Mage Veja

Chapter 95 Free Mage

Chapter 95 Free Mage
Exit from the A91 Brigade Headquarters.

Veigar will never forget the look in Brigadier Gunther Burton's eyes when he received the notice.

What kind of look is that?
Just like a rich businessman who accidentally broke his beloved porcelain cup, although he expressed regret and heartache, he never thought about taking the broken porcelain cup for repair, because porcelain cups may be exquisite, but they are not without substitutes Taste.

Veigar understood.

His potential will certainly be valued.

But he is like that porcelain cup, even if there is only a little flaw, it will be ruthlessly abandoned by the owner, because there are too many geniuses in the empire, and he is not an irreplaceable existence.


If he becomes a unique existence.

Then no one can abandon him, just like when he got the "Kareni Contact Map 1", the regiment headquarters even activated the Imperial Special Operations Regulations for it, and the whole regiment was dispatched to rescue him.

In other words.

To survive this crisis, he must make himself unique.

Only by making the military think that it is impossible to abandon him at this stage, can he truly survive this crisis.

As for after the crisis?

This is not something that needs to be considered at this stage, but Veigar will choose to stay in the army in the end, even if the army may die at any time, or even be abandoned and denied, but it is really useless to escape, he wants to gain more rights through this platform and status, subvert everything with unparalleled power and accomplish your goals.

What needs to be considered now is how to make the military think that it is impossible to abandon him.

Is there anything unique about him?

Potential, honor?
These are things that can be replaced, and it has been proven that the military will not keep him for such a boring feature.

While walking towards the officer's apartment, Veigar bowed his head in thought.

There is not much time left for him. Once the news of the frozen wings of the empire reaches the judicial system, the military procuratorate will definitely come to him again. With his current meager strength, it is impossible to be an opponent of an official magician.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the situation was on the brink of death.

But the more urgent you are, the more you need to be calm, because nervousness, anxiety, and fear will only make things worse.

Veigar took a deep breath.

Then he raised his head and looked around, trying to calm himself down by diverting his attention.

The moment he raised his head.

Veigar found that he had unknowingly walked into the slums again.

But this time was different from the last time he went deep into it, he just stood on the street and looked towards the alley leading to the slum.

That is……

Veigar saw 3 trash cans lined up in the alley.

That was the place where he fought stray dogs for food in order to survive.

Although this is not something to boast about, or even a symbol of shame, he still won the first battle across the different world at a terrible price, and finally grabbed the leftovers from the restaurant, so he survived.

Absolutely cannot die here.

Veigar strengthened his belief even more, he subconsciously took two steps towards the trash can.

Just came close.

Veigar noticed a distressed figure rushing out from a dark corner, and rushed towards the leftovers that had just been discarded.

It was a child who looked about his size.

Just as the child was rushing towards the trash can, a stray dog ​​that had been eyeing him for a long time also rushed towards the trash can together. The stray dog ​​was very fast, but the child's speed was obviously faster.

woof, woo~
Not only was the child not afraid of the stray dog, but he even kicked it flying. The bullying stray dog ​​could only escape with its tail between its legs.

Veigar, who was about to help, stopped because he was touched by the scene.

Yes, not everyone is as weak as he was back then, and what he needs to fight for with his life, maybe others can easily get it.

Just as he was about to leave silently.

He suddenly saw the child's turned face.

Four eyes facing each other.

The child who kicked the stray dog ​​and ran away with his tail between his legs, seemed to have seen some kind of indescribable horror, he didn't even care about the leftovers, turned around and exploded towards the slums at the fastest speed in his life direction rushed.

That kid is Bray!
Veigar recognized that face at first glance, because he was not only the leader of the street child spy organization, but also the chief culprit who bankrupted the second phase of the mission in the last big cleansing mission.

Originally, Bray managed to escape because of the benevolence of Raglan, the commander of the 6th Division.

And Vega almost thought that it would be difficult to find him again in this life. After all, Bray had always been clever and cunning. If it wasn't for a blanket search, it would be difficult to find a child in the huge Kareni.

But he didn't expect to meet Bray again here.

He didn't want to pursue him at first, because he was just a small fugitive, and even if he caught a little military merit, he couldn't solve his predicament, and he didn't have much time to waste.

For the empire?

First, he doesn't have much loyalty to the empire, and the empire is about to abandon him. Does he have to stand up for the empire's last post?

Seeing that Bray was about to disappear from sight.

After pausing for a few seconds, Veigar still chased after him.

Maybe it's just to divert attention and calm myself down, or maybe it's to see what's going on with the former "old friend", or to kill him to gain a little magic power.

Veigar just followed behind him at a leisurely pace.

This followed for more than two hours, and Veigar found that Bray had been circling around the slums, as if he was doing it deliberately for fear of being followed.

Veigar is a professional and a magician.

He wanted to follow an ordinary person, so it was almost impossible for ordinary people to detect his aura.

Bray walked around wisely for two hours, and finally knocked four times on the door of a dilapidated house.


The leaking broken door was opened.

It was a middle-aged man, because he was wearing a tattered black cloak, so he couldn't tell whether his body was strong or weak. He simply didn't cover his face with the cloak, so Veigar could see his pale face.

The middle-aged man was injured.

Veigar was keenly aware of the situation of this middle-aged man.


After carefully looking around, Bray entered the room and the door was closed.

But at the moment the door was closed, Veigar's pupils shrank.

Because the moment the middle-aged man raised his hand to close the door, Veigar saw the cane held in the other hand under the man's cloak.

That was no ordinary cane.

The energy-gathering crystal inlaid on the top of the cane clearly told him that it was a staff that only magicians could use.

Why did the magician come into contact with Bray?

Judging from the other party's clothes, it is obvious that he does not belong to the military system, and at the same time, he is not a magician serving in the judicial system or the government system.

Even if you don't wear it, most magicians will rush to the hospital for treatment immediately if they are injured, but the other party didn't do this.

Is it...

A free mage unwilling to serve the empire?
Because only free mages can be so poor that they can barely afford medical bills.

 Thanks to the "Blood War Knight" for the 5 reward. It is reasonable to add two more updates, but these days I can't make it... Especially today I have to drive the car, so please help me remember, it will be on the shelf on the day, ahem... Try to make up~~~TT
(End of this chapter)

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