Mage Veja

Chapter 909

Chapter 909
What is mandatory belief?

It is difficult to control a person's mind, but it is easy to control a person's mind.

It is difficult because human beings are intelligent advanced creatures. It is almost impossible to make them give up on you with a few words or a little favor. Therefore, through conventional means, you want to make the civilians in the occupied area treat Carlo It is almost impossible to offer your faith.

Of course, it's easy to say.

Since conventional methods are not enough, aren't there still unconventional methods?

Grab a person's handle, and you can forcibly order a person.The cumulative brainwashing of a person can also change the person's thinking and turn the person into a tool for you to use.

These heretics, the little people around Carol can be said to be very good at it.

They suggested that Carroll use an addictive form of tobacco to control the populace.

In their investigation, it was found that there is a kind of tobacco in the underground world that can make people addicted, and this addiction can make people unable to stop.

As long as this kind of tobacco is widely spread in the market, and at the same time, the origin and source of these tobacco are controlled, after the trend is formed, the supply will be cut off, and then it will be provided free of charge in the name of the Holy See to believers who are willing to offer their faith, telling them that only Believe in the gods, the gods will give them what they want.

With this means, faith can be easily gained.

But there is no doubt that this is a means of fishing.

Because this addictive tobacco is difficult to quit once addicted, long-term use will destroy a person's body and spirit, and have an immeasurable impact on the individual and the country.

without any exaggeration.

Once the entire population becomes addicted, the entire country will collapse within ten years.

But Carol didn't care.

Because for him, his goal is to defeat Vega and take back Sia Saint Laurent.

The life and death of foreigners has nothing to do with him.

Rather, as long as the goal can be achieved, even if all the people in this world die, he will not hesitate.

Therefore, for this method, Carroll directly ordered the implementation.

With the official promotion and the use of people's curiosity, the effect can hardly be expressed in words.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

Like a virus, this kind of tobacco has become a fashion in a short period of time. Anyone who has been exposed to it once, except for magicians who have awakened spiritual power, even professionals will become captives of this kind of tobacco.

When it is determined that at least 60.00% of the population has been exposed at least once.

Carroll began ordering cuts to the tobacco supply.

In just one day, the people of the whole country were drowned, and the price of one gram of tobacco stock was sky-high, and there was no market for the price.

Seeing that the effect has been achieved, Carol began to order the Holy See branch established for missionary work to take action again. Anyone who is willing to offer their faith and sincerely pray to the gods can get the gift of God.

This gift is three days of tobacco.

If you want to obtain tobacco, you must go to the Holy See to pray every three days, and you must work hard during these three days. If you fail to meet the standard and are found to be unqualified by the people of the Holy See, it is very likely that the supply of tobacco will be cut off. .

As soon as this announcement came out, the civilians went crazy.

They frantically flocked to the Holy See branches in various places to offer their faith to the gods together. In fact, let alone offering prayers to the gods at this time, it doesn't matter if they offer their faith to the devil.

As long as the devil can give them tobacco, then the devil is a god.

With the increase of faith, Carol's strength began to soar. In a short period of time, he broke through from the upper mage back to the star position, and then rose to the holy position, and this trend does not mean to weaken in any way.

"Vega Saint Laurent, wait for me."

Carol's face was full of madness, he was still waiting, waiting for the day when he would be promoted to the god position.

Now 60.00% of the people in the country have been addicted to addiction. When the day is [-]%, it is a certainty to advance to the god position.In order to speed up, Carol began to force the people of the Holy See to become addicted.

The so-called compulsive addiction.

That is to force people who have never smoked tobacco to become addicted to smoking, so as to increase the speed of transmission.

the introduction of this policy.

In the end, it allowed Carol to complete control of the entire country.

Now no one speaks out against any of his commands, and his word is an oracle.

Civilians have completely become thoughtless animals.


Carol's such a big move, of course, cannot be hidden from other forces.

King Strachey of the Freedom Alliance immediately issued a decree after hearing the news, prohibiting any city-state civilians from crossing the border of the Freedom Alliance, and strictly prohibiting the spread of this special tobacco in the country. Anyone who dares to spread this kind of tobacco People who will be punished by ransacking their homes and exterminating their clans.

As kings, they understand this kind of thing too well.

Once this kind of thing is allowed to spread in the country, it is tantamount to ruining the entire country.

Strachey never thought that Carol would do such a frenzied thing. This Carol is not the messenger of the gods, the pope of justice, but the apostle of the devil.

less than ten years.

Strachey can guarantee that the entire Gundy city-state will become a hell on earth, and more than 15 billion civilians will be buried in it. That madman is completely different from him.

If Veigar manipulated the world, it represented the will of the world.

And he wants to be a challenger, against the world, and overcome the will of the world.

Then Carol is a Destroyer.

Strachey couldn't understand why so many ghosts and monsters appeared in this era in the Jialan Continent, which had remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years.Either someone trying to manipulate the world, or someone trying to destroy it...

In any case, it has become a reality.

Strachey accepted this reality, and at the same time began his plan -

Pull the big landowners and the big aristocratic class into his chariot.

With reason and emotion, Strachey explained the dire situation to these people.For those who are willing to contribute to the war, Strachey treats each other with courtesy, and for those who are only interested in their own interests and are unwilling to contribute, Strachey uses special means to forcibly erase these discordant voices .

That's why.

In a short period of time, the Liberty Alliance has increased its high-level force several times, and at the same time no longer has to worry about armaments and war resources.

For the first time in history the great aristocrats and the great landed classes united against the common people.

After all, civilians cannot do without firewood, rice, oil and salt, and human beings are selfish creatures. As long as they are willing to pay some price and sacrifice some interests, the big nobles and big landlords who occupy 90.00% of social resources can easily win over a large number of traitors from the civilian class To deal with the civilians in turn, so as to make the civilian class fight each other.

The common people fight each other, and the situation in the country will become stable.

Some revolutionary and rebel armies will also be firmly restricted.

The money weapon of the big aristocracy and the big landlord class is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

But freezing three feet is not a one-day cold.

In order to achieve these goals, both the Gundy City State and the Freedom Alliance will need to spend a lot of time.

So three months flew by as they accomplished their goals.

Now, the ice and snow in the Jialan Mountains are beginning to melt...

(End of this chapter)

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