Mage Veja

Chapter 904

Chapter 904
The wind of democracy blows across the West.

It has been a month since the idea of ​​democracy was spread.

In the past month, countless demonstrations, large and small, have taken place in Western countries.

Just today.

In the capital of the Freedom Alliance, more than 30 workers collectively went on strike to protest against the exploitation and oppression of civilians by the Freedom Alliance’s industry, commerce and agriculture. This is also the largest demonstration in the West so far.

"We need human rights! We need democracy!"

"Swear to the death to boycott 997 and 697!"

"Long live 965, long live democracy!"

"No one can take away our natural human nature!"


Holding high the banner of democracy and openly opposing the exploitative system of the big landlords and aristocrats, all the workers and peasants stand on the same front. If the goal is not achieved, these commoners will certainly not give up.

"Vegar Saint Laurent!"

Strachey, the King of the Alliance, is the same as other kings, even if he closes his eyes, he can know that this is a good thing done by Veigar.Because in this world, the person who knows how to use civilians the most is Vega.

"A bunch of pigs, this is not your country."'

Strachey's eyes were fierce, and like Carol and other kings, he didn't take the actions of these commoners seriously.

As supporters of the monarchy system, every king always believes that the country belongs to them, they are the masters of this land, and the common people are just their livestock.What should I do if the animals are disobedient?Of course it will be suppressed with blood.

"Let the magician do it, and give me a hard lesson for these civilians."

Following Strachey's cruel order, several fireballs exploded in the crowd of demonstrations. The 30 people did not expect that the king would actually do such a thing, and blood caused them to flee in panic.

This time the largest demonstration was suppressed.

The death toll of civilians at the scene exceeded 1600.

At the same time, more than 500 soldiers were killed by the angry civilians, and the death toll of civilians and soldiers exceeded 2100.

With so many deaths, let the civilians know that demonstrations are useless.The king was unlikely to defend their rights, and the government ultimately sided with the great nobles and landed classes.

The big nobles and big landlords have the support of the government, and they have also started to scare chickens and monkeys——

They first raised prices, lowered salaries, and extended working hours... They fired those who participated in demonstrations, and at the same time raised the salaries of civilians who were willing to be livestock.

This series of combined punches is obviously telling all the workers and peasants not to try to resist them, but to be obedient to their livestock and have something to eat, or else they will starve to death on the street.

"what should we do?"

After the parade, a worker looked at everyone in despair and said: "The government is on the side of the nobles and landlords. Are we destined to be livestock for him? It's fine if I'm just a livestock for the rest of my life, but as long as I Thinking that my children and grandchildren will be treated as livestock by those fat-headed and big-eared people, and there will be no way to escape from generation to generation, I feel extremely hopeless."

"I can't keep silent any longer!"

Another worker climbed up and shouted: "If demonstrations cannot change the will of those in power, then there is only war! If our generation does not stand up, our descendants will be slaves forever. Friends... No! Comrades ! For the dignity of being born as human beings, for the future of future generations, we must fight.”

Many, many people stood up that night.

But standing up is not enough. Almost everyone understands that if they want to win the revolution and change the current world, they need someone who can convince everyone and have the ability to change the world to stand up and lead them.

So Vega stood up.

At this moment of expectation, Veigar issued an announcement to the entire West on the Starwind City: "The Jialan Empire will firmly support the 965 system, defend every human being's right to live and work, and vow to establish a democratic regime for the workers. Fight for the interests of farmers."

at the same time.

The Jialan Empire officially warned all countries in the entire West not to try to resist the will of the people, and should immediately carry out reforms from top to bottom.Otherwise, the Jialan Empire will not rule out using force against other countries.

Of course, it is impossible for countries to heed Veigar's warning.

So Veigar stood up and publicly declared war on the Principality of Baya, and uttered the slogan of fighting for democracy.

A hundred calls.

Just a warning and a declaration of war gave the entire Western revolutionary groups great confidence.

Although there is no intersection with each other, almost all revolutionary groups regard Vega as the co-lord, and look forward to the Jialan army hitting their territory as soon as possible to save them.

Especially within the Principality of Baya.

When the major revolutionary groups heard that Vega was going to use force against the Principality of Baya, they began to harass the government and the army indiscriminately, as if they had been beaten to death.

one more time.

The 50 troops of the Jialan Empire came to the City of Dawn, a symbol of hope and dawn.

This incident immediately alarmed Grand Duke Baya and Aiden Gary.

Grand Duke Baya asked Aiden Gary nervously in the chamber: "Vega Saint Laurent is attacking again, what should the general do? Dawn City is our most important line of defense, no matter what No loss allowed."

"Your Majesty, I have only one suggestion now."

"General, please, but say it's okay."


Aiden Gary uttered two words that Grand Duke Baya never dreamed of.

"General Aiden, are you kidding me?"

The corner of Grand Duke Baya's mouth twitched, and it was still hard to believe that this was Aiden Gary's serious answer.

In the impression of Grand Duke Baya, the principality army still has more than one million soldiers, while the Jialan army has only 50 remnants and defeated soldiers, and they don't even have the basic air force.The last time the Jialan Army came aggressively, even with the escort of the Central Aviation Corps, even if they couldn't do anything to him, why couldn't the Baya Principality hold on this time?

Don't say it's Shou.

In the eyes of Grand Duke Baya, it is quite simple to win Vega.

But Aiden Gary obviously saw something that the Grand Duke of Baya couldn't see. He still shook his head and said: "Your official is not joking. We have no chance of winning this battle. Surrendering now can save a life. Wait until Jialan The army has entered the capital, and if you want to surrender, Your Majesty, it may be too late."

"General Eden is exaggerating."

Grand Duke Baya said angrily, "General Aiden, please tell me how to lose this battle?"

"It doesn't matter how to lose."

Aiden Gary asked: "Please tell me, Your Majesty, how to win this battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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