Mage Veja

Chapter 900 Chaos

Chapter 900 Chaos
Far West, Gundy City.

The city-state of Gundy, which has always valued peace and never expanded its territory even at its peak, made an unprecedented change a few days ago. This change shocked the entire West——

Expansion of territory abroad.

In this period when unity and solidarity are most needed to jointly build an unbreakable alliance in the West, the city-state of Gundy, one of the three major powers, actually disregarded all the covenants, destroyed the rare unity, and started fighting?
Does the leader of Gundy City State have any brains? !
The fiercer they fought, the happier Veigar would probably laugh.

Even if he had no brains, he wouldn't have done such a thing.

In addition, the goal of the Gundy City-State's foreign aggression is not the other two factions' countries, but their hard-core allies all the time. This matter can be described as unbelievable.

It's no wonder that almost everyone scolded Carol as an idiot.

The existence of Carol is simply the shit-stirring stick of the West, destroying the originally harmonious situation without leaving any residue.Following Carol's actions, the rest of the countries also understood that the Jialan Empire was about to win.

While busy suppressing the rebels.

The other side is busy fighting.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Strachey, the king of the alliance, officially announced his withdrawal ten days later.

He has lost the strength to continue to fight against Veigar. The behavior of these pig teammates makes him see no hope of victory.Even, he was so angry that he wanted to surrender Vega on the spot, at least he could save his life like the Holy Dragon King.

But before surrendering.

He felt he had one more thing to do.

That is to watch how these pig teammates played themselves to death one by one.

It was really hard to calm down his inner anger without first seeing these people die without a place to bury them.

With the retreat of the coalition forces of various countries, Vega immediately received the news.

"Everything is as His Majesty expected, and the enemy has indeed withdrawn."

Tanier said with a look of admiration in his eyes: "According to the information we have received, a large-scale rebellion broke out in the Principality of Baya. Although it was suppressed by the army, the rebound was unprecedented. Consider other things. In addition, after the new Pope Carroll returned to the city of Gundy, he immediately launched a war against neighboring countries, completely messing up the situation in the entire West, and finally the Freedom Alliance was forced to withdraw its troops and return home."

"Carroll's attack on neighboring countries?"

Veigar's eyes were the same as those of the kings of the western countries, revealing disbelief.

Even he never imagined that at this most critical moment, Carroll helped him and forcibly launched a war, which directly disintegrated the unbreakable alliance of the West and brought the West back to war.

This is great news for Jialan Country.

All Veigar had to do now was wait.

When the ice and snow melt in the coming year, his Jialan army can cross the Jialan Mountains and clean up the chaotic western countries one by one.Carroll's behavior, the fear of the Jia blue empire will be called the biggest winner.

"Order the entire army to strengthen security, and we will stand by and watch from the sidelines."

Veigar, who had lost his air force, had no plans to participate in this troubled water. He issued an order to watch the fire from the other side, and was going to watch the Western countries fight to the death, and then next year he would come to make a profit.

However, when the whole world can't understand what Carol wants to do, only his own goal is clear.

Carol's purpose is simple.

That is to expand, to expand continuously, to seize all the time to expand as much territory as possible.

He is not a general, nor is he a wise king, why is he so impatient to expand?
The reason is very simple, that is to enhance personal strength.

Carroll has always had only one concept, that is, personal strength comes first.

He believes that as long as your strength reaches a certain level, if you have power over the world, you will still have to splatter five steps with blood.

Therefore, in his view, the only way to fight against Veigar is to increase his own strength to be stronger than Veigar.

Now he already knew that Vega's strength was that of a holy shadow mage, so as long as he raised his strength to the level of a god, he could easily kill Vega.When Vega died, the Jialan Empire would collapse.

just now.

The position of the Pope of Gundy City State and the existence of its own "Popal System" made it possible for him to improve his strength in a short period of time.

His papal system is not comparable to that of his predecessor, Pope Eddington.

Eddington can't save the power of God, but he can save the power of God, which is the biggest difference between the two.

This also means that as long as he gains the faith of enough people, he can easily raise his own strength to the level of a god-level shadow mage.

Now a small Gundy city-state is enough for him to be promoted to a star mage.

If it is inferred from this, if you occupy most of the west and gain the faith of most of the west, won't you be able to be promoted to the rank of shadow mage?

If the ambition is even bigger, if you win the entire west, plus the land of the east...

When the time comes, let everyone offer their faith to him, and he even feels that he can surpass the limit of the god position and become a god sitting on the ground!
For Carol.

As long as he has a goal and he still has a life, he will single-mindedly pursue it.

During this process, he will not worry about his allies, let alone the general trend of the world, the situation in the West, and it is even possible that he does not even know what kind of existence an ally is.

So he directly launched a war of aggression.

The first is to start with these hard-core allies adjacent to each other.

The first reason is that these allies are right next to him, and they don't seem to have the slightest defense against him. In addition, the emaciated camels in Gundy City are bigger than horses. The neighbors who fought were dizzy.

After all, who would have thought that they were fighting Veigar on the front line, and their big brother Gundy City State would stab them in the back?
And their main forces were all brought to the vicinity of Starwind City.

This leads to their domestic emptiness to the extreme.

Even a war idiot like Carroll can take down cities one after another by letting soldiers charge casually.

Wait for these countries to rush back home with the main force.

They found sadly that even the capital city no longer belonged to them. After a little confrontation to no avail, they had no choice but to surrender to the city-state of Gundy in humiliation.The city-state of Gangti took advantage of this surprise and expanded unprecedentedly.

So at the end of early winter.

The fifteen western countries can only be called the ten western countries now, and five countries have officially declared that they have been destroyed.

But Carroll didn't seem to be ready to let it go, and he aimed at the forces headed by the Freedom Alliance.

The situation in the West has become even more chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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