Mage Veja

Chapter 869 Half Step Away

Chapter 869 Half Step Away
all the time.

Whether it is Meru Scimitar, Holy Dragon King, or Augustus, they all have their own pride in their hearts.

This pride is a manifestation of the extreme self-confidence of the superior.

Standing at the top of the pyramid, even though they admitted that Vega was stronger than them, they still had unconvincing elements in their hearts. Among them, Meru Scimitar unilaterally believed that he was not weaker than Vega, but There is no such thing as luck.

If he had Veigar's chance.

He believed that according to his ability, he would definitely be able to stand at the height of Vega, and even do better than Vega.

Because Veigar is neither good at government affairs nor economics, and has little understanding of how to formulate a reasonable national system and how to deal with conflicts between races. Apart from war, it is almost useless.

Compared to Vega.

Meru Scimitar thinks he is omnipotent too much.

He understands economics, is good at power and strategy, and understands the overall situation. He is capable of both literature and military, and can bend and stretch. He governs a harmonious coexistence of hundreds of ethnic groups and is united as one.

But he didn't really understand it until now.

The fundamental difference between the strong and the king.

Every strong man has his own talent. On the basis of this talent, the strong men will continue to improve their talents on the one hand, and try to get rid of their weaknesses on the other hand, so the strong man is also called the Almighty. .

They will be vertical and horizontal, good at maneuvering, and they can do what ordinary people can't.

Ordinary people will be convinced when they see the strong. It seems that the strong are much better than ordinary people in all fields.

But the king is different.

At first glance, Vega is not even as good as a third-rate official in handling government affairs, he is a complete layman in economics, he knows no more than a street person, and he has only a half-knowledge of traditional etiquette. Lost the face of being a royal family and aristocrats, no matter how you look at it, you are an ordinary person.

This also caused many people to be unconvinced when they saw Vega for the first time.

Why can such a person achieve such achievements? In some respects, he is not comparable to me at all.

But if you look closely, you will find it.

The reason why the king can be called the king, and the reason why the king is stronger than the almighty who is like a cheater, is because the king has never thought about dealing with his own weakness, but spent all his energy on one point .

So they are destined not to be strong.

In many ways, ordinary people compare him.

But it doesn't matter, for him, as long as there is one point that emits the most dazzling light, that's enough.

This dazzling light is enough to make him a well-deserved king in this field.

Therefore, until now, the three of them did not understand that Veigar would win this war, and they would lose.

Swapping each other's positions, they asked themselves that they would never have the courage to make such a bold decision as Vegar.As almighty beings, they would consider too many things. In short, they did not have absolute confidence in their decisions in the field of war.

Almighty may mean omnipotent.

This move.

One step to heaven, one step to hell.

With no intelligence and only speculation, there is no second person in this world who dares to make this decision.Even if the battle situation has been pushed back countless times now, they still don't think they will make the same decision as Veigar. Only Veigar, a paranoid person who focuses on war, can achieve this level of confidence.

This kind of confidence is even more lunatic than a lunatic.

This war finally proved what the king of war is.

It cannot be said that the king is stronger and greater than the strong, the king should be weaker than the strong in 90.00% of the cases, but when the arrogant strong wants to fight him in the field that the king is proud of , then it will bring shame on itself.

Veigar is gone.

But tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The Holy Dragon King and Augustus stayed up all night because of deep frustration, and Meru Machete was restless because he was going to die tomorrow, because the greatest regret in life is to die before his ambition is fulfilled.

Even if he has surrendered to Veigar.

But he was unwilling to die just now. If he died, who should guard the future of the Hundred Clans Kingdom?


Like it or not, the dawn still comes.

Time came to the second day.

On Lakasia Square, Meru Scimitar was brought up first.

He is tied to a cross in the center of the square, in a world where sinners are considered to be burned as a kind of purification for them.

The sun is shining.

Meru Scimitar couldn't open his eyes under the bright sunlight.

At the end of his life, whether it was an illusion or not, he felt that his body had become much lighter. Last night, he was obsessed with the Spring and Autumn Dream of restoring the country, but at this moment, it also disappeared.

He opened his eyes slowly.

The sun seemed no longer so glaring, the world was no longer cold, and he had never felt so comfortable.

No, ready to say.

It should be that he has never felt so relaxed in his life.

At the moment when the fire was slowly burning, he suddenly understood...

The thing that leaves the body is nothing else, and its name is probably called-responsibility.

Meru Cutlass was burned to death.

In the square where he was burned to death, the Holy Dragon King and Augustus humiliatedly accepted Vega's canonization a few hours later.

For the two of them, this was indeed a huge humiliation.

But people use knives and me as fish, they don't have the capital to resist.

From the moment they accepted the canonization, it meant that from today onwards, the ancient kingdom of the holy dragon officially withdrew from the stage of war, and all the hegemony of Wang Tu disappeared in this instant.

Scenes from the past flashed like a revolving lantern.

Everything turned into a long sigh.

The simple execution and canonization ceremony came to an end, but the aftermath of this ceremony has just begun to spread.

The spies of the Western nations have reported all this to their masters.

Everything is still as expected in the Vega phenomenon.

As a result, Western countries fell into hesitation, and their determination to fight to the end became not as strong as imagined.

Because not to mention sending the officers back to the western country, it seems that they can't go back by themselves. Once the Vega army attacks in a few days and they are defeated by Vega, then what awaits them is Meru. Ended up like a machete.

Surrender now.

Not to mention anything else, at least you can have the same benefits as a Holy Dragon King.

And if they can survive, who would want to die on the battlefield?

Therefore, the battle situation has developed to such a point that the balance of victory seems to be completely tilted towards the Jialan Empire.

This battle is very likely to directly allow Vega to complete the great cause of unifying the Jialan Continent, and this war may also become a huge turning point that will be recorded in history and will be talked about by future generations.

But luck never seemed to be on Veigar's side.

Seeing that it was only half a step away from unifying the Jialan Continent, an accident happened after all.

(End of this chapter)

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