries, and feel the despair of the enemy.

up to now.

The coalition forces of the Western countries died and fled, leaving less than 300 million of the 100 million troops.

Among them, the holy dragon kingdom came in a menacing manner this time, bringing almost all the legions of the direct line. Unfortunately, in the face of overwhelming war airship formations, his special arms also had no way to resist, so this battle can be said to have wiped out the entire holy dragon The country's core combat power.

Even if you go back to the West.

They will also be reduced from a western power to an existence weaker than ordinary medium-sized countries, and that situation is tantamount to being destroyed for the mighty Holy Dragon Kingdom.

He thus became the first nation to surrender to Veigar.

As a condition of surrender, the Holy Dragon King asked Vega to release the remaining sub-dragon soldiers, and he and Augustus would stay as the masterminds and let Vega go.

For this condition, Vega has no reason not to agree.

Shenglong Kingdom, one of the allies, surrendered first, which simply added fuel to the fire of the defeated Western countries.

As for the release of the remaining sub-dragon species, it doesn't matter at all.

Now the remaining sub-dragon species do not pose any threat to the Jialan Empire, and with the loss of the two backbones of the Holy Dragon King and Augustus, they are even less threatening.

So on the second day.

In front of the Western countries, the Holy Dragon King officially ordered to surrender and surrender, and declared that from today onwards, the Holy Dragon Kingdom would no longer exist, and all the territorial ownership of the West belonged to the Jialan Empire.

This move has poured cold water on the Western countries that are still hesitating.

This made the already desperate atmosphere even more desperate, and directly caused several small countries to move around. However, since the Freedom Alliance and the Gundy City State are still struggling to support them, it is not easy for them to jump out and declare surrender to the Jialan State.


The night of surrender.

This age-old dungeon of La Cassia City has also ushered in its brightest moment——

At the same time, two kings, Meru Scimitar and Holy Dragon King, as well as Augustus, the top general in the mainland, were taken into custody.

I don't know if it's Veigar's bad taste.

Meru Scimitar, Holy Dragon King, and Augustus were all imprisoned in the same cell.

There is a saying that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

As long as the Holy Dragon King thought of his compatriots dying helplessly under the bombing of the war airship, a nameless fire would spread from the bottom of his heart, and he would punch and kick Meru Scimitar.

Meru Machete wanted to resist from the bottom of his heart.

After all, everyone is now a prisoner, and I am still afraid that you will fail to become the Holy Dragon King.

However, there is an extra Augustus beside the Holy Dragon King. This pair of fists is no match for four hands. I am afraid that once he resists, he will usher in a more violent beating, so he wisely chose to admit his cowardice.

At this moment he began to regret it.

If he had known earlier, he would not have sent his son Dill to his death, otherwise it is not certain who will win now.

Seeing that the beating would not stop for a while, Meru Scimitar, who was rolling on the ground with his head in his arms, had an idea, and quickly shouted: "I am wronged, Your Majesty the Holy Dragon King, why did you punch and kick me?" ?”

"How dare you talk back, if you hadn't betrayed us, how could we have ended up in this field."

The Holy Dragon King was furious when he heard the words, he greeted Augustus and beat up Meru Scimitar again.

"Calm down, please His Majesty the Holy Dragon King calm down."

Meru Scimitar shouted loudly: "Please think about it for a moment, if I really betrayed you and joined the camp of Jialan Country, how could I end up here and be imprisoned in the same place as you? "

This sentence made the Holy Dragon King and Augustus stop.

They looked at each other and seemed to realize that something was wrong: " really didn't betray us?"

"It's absolutely true."

Meru Machete, with a bruised nose and swollen face, wanted to cry but had no tears.

The Holy Dragon King frowned: "Since you didn't betray us, how did the Jialan Kingdom know about our plan, and even took out almost all the defenses at the border, and placed them here all the way, I don't believe it's a coincidence. "

"I don't know about this either."

Meru Scimitar said aggrievedly: "If I'm not wrong, the Jialan Kingdom probably got the information about our alliance in advance before we marched, otherwise, when you start to cross the Jialan Mountains, there will be no time to make such a careful plan." ambush."


The Holy Dragon King frowned and denied: "In order to ensure the secrecy of the plan, almost all the intelligence organizations of the Western countries have joined forces to carry out a large-scale cleansing operation before the meeting, so as to ensure that the Jialan Kingdom cannot obtain any information from the West. .”

The family knows their own affairs.

For the secrecy of this plan, the western countries, including Shenglong Kingdom, have absolute confidence.

He can be sure that the information will never be leaked.

This also caused the Holy Dragon King and Augustus to fall into great doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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