Mage Veja

Chapter 901 Cooperation

Chapter 901 Cooperation
One third of winter has passed.

There are still four months left until the end of spring arrives.

In Vega's original plan, when four months were up, he would let the eastern army cross the mountain range and formally launch a decisive battle against the west, striving to unify the entire Jialan continent within two years.

This is not whimsical.

With the current chaotic situation in the West, when the Eastern army arrives, it will be almost effortless to win here.

Therefore, recently, Veigar has been very leisurely.

He sits firmly in the city of stars and wind, watching the changes.

Especially the recent civil war in the Principality of Baya made him deeply aware of what it means to obey the people and prosper, and those who disobey the people perish.

No matter how powerful your army is, how powerful your country is, and how strong your control over the country is.Whenever the interests of civilians are violated and popular support is lost, among the hundreds of millions of civilians, there will always be someone who will stand up at the critical moment and set off resistance to oppression.

When one pioneer falls, another will rise.

This wave cannot be extinguished or killed. Any country caught in this endless cycle will only collapse sooner or later.

not to mention.

The Principality of Baya has yet to find the reason why the civilians set off a rebellion.

Exploiting civilians, asking farmers to pay [-]% to [-]% of taxes, and making workers work [-] hours a day, all year round, these are things that the superiors are used to, and I have never seen civilians dissatisfied because of this before.

This is true for all countries.

This leads them to ignore the reason directly.

In the end, I searched and searched, but failed to find the key reason. Without a reason, it is impossible to think about countermeasures.

This has led to the intensification of the war of resistance. Now, due to the brutal suppression of the regular army, the whole country is already in turmoil, and everyone is in danger. The civilians have completely lost confidence in the Baya government, and everyone is looking forward to the fall of the Baya government.

Also at this time.

A man came to Starwind City and asked to meet Vega. He was the leader of the most successful rebel army in the Principality of Baya, Witt Sisken.

"Lord Whitstead, you have worked hard all the way."

Veigar somewhat guessed some of the other party's intentions, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he said politely: "At this critical time, Master Wittstead left the organization and came to me on purpose. Do you know what's the matter? "

"Your Majesty, please save us!"

Wittersted Sisken didn't come out according to common sense at all. As soon as he came up, he knelt on the ground and begged: "Your Majesty, you brought us light in the eternal night, and you taught us what it means to be human. You are our savior."

There was no falsehood in Wetterstead Sisken's eyes.

He spoke from the bottom of his heart, with a sad and indignant expression: "Your Majesty, those superiors are now restoring the old system and trying to treat us like cattle and sheep again, but we can no longer tolerate these people! Therefore, we are united and thank them There was a rebellion...but we failed, and now we can only survive, but we can't change the whole country, and I feel sad and angry for my incompetence."

"That's why I'm here."

Witstad Sisken looked at Vega with expectant eyes: "Now only you can save us, please stand up and lead us to victory. On behalf of the entire rebel army of the Principality of Baya, I am here to present you loyalty."

Sure enough.

Veigar obviously guessed the intention of the other party.

Since the Jialan Kingdom was a supporter of the 965 system before, the commoners certainly hope that Vega can save them from the sea of ​​suffering. It can be said that Vega has already snatched one of the most important three elements of victory from the Baya Principality——

people and.

In other words, as long as the peace is in hand, once again launching a war against the Principality of Baya, there is no longer even a 70.00% hope, and the victory can probably soar to [-]%.

Is the soaring rate of winning a bit exaggerated?
In fact, this is not an exaggeration at all. Among the right time and place, harmony between people is the most important.

Gaining the hearts of the people, the winning rate will naturally increase by 50.00%, and with any geographical advantage, can it be far behind?

Especially in urban warfare, a battlefield that relies too much on people and peace, with the support of civilians, Vega can immediately use the civilians to turn the enemy into the main, and make Baya Army passive on his own home field.

With the right location and the harmony of people, the weather is irrelevant.

So this time, as long as Veigar dares to send troops, there is hope of victory.

But Veigar still hesitated.

Because his purpose of implementing the 965 system at the beginning was to disrupt the situation and make the countries have no time to take care of him.

At this time, Wei Jia thinks that the most important thing to do is to watch the fire from the other side, and wait until the end of spring next year, when the Jia blue army will sweep the world with the momentum of thunder.

"Feel sorry……"

Vega finally sighed and said: "Master Wittstad Sisken, you have also seen our situation. In the last big siege, our air force was completely annihilated, and our army suffered heavy losses. The number is less than 50. Under such circumstances, launching a war against the Principality of Baya rashly would be the way of self-destruction. Therefore, it is not that we do not want to help Your Excellency, but that we are really powerless and helpless.”

Despair flashed in Wittersted Sisken's eyes.

However, Vega gave them a glimmer of hope: "But please rest assured, after the end of next spring, we will send a large army to cross the Jialan Mountains and formally use force against the west, so please support us no matter what."

"We're afraid we won't see that day."

Wittersde Sisken sighed: "The attack of the Principality of Baya is getting more and more fierce, and the brothers are completely unable to stop it. But with His Majesty's words, even if you will be killed by the Principality's army tomorrow, It’s quite satisfying.”

"Good luck to His Excellency Whitstead Sisken."

No matter what Wittstad Sisken said, Veigar still had no plans to send troops.

He is very clear about his position in this war. At this time, he must not do superfluous things, so as to avoid unnecessary complications and troubles.

With a disappointed answer, Wittersde Sisken stood up and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, Celeste Rodney hurried in from the door, her expression was unprecedentedly serious, and at the same time a piece of information was sent to Vega.

Veigar didn't have any extra words, and directly opened the envelope.

Ten lines at a glance.

In less than a minute, Veigar read the entire letter.

After reading it, he suddenly stood up and stopped Wittstad Sisken who was about to leave: "Master Wittstad Sisken, please wait a moment, now I will give your army an official reply, and the Jialan Army is willing to cooperate with you." Your Excellency, you should cooperate with the outside world to destroy the Principality of Baya together, and present a great revolution to this corrupt world!"

(End of this chapter)

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