Mage Veja

Chapter 905 Class War

Chapter 905 Class War
There is no reason to win.

Aiden Gary was absolutely sure of that.

They have millions of soldiers, but Veigar has hundreds of millions of civilians.

As long as Vega launches an attack on any city, the civilians in that city will cooperate with Vega. When the time comes, they should cooperate with each other. How can they win the people's will? Vega Saint Laurent?
Time, location, people and harmony.

In urban warfare, the loss of people and harmony means the loss of geographical advantages. Without geographical advantages and human harmony, even if the weather is on their side, the final result will inevitably be failure.

It was not until this time that Aiden Gary understood.

The God of War was not on their side, because what they were facing was God.

The entire West has ignored the most insignificant civilians too much.

Aiden Gary told the Grand Duke Baya all about the powerful relationship. He told the Grand Duke Baya what it means to be difficult to disobey the will of the people, what is meant by those who follow the people prosper and those who go against the people perish.

It started when Veigar opened Pandora's box.

The entire West has been completely passive. Any existence that stands on the opposite side of the common people will be crushed by this general trend. There will be no residue left. No one... No, even gods are no exception.

"Is there no remedy?"

Grand Duke Baya was very unwilling, and at the same time, he still didn't believe that a few commoners would have such a powerful force.

"Of course there is a remedy."

Aiden Gary said sharply: "The only way is to immediately learn from Vega Saint Laurent, completely stand on the side of the common people, carry out reforms from top to bottom, and come up with a reform plan that satisfies the common people. Only in this way, The civilians will support the government again, and Vega Saint Laurent will inevitably be opposed by the civilians if he continues to forcefully attack."

"How to reform?"

Grand Duke Baya asked with concern.

"Your Majesty, Vega can do this, but you absolutely cannot."

Aiden Gary didn't even say the specific reform, but directly gave a negative answer. Deep down in his heart, he didn't think that Grand Duke Baya could do what he was about to say.

"I also ask the general not to betray you."

Grand Duke Baya was very anxious, and he didn't understand why it was so imminent, Aiden Gary refused to say a countermeasure.

"Even if His Majesty wants to hear it, then I will talk about it."

Aiden Gary sighed: "Your Majesty, can you be sure that all the resources controlled by the nobles, landlords, and capitalists in the whole country will be returned to the common people, and at the same time implement the 965 system to ensure the basic rights of every commoner? Even, you Do you have the courage to abolish the monarchy and return power to the common people?"

Grand Duke Baya opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

At this moment, he finally understood that Vega Aiden Gary had been reluctant to come up with a countermeasure for a long time. It turned out that he had already expected that he would not be able to make this determination, so he didn't want to bother to come up with a countermeasure.

As Aiden Gary said.

Even if he had the courage to abolish the monarchy, he still couldn't get rid of the big nobles and big landlords.

The big nobles and big landlords control 80.00% of the country's resources, including the army and officials, all of which are under the control of these people. Once he touches the cake of these people, it is tantamount to pushing himself to a dead end.

It's completely conceivable at that time.

Before the commoners tore him to pieces, the great nobles and landowners would be the first to pull him down from the throne.

Therefore, even if he was lent a dozen or so guts, he would not dare to touch the entangled class of big aristocrats and big landlords.Not just his Baia Principality, this situation is exactly the same in every country.

Nothing in this world is good for anyone.

If civilians are chosen, then the interests of the landlords and the aristocracy will naturally be violated.

Once the interests of these people are mobilized, the strength of their rebound is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, for the current plan, even if the country is destroyed, he must stand on the side of the nobles and landlords, and fight against the civilians on the same front as these people. This is the only choice for the king.


The Jialan Empire is completely standing on the standpoint of the common people.

In this world, only the Jialan Empire can truly ignore any influence, reform if it is said to be open and aboveboard, defend the interests of people's names if it is to defend the interests of the people, and fight against the landlords and aristocrats if it is said to be against it.

the reason is simple.

Vega Saint Laurent seems to have hated the nobles and landlords very much from the very beginning. Almost all the nobles and landlords were uprooted from the top to bottom of the Holy Dynasty.

More than that.

Every time it occupied a place, the Jialan Empire has always stood in the perspective of the common people and defended the interests of the common people. ethnic conflicts.

Truly aristocratic.

There are only front-line generals such as Qi Lisi, Tennier, and Housman, and these people are more obedient to Vega, and they dare not disobey Vega's existence at all, which also makes Vega want to do anything. You can do whatever you want.

in short.

In the Jialan Empire, there are only civilians, and there are no nobles.Of course, at the same time as the development, the first batch of bourgeoisie also emerged, but the bourgeoisie is still too weak to affect the government's decision-making.

Moreover, Vega is not prepared to let the bourgeoisie sit on the head of the government, or even influence the regime.

Therefore, Grand Duke Baya understood it.

This war is no longer just a war between countries, but a war of contradictions between classes.

They sided with the nobles and landowners, Veigar chose the side of the common people.

Now the common people are united and united, and there are countless civilians who are willing to dedicate themselves to the revolution, but on their side, every greedy big noble and big landlord has not changed their minds at all, and they always think that war is a matter for the country.

This resulted in none of them contributing.

It is better to say that when the war comes, they first think of protecting their own interests, for fear that the country will have no money to attack them.

This is a long time.

How can there be any reason for victory in this war?
Grand Duke Baya understood Aiden Gary's question: "How can we win this battle?"

Can't win!
It is true that there is not even the slightest chance of winning.

History will eventually be on the side of the common people, and anything that hinders the interests of democracy will be destroyed, and they who cannot escape from the landlords and aristocrats are destined to be reduced to the dust of history.

As Aiden Gary said.

For the current plan, there is only one way to choose surrender.

"I see."

Grand Duke Baya is like a discouraged ball: "In the end, if there is really no other way, I will choose to surrender, but before that, please allow me to order the whole army to stand firm. Without my order, the Jialan army is not allowed to step in." One step for our country!"

This command is only for miracles to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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