Mage Veja

Chapter 908

Chapter 908
The sudden collapse of the Principality of Baya sounded the alarm for all countries.

Countries realized that this wind of democracy is not as simple as they imagined.

Underestimating the fate of this wave of democracy will inevitably be torn to pieces by the wind of democracy. The Principality of Baya is already a lesson from the past.

But the countries are hard to return.

At this critical moment, they are still powerless to deal with Vega. If they want to make drastic reforms, I am afraid that they will die worse than the Principality of Baya.Even if they are lucky enough to complete the reform, what spare energy do they have to fight against Veigar?
To advance is death, and to retreat is also death.

The kings of various countries are like puppets, destined to be labeled as big nobles and big landlords, and pushed to the front to fight Vega.

They represent the entire noble and landlord class, but they have not received corresponding support from this class. Rather, most people in their class want them to surrender, lest the war affect their interests.

The common people are united.

The capitals are fighting each other.

Veigar rides the wind and waves, and with this wind of democracy, Veigar has won the support of the civilians and the revolutionary army wherever he goes, which makes him proud to occupy the city and conquer the enemy without any effort.

The power of civilians is greater than imagined.

Once the civilians are united, there is no invincible enemy in this world. All they lack is the confidence to win and a leader. Veigar is such a leader now.

As the only representative of the people's class.

Veigar acts as the number one and only pawn of this class——

Wherever the sword's edge goes, it is invincible.

Because 90.00% of the world is composed of civilians, so civilians are the world.

In other words, Veigar represents the will of the world.

To point your weapon at Veigar is to make an enemy of the world.

As Aiden Garry said, he has the courage to stand up to Veigar and swing his arms at Veigar, but he has no courage to fight against the world.The end of fighting against the whole world is bound to be crushed into ashes by the world.

As winter draws to a close.

Veigar miraculously developed from a situation where he was in a dilemma and almost wiped out his entire army, to occupying most of the west.

This is no longer enough to be described by miracles, but should be expressed by miracles.

"Whoever wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world."

Over the past ten days, King Strachey of the Freedom Alliance has repeated these words over and over again.

Today, he finally knows what is the real way to be a king and what is called the most reasonable words.

If he could have realized this sentence earlier, he would not have chosen to stand on the side of the aristocrats and landlords, but would have started reforms decades ago, slowly weakening the power of this class, and at the same time shifting his focus to the common people.

But it was too late now.

Reform is not something that happens overnight. Veigar started from scratch, has nothing, and can do whatever he wants, which does not mean that the free alliance that has been passed down for thousands of years can do this.If he really made up his mind to eradicate this class, it was still unknown whether the resistance he would encounter would be so great that he would be swallowed up directly.

"General Swinburne, what should I do?"

Strachey's expression was full of pain, and he felt very helpless because he knew the key point, but there was nothing he could do.

"Please Your Majesty."

Swinburne bowed and said, "Would you rather fight a war with no chance of winning, and end up dying in battle, or would you just surrender and live a peaceful old age like Grand Duke Baya and Holy Dragon King?"

"You want to persuade me to surrender?"

Strachey's tone became serious: "Judging from the current situation, we do not have any hope of victory, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the war must be lost, but if I had to choose, I would still choose to fight. The battlefield of death."

"Your Majesty clearly said that he would surrender." Gentleman Swinburne smiled.

"Hahaha, it's true that he said he wanted to surrender."

Strachey said with a very happy smile: "But if I am really asked to do it, I will definitely not surrender. If I give up without hope, there will be no legends and epics in this world. World, don't you find it boring?"

"bring it on."

Strachey looked at the sunset, and the afterglow dyed him golden: "We should also learn from that brat, and come to a real 'win or die' battle. I don't have Aiden Gary's fighting skills, and I can I don't have Vega Saint Laurent's ability to manipulate the world, but I have an ambition to fight against the whole world!"

"Even if there is defeat but no victory?"

"Even if there is a defeat, there is no victory!"

"Even if there are ten deaths and no life?"

"Even if there are ten deaths and no life!"

Strachey turned his back to the sunset and turned to look at Swinburne: "I'm not a general, I'm a king. If a general doesn't fight a battle of defeat and invincibility, how can a subjugated king be a minister of another country? Grand Duke Baya and King Shenglong , has lost the dignity of being a king."

Strachey held up the crossed long sword symbolizing power and status, and stood in front of Swinburne: "General Swinburne Raphael, will you accompany me to the end in this final battle?"

The last rays of the setting sun shone on the blade.

Swinburne Raphael knelt down on one knee and took over the long cross sword: "Your Majesty is a general, and a real general does not fight a battle without defeat or victory. But before becoming a general, I am your majesty first." A subject, as a subject—”

"The master humiliated the minister to death."


Gundy City State.

Carol became a veritable tyrant.

Recently, he has killed all the courtiers, soldiers, and civilians who have repeatedly hindered him, or dared to resist him.

Now all over the country, Carol's existence has been outraged by everyone.

The direct result of this is the continuous decrease of believers and the continuous decline of faith.

up to now.

Carol's strength has fallen below that of a star mage, which made Carol even more irritable than before.

Since ancient times, there has been a nest of snakes and rats.

Carroll's behavior drove away the people of insight, but left behind a group of villains who were mercenary.

Since ancient times, a gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness, and a villain is a metaphor for profit.

Gentlemen have their own bottom line. In order to achieve their goals, they know what to do and what not to do. They will look at the problem from a long-term perspective, but for villains, the bottom line does not exist.In order to protect their own interests, do everything.

Now the villains are on the same side as Carol.

They understand that Carol and they are both prosperous and damaged. Once the Jialan army occupies this place, they will lose everything they have now.So they pinned their hopes on Carol and began to make suggestions for Carol.

The snake has its way, and the rat has its way.

It is precisely because this group of people do not have a long-term vision that they are very proficient in the way of catching fish.

They offered Carol a very vicious strategy to help Carol improve his strength-forced faith.

(End of this chapter)

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