Mage Veja

Chapter 885

Chapter 885

It may not be enough for Aiden Gary's ambition, but it is enough for the Principality of Baya.

Because it drags on until winter, the Jialan army will definitely retreat without a fight, and they will get back everything they once had.

In the spring of next year, the Jialan Army will lose the opportunity to directly cross the Jialan Mountains like this time.

Therefore, there is no need to defeat the Jialan Army openly, and there is no need to bear too much pressure. Even from the beginning, no one expected the victory of this war. Everyone's goal is just a draw.

The right time, place and circumstances at hand.

Winning is an easy thing, pursuing peace is even easier, only defeating is a very difficult thing, this time even the god of luck is on their side.

Let go of the obsession in my heart.

Aiden Gary, who was reborn from the ashes of fear, is in better shape than ever.

His pair of eyes saw this war clearly and plainly, and he even understood that Veigar was using his only strength, or the only possible point of victory, to fight this war in an attempt to create a miracle .

But in Aiden Gary's opinion.

As long as he doesn't fight Vega head-on with the desire to win, there is absolutely no possibility of losing this war.The chance of Veigar wanting to create another miracle will drop from [-]% to [-]%.

That's right.

It is the real zero percent, a powerful existence with the right time, place and people, which completely kills the 0 behind countless 1s.

Vega also felt this.

Aiden Gary, who made the western countries fearful, really came back to life.

In the headquarters, Veigar knew that he was doomed to return without success this time when he received the news that the Principality's army had started to shift from frontal warfare to street fighting. It was completely impossible to take down the Principality of Baya in a short time. matter.

Because of the opponent's style of play, they obviously gave up the victory and were pursuing a draw.

Perhaps for the Principality of Baya, it was a draw, but for Vega, a draw was a loss!
Because being forced to return to the east means returning all of the Holy Dragon Province to the Principality of Baya, so what if it's not a failure?
Of course, any war has its rewards.

For Vega, the biggest gain from this battle is that he already knows the progress of Aiden Gary over the years.

But all senior military officers are greedy.

Be it Tennier, Hausmann, or Foster, even if there is a slight chance, they will strive to win. However, many times, they are excessively chasing a glimmer of hope for victory, and in the end Vega takes advantage of this glimmer of hope , to defeat it.

At first Veigar thought the same was true of Aiden Gary.

How can a general who is so confident and wants to prove himself be able to let go of his eagerness to win and turn to pursue a draw when the enemy is weak and we are strong?It doesn't make sense anyway.

But Aiden Gary did it.

Letting go of the desire to win means letting go of the pressure.

When there is no pressure, one's own strength must be [-]%, or even [-]%.

Rich experience and calm thinking have probably allowed Aiden Gary to see through the fog and realize the right time and place and whose hands it is in. This hand-to-hand street fighting probably also hinted at him—walk slowly, don’t give up.

To go is to go.

But not now.

Now that there is no hope of winning, then simply vent the anger in my heart and avenge Dongfang's death.Thinking about it now, it seems that this is also one of the reasons why he sent troops this time.

So in the next few months, the two sides launched a tug-of-war between you attacking and defending.

Due to the existence of war species on Veigar's side, Aiden Gary did not dare to put his eggs in the same basket and be wiped out by Veigar. Instead, he hoarded 180 million troops in various cities. The strength of the troops is actually about the same.

When the strength of the two sides is about the same.

At the end of the street fighting, the one who won the city was of course Vega, who had a high overall quality.

Therefore, in the past few months, Veigar has captured 1/4 of the Principality of Baya, among which the City of Dawn was in his hands two months ago, but Veigar knew that he would stop there.

Because in two months, winter will come.

He must return to the east with his army at this time next month, otherwise, once the ice and snow seal the Jialan Mountains, the cowardly sheep in the west will turn into hungry wolves and devour his army.

Therefore, Veigar directly ordered to stop the pace of attack at this time.

Next, he will start to cause trouble for the Principality of Baya, making it difficult for them to live in the next year.

First of all.

The capitalists in the occupied area of ​​Vyjana took the knife and forcibly seized their property and industries by killing the chicken and taking the eggs, causing the economic system in the occupied area to collapse directly.

What is the difference between this barbaric plunder and the plunder when the Principality of Baya withdrew from the territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom?
Standing on the opposite side of the common people, isn't this digging one's own grave?
Of course there are differences.

The only difference is that the Principality of Baya not only plundered capitalists, but also plundered civilians, and filled the treasury with the plundered property.However, Veigar did not plunder the civilians. Instead, he distributed all the things he got from the capitalists to the civilians, including money, food, property, and land...

Never before have oppressed civilians been treated like this.

For simple-minded civilians, whoever is good to them will of course remember who is good.

The Jialan Empire helped them fight local tyrants and divide their land so that they would not be oppressed by capitalists, while the Baya Principality vigorously supported capitalists to oppress them and even increased their taxes. It was clear at a glance which was better.

Therefore, the harmony of people in this right time and place was unknowingly obtained by Vega.

This kind of thing of borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, Vega did it without any pressure.

But when he leaves, the Principality of Baya will probably have a headache.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.Now, if you, the Principality of Baya, want to take back everything they own, re-establish their industries, and support the capitalists, isn’t that just standing on the opposite side of the common people?At that time, they will only miss Jialan Country even more.

This comes and goes.

Vega won the hearts of the people, and the Principality of Baya lost the hearts of the people.

If there is a chance to come back here next time, the civilians here will not be hostile to the Jialan Army at the beginning, voluntarily serving as the eyeliner of the Principality Army, and will definitely greet them like heroes next time. them.

Take revenge.

After setting up the concept of "Anyone who offends me and the blue sky will be punished even if he is far away" to all countries in the world, he has won the hearts of the people and planted a seed that may set off a rebellion against the Principality of Baya at any time. It is satisfactory.

After all, he didn't really have the mentality of taking down the Principality of Baya from the beginning.

Since you don't have high expectations, of course you won't be disappointed.

Therefore, after obtaining a satisfactory result, Veigar began to prepare for the retreat.

But when the time came to the present, Veigar was about to withdraw to the east. Except for the Principality of Baya, some other countries finally couldn't bear it anymore. They seemed to see a glimmer of hope for victory...

(End of this chapter)

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