Mage Veja

Chapter 903

Chapter 903
Early winter is over.

At this time point when the deep winter is approaching, the western land is in chaos.

Among them, the Gangtey City State was finally no longer satisfied with the neighbors who had already wiped out the surrounding countries. Carol, who had tasted the sweetness, began to attack the Six Nations Alliance headed by the Freedom Alliance without even thinking about it.

No matter from which point of view, this is unwise.

No matter how you say it, the Freedom Alliance is the largest force in the West. It is completely different from the Gangtey City State, which was almost crippled in the East. The entire Freedom Alliance retains a considerable number of main forces.

In the event of a war, few countries were opponents of the Liberal League.

But Carroll wasn't really a general.

His overall view is even worse than that of low-level military officers. In addition, he has always been headstrong, and hundreds of people can't get back what he believes in. Therefore, he directly rejected the suggestion of his officers and launched a war against the Liberty Alliance.

"Your Majesty Strachey, please save us."

The king of the Coastal Kingdom came to the Freedom Alliance in person and cried to Strachey, the king of the alliance: "The Gundy City State completely disregarded the covenant and launched an attack on us without authorization. Because the Gundy City State is powerful, our country is not an opponent. Please Your Majesty can send troops to rescue us for the sake of our long-term alliance."

"Didn't you tell them that you are an ally of my Freedom Alliance?!"

Strachey's tone did not hide his anger, apparently he did not expect that the current Gundy City Council would bite people like a mad dog.

"I said that."

The king of the Coastal Kingdom said very aggrieved: "But Pope Carroll of the Gundy City State replied that he had never heard of the Freedom Alliance, and advised me to surrender early, and threatened that if the Freedom Alliance dared to come, he would Just clean it up and let everyone know that if you go against him, you will end up."

Strachey slapped the table with a slap: "Too much bullying, too much bullying! Leave aside the matter of withdrawing from the allies without authorization and attacking neighboring countries, after all, it is their internal matter. But that arrogant fool dared to Greedy eyes are on us, and I think it is necessary to let that fool know who is in charge of the West now."

indeed so.

Before the end of spring next year, the Liberty Alliance will undoubtedly be the most well-deserved number one force in the entire West.At this time, even Veigar dared not say that he could win the Freedom Alliance, but now a city-state that was abolished dared to break ground on his head?Strachey felt a grave insult to his dignity.


The King of the Alliance, Strachey, looked at the Night Seed Admiral: "Take the most elite troops and let that fool know that war is not as simple as he imagined."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Under Strachey's orders, the Nightborn Admiral Swinburne led his troops to support the Maritime Kingdom five days later.

The contest between Liberty Alliance and Gundy City State came and went even faster.

On the 15th day, Admiral Swinburne of the Liberty Alliance adopted a strategy of luring the enemy deep, and carried out an ambush in the Grand Canyon behind the border.

Carroll was unaware of Swinburne's lure.

It can't be said that he didn't notice it. To be precise, his officers should have noticed the fraud and persuaded Carol not to pursue blindly. However, Carol insisted on ordering the enemy to pursue, which was a big defeat. At the hands of Swinburne.

This battle directly caused the vitality of the city army to be seriously injured.

If you want to start a war next, you probably have the will to do so.

However, the victory this time was also beyond Swinburne's expectations.

Because in his plan, there are a total of eleven links to be implemented, and the first link, luring the enemy to go deep, is the simplest, easiest to see through, and plays a role in paralyzing the enemy.

But what Swinburne didn't expect was——

Carroll fell directly in the first link, and his stupidity refreshed Swinburne's lower limit for senior generals.

Do not!
This kind of person is not worthy of being called a senior general at all.

If King Strachey hadn't ordered him to repel the enemy, he even wanted to take the army, follow the vines, and annihilate the city army directly. In his opinion, this is not too difficult.

Therefore, this battle can be said to have slightly suppressed the flames of war in the West.

Carroll, who was slapped severely, also ordered to abandon external expansion, and instead began to carry out missionary activities on the newly occupied territory, because it is good news for Carroll to be able to expand rapidly, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't expand.

One thing Carol still knew.

The most important thing he needs to do now is to digest the occupied area he has just acquired. He has acquired too much territory. If the civilians in the occupied area cannot offer their faith to the Holy See, it will be of no use at all.

But when it was actually implemented, Carol found that things were not simple.

It is very difficult to influence the thinking of a normal person. It doesn't mean that if you let him believe in the Holy See of War, they will definitely offer their beliefs. Politics and beliefs cannot be confused.

Faith cannot be converted in occupied areas.

Then it means that everything you have done before is useless.

Another ten days have passed, and the deep winter has come.

As the spring is getting closer, the pressure on the western countries is increasing, and Carroll is the most important among them.

Although the territory of Gundy City has been expanded dozens of times, the power of God has increased by less than 1/20 of the original, which is obviously unacceptable to Carol.

"Why is this?!"

Carol roared angrily at each of the bishops: "I want to know why our believers haven't increased. Where are all the promises you swore before? Now I order you, I will see it within half a month. If there is still no result, then don't blame me for attacking you first."

"Your Majesty the Pope, you don't know something..."

One of the bishops stood up and said: "Recently, a concept called why democracy and what 965 began to spread in our country. Most common people worship this new idea, but they dismiss our mission."

"Democratic ideas? What is this?"

Carol had never heard the term.

Most of the bishops didn't understand this question either, so they could only answer: "This emerging idea came from the province of the Holy Dragon. In the past half a month, it has begun to wreak havoc in various countries, and it has gained civilians in a very short period of time. And the support of the workers has had a considerable impact on the big landlords and aristocrats.”

"This must be Vega Saint Laurent's conspiracy again."

As soon as he heard that the news came from Shenglong Province, Carol immediately made this judgment, and said at the same time: "The order will continue, and it is forbidden to talk about democratic ideas and the 996 system throughout the country. Anyone who violates the order will be killed."

"The Pope is crowned wise."

Everyone and Carol didn't think there was anything wrong.

Not only the Gundy City State, but all Western countries have taken the same measures as them, that is, forcibly silenced and suppressed.

Few realize that the more oppressive something is, the more it rebounds.

Their actions directly accelerated the detonation of the bomb.

(End of this chapter)

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