Mage Veja

Chapter 884 No need to win

Chapter 884 No need to win
If you really hold this naive idea.

I'm afraid the final result must be a crushing defeat!
There are two kinds of people in this world.

The strong and the weak.

Even if the two kinds of people seem to be evenly matched on the surface, when the two kinds of people face the same pressure, no matter how great the pressure is, the strong will eventually stand up and fight hard.

But the weak are different.

They will be crushed directly by the pressure.

Aiden Gary is that kind of guy?
For a long time, the Western countries feared Aiden Gary like a tiger.

Victory after victory has established this great reputation. There is no doubt that Aiden Gary is a real strongman.

For such a strong man, how could he be defeated by mere fear?

That's right, it's not that the strong are incapable of fear, they also have emotions and desires, and in the face of fear, they are no different from ordinary people.

But a real strong man will inevitably make his enemies more fearful than him.

The reason why a strong man can be called a strong man is never because of external conditions, but because of the heart of a strong man who becomes more courageous as he gets frustrated, and as long as he can still fight, he is not considered a loser.

Aiden Gary hasn't escaped his fears so far.

But in Veigar's eyes, Aiden Gary didn't choose to give up or escape from this war like a weak person. When dawn came every day, he still gritted his teeth and walked out of the door to command the war.

Aiden Gary is still fighting with all his might.

On this basis, Veigar admitted that he would never dare to assert that he would lose.

Rather, Veigar also raised [-] points of vigilance.

The current Aiden Gary is like a phoenix on fire. This fear, pain, pressure, and suffering... are like hot lava. If he cannot be burned to ashes, Aiden Gary will definitely rise to a higher level.

"Can't wait any longer."

Veigar's composure had long since disappeared.

He knows that now is the best time, and only when Aiden Gary is suffering and unable to make the most rational decision can he win this war directly, otherwise he will have no hope of victory until Aiden Gary realizes it. That's too late.

Because the Principality of Baya occupies the right time, place and people.

The right time, place and people are the three elements of victory. The side that occupies these three elements is almost unlikely to lose the war.Therefore, even Veigar is at the end of his rope this time, and the only way he can take is to rely on frontal combat.

Because Veigar thought it was his only strength.

At this stage, only by imitating the original empire and using the army's superiority can there be a chance of victory.

Therefore, after five days of probing battles, Veigar finally started a real war against the Principality of Baya.

Six aviation armies slowly lifted off from the airport of Starwind City, and rushed to the frontline battlefield at an extremely fast speed, preparing to launch an air strike on Dawn City.

But in the enemy's territory, it is of course impossible for your movements to hide from the enemy's eyeliner.

This is one of the benefits of playing at home, that is, occupying a good location.

Therefore, as soon as the war airship appeared on the front line of the war, the air force of the Principality Army also took off. The two sides fought extremely fiercely in the air, and basically neither side could cover the army's operations.

This ending seems to have been expected.

Veigar looked at Sia Saint Laurent who was casting a spell.

The existence of the star mage allows Vega to pass over all those who want to use the city wall as a line of defense to block the existence of the Jia blue army.

With a huge roar, the gap in Dawn City was opened, and 50 troops entered, launching a very violent attack on Dawn City.Until this time, the Principality's army finally realized that this time it was not a test, but a general attack.


Underground command room.

The adjutant rushed into the conference room and reported: "My lord, general attack! The enemy has launched a general attack on us! The city gate has fallen, and we are no match for the enemy in a frontal battle. What should we do next?"

Didn't get any answer.

Aiden Gary's eyes were bloodshot, and it was obvious that he had hardly had a good night's sleep in the past few days.

The huge roar of the previous star magic also reawakened his fear, and this fear once again occupied his brain, making him unable to make normal decisions.

The door was violently opened again.

A messenger said in a panic: "Report to the general, the enemy's offensive is too fierce, the third army has been repulsed, and the second line of defense has fallen 10 minutes ago, what should the general do?"

The voice just fell when another soldier came in.

"Report to the general..."

Battle reports came like snowflakes, and it was a world of difference compared to the previous few days.

Aiden Gary only felt that the noise was coming from all directions. It was so noisy that he had an urge to kill everyone and restore the world to a quiet place. However, he found that even if he wanted to move his mouth, let alone his hands, he couldn't move his voice. From the vocal cords, it was the first time in his life that he felt so embarrassed.

"General?" "General!" "General?!"


These countless voices were like mocking laughter, which began to make Aiden Gary angry.

When this anger reached its peak, he even had hallucinations, and vaguely saw the scene when the defeat in the dynasty's west bank was set, and the officers rushed to ask him what to do, and finally left him one after another.

It seems to have traveled through time and space.

Now the same scene is happening again, with countless voices echoing around, is the defeat already doomed at this moment?

It was still endless silence.

No one answered Aiden Gary's question, and no one understood Aiden Gary's inferiority complex that haunted him like a nightmare.


If you don't die in silence, you can only explode in silence.

This enormous pressure finally caused Aiden Gary to explode.

Not knowing where the strength came from, Aiden Gary pulled out the dagger he carried with him, and cut off his little finger in front of everyone.


Following the sound, there was a flying finger and blood splashing out.

Everyone was taken aback by this scene, as if they had been immobilized for a moment, and the previous chaotic situation returned to dead silence.

"Calm down, everyone."

The pain made Aiden Gary forget his fear, and he said calmly: "We are not the opponent of Vega Saint Laurent in a head-on battle, but we have something that Vega Saint Laurent absolutely does not have - the right time, place and people."

Say it right.

Aiden Gary saw through the key to this war in an instant: "With these three things, it is a breeze to resist Vega Saint Laurent's attack. Now pass on the order and immediately let the whole army avoid the enemy's attack." The main force confronts each other head-on, using the method I taught you to start a tug-of-war with the enemy, we can afford it, Vega Saint Laurent can't afford it."

street fighting.

This is the countermeasure that Aiden Gary is now proposing.

Since Veigar's army is invincible head-on, they will use street fighting to pull the opponent into the quagmire of tug-of-war, not to defeat the Jialan army, but to delay time to death.

Aiden Gary has finally let go of his obsession with winning.

He has already understood that for himself, he may need a victory to prove himself. This is his long-cherished wish for many years, but for the Principality of Baya, this time it really does not need a victory.

What the Principality of Baya needs is just a draw!

(End of this chapter)

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