Mage Veja

Chapter 868 Those who obey will prosper, those who oppose will perish

Chapter 868 Those who obey will prosper, those who oppose will perish
blah blah-

Just when several people in the dungeon were wondering, there was a sound of footsteps.

Veigar came to the dungeon in person, on the one hand to meet his 'old friend', and on the other hand for another matter.

"Vegar Saint Laurent."

As soon as Vega appeared, he attracted the attention of several people.


The iron gate of the dungeon was opened, and Veigar entered.

"After a farewell in the past, I didn't expect that we would meet here."

Veigar sat on a chair specially brought by his subordinates, while the three of them could only sit on the floor in a simple cell without even a bed.

Among them, the Holy Dragon King didn't even know what expression to use to face Vega.

Because it was agreed to join forces with Vega to fight against the West, but he didn't expect to fight back and prepare to deal with Vega, which led to this situation.Now that I think about it, if I hadn't betrayed the covenant at the beginning, maybe the Holy Dragon Kingdom now has more than half of the west, so why would the country be ruined and its family destroyed.

Losers do not lose.

The Holy Dragon King cheered up and said: "Your Majesty Veiga, you don't have to pretend to be a winner or a loser, just tell us why you came here, you're not so boring that you just come here to mock us losers, right? "

"Cough cough."

Veigar coughed and said, "No matter what you say, we are considered 'old friends', so why can't I come and see my old friends?"

"If it is someone else, I will definitely believe it, but if it is His Majesty Vega..."

The Holy Dragon King showed a sneer of contempt, apparently not believing in shitty friendship.

"I didn't expect that I would have such an unbearable impression in your hearts."

Veiga smiled wryly and said, "Obviously, I came here this time with a piece of great news."

"good news?"

The Holy Dragon King was slightly taken aback, and then seemed to understand something: "You are ready to take the bait again. Sure enough, what you are best at is playing with people's hearts, but this method seems to be tried and tested."

"His Majesty the Holy Dragon King is wise."

Vega smiled and said: "Tomorrow I will confer you the honorary Grand Duke of the Jialan Empire in front of the whole city, and enjoy the permanent residence right of the capital Saint Laurent City, but you will not enjoy the right to participate in politics, discuss politics, or fief the land. You will not be allowed to leave Saint Laurent City, the capital of the Jialan Empire, can His Majesty the Saint Dragon King agree?"

"Perhaps it is a good choice to let go of responsibilities and enjoy the old age peacefully."

Shenglong sighed deeply, and of course chose to agree.

Vega turned his head to Augustus: "Your Excellency Augustus, tomorrow I will confer you the honorary earl of the Jialan Empire, and enjoy the same treatment and restrictions as His Majesty the Holy Dragon King, do you agree?"

"Since His Majesty has agreed, I have no reason to refuse."

A trace of remorse flashed in Augustus' eyes, and finally turned into a long sigh.

When he heard that Vega was going to treat the Holy Dragon King and Augustus like this, Meru Scimitar heaved a sigh of relief.

At first, he thought that Vega would execute them, but now it seems that this is not the case. Since Vega let the Holy Dragon King and Augustus go, he must also let him go...

With expectant eyes.

Meru Scimitar looked at Veigar with a flattering smile.

But at this moment, Vega changed the subject and said coldly: "As for His Majesty Meru Machete, I will publicly execute you before the canonization ceremony begins. But please rest assured, the last meal tonight I will let the chef prepare carefully for dinner, and I will definitely not let you down."

"The Last Supper?"

Meru Machete's flattering smile froze on his face.

He didn't expect Vega to kill the Holy Dragon King and Augustus so favorably.

This made him couldn't help asking: "Excuse me, Your Majesty, why is this?"

"Your Majesty Meru, don't you understand?"

Vega said coldly: "They surrendered to me, but you betrayed me."

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Only then did Meru Scimitar realize that it was not because of conscience that Vega spared the lives of the Holy Dragon King and Augustus, but because the lives of the Holy Dragon King and Augustus were more useful to Vega. That's what keeps them alive.

Compared to the two, his death was obviously worth more, so he had to be executed.

It turns out that the kid in front of him has never had any feelings, and all decisions are made from the perspective of benefit or no benefit.

The reason is very simple.

The Holy Dragon King and Augustus were the ones who voluntarily surrendered.

Veigar treats the surrenderers well in front of everyone, and it will attract other small and medium-sized countries...even the kings of the Freedom Alliance and Gundy City to surrender, which can indirectly disintegrate their determination to resist.


Veigar killed him, the traitor, in front of everyone.

This can also deter those countries that do not want to surrender and want to resist stubbornly, and make them realize that if they do not surrender, they will die if they lose the battle.

Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish.

Just treating one person well and executing one person can directly engrave these eight words into the minds of everyone in the Western countries, forcing them to voluntarily surrender to Vega. This is really a lucrative business.

Meru Scimitar's face was ashes.

He knew he was doomed this time.

Just as the Holy Dragon King needs to live, his death is also necessary for Veigar.

"Your Majesty, is there no room for negotiation?"

Meru Scimitar's eyes were full of desire to survive: "Even if it's for your sister Alysia's sake, please spare my life, and for the rest of my life, even if I try my best, I will repay you of."

After sacrificing his son, he still wants to use his daughter at this time?

The stronger Meru Scimitar's desire to survive, the more he will be feared by Vega.

Because Meru Machete's desire to survive is very similar to him in the past and now.

No, that kind of desire to survive that his relatives do not recognize has far surpassed his own.

Such a person, once let him live, might bite back one day.

So Veigar shook his head: "Your death is doomed, enjoy the last supper."

After speaking, Veigar prepared to leave.

After knowing that he was bound to die, Meru Scimitar seemed to finally give up struggling, he sighed and asked: "People are dying, but even if you die, please let me know, what is your intelligence system like?" It was discovered that I secretly participated in the meeting of Western countries, and I did this in a secret enough that I am confident that no one will find out."

"Hey, Your Majesty Meru, you really participated in the pre-war meeting of the Western countries?"

There was a flash of surprise in Veigar's eyes, and then he said with a smile: "In fact, my intelligence system did not provide me with any information this time. The reason why I dare to conclude that you have colluded with the West is that I simply believe in your personal ability." .”

"That is to say..."

"Are you guessing out of thin air?"

"Well, it's just guesswork."

"Don't take me for a fool!"

Meru Scimitar said angrily: "How dare you transfer all the border troops here just by guessing out of thin air. Aren't you afraid that if you guess wrong, the western countries will drive straight in and regret it?"

"Didn't I guess right?"

Vega said in a natural tone: "And didn't I say that? With me paving the way for you, I believe that Your Majesty Meru's ability will definitely regain the trust of the western countries. I believe in myself even more Believe in it."


Meru Scimitar sat back on the ground again, his eyes full of defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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