Mage Veja

Chapter 96: One Line of Vitality

Chapter 96

In a leaky broken house.

Bray sat down on the chair and gulped down a glass of water.


He slammed the empty glass on the table.

Bray gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words: "Damn Veigar!"

Can't help but not be angry.

Because it wasn't the first time Veigar had ruined his good deeds.

From the beginning of the stray children organization, Veigar ignored his coaxing and disappeared inexplicably. Later, he didn't miss the past at all during the purge mission, which not only ruined his entire future, but also almost ended his life.

Fortunately, he pretended to be pitiful and escaped unharmed.

Although he was later listed as a wanted criminal, but with his own weak body and excellent disguise ability, he lived comfortably in Kareni. After all, he also came from street children. Handy.

But he was not reconciled.

He is considered to be at the top, how could he be willing to continue to be a street child.

During this period, he used his identity as a United Kingdom spy to actively contact the surviving spies in other districts and the North District. He attempted to rejoin the spy organization and work for the United Kingdom again.

Things are not going well.

Since his face has been exposed, his wanted leaflets are pasted all over the streets and alleys, so no contact point dares to reactivate him, and the leaders of several contact points even want to kill him.

Bray finally realized.

Kareni couldn't stay any longer. He was ready to wait for an opportunity to escape from the city of Kareni, but he didn't have the confidence to break through the several prosecutorial lines guarding the city, because once the identity of the wanted criminal was exposed, he might die in an ugly manner.

In order to live better.

In order to return to the top.

Bray had decided last week to find a way to escape the prosecutorial line and escape from the city of Kalieni.

He moved out in the dark and began to look for loopholes in the city defense, but the defense line of Kaleni City was like an iron barrel, and there were no dead spots at all, especially where the city gate was, and there was even a legendary magician standing in the air.

The martial law at night is several times stronger than that during the day.

Just when he was discouraged, he picked up a middle-aged magician who was injured and unconscious on the way back.

This magician is from the United Kingdom!

Bray recognized the magician's identity from the special symbols on his body.

Because this special symbol can only be recognized by people in the United Kingdom spy system, except for the spy system, even soldiers and officers of the United Kingdom army do not recognize it.

How did the magician of the kingdom's spy system get into the city?

As far as Bray knows, the number of professionals in the United Kingdom's espionage organization in the entire city of Kareni can be counted with a slap, and more advanced magicians do not exist in Kareni at all.

Because a slightly advanced professional will be subject to all-round investigation when entering the city of Kareni, not to mention entering Kareni as a magician, even the lowest level 1 magician cannot escape the inspection and defense line of the empire.

This is an opportunity.

Bray was keenly aware that the injured magician must have a high status in the spy organization. If he could be rescued here, then with this relationship, he would definitely be able to enter the spy system again.

He saved the magician.

In the subsequent exchange, everything went as Bray expected.

This magician does have a high status in the espionage organization, because he does not belong to Kareni's Kingdom espionage organization, but is one of the members of the United Kingdom espionage system branch.

More importantly.

This time, the magician risked his life to break into Kareni in order to deliver a letter to the head of the Kareni spy organization, but his identity was exposed, and he escaped the pursuit with serious injuries.

People from two factions are now looking for him.

One is the Kareni Third Army, and the other is the law enforcement team of the Kareni government system.

Of course, the Third Army was looking for this magician to find out his purpose, and the law enforcement team of the government system was looking for him, of course, under the order of Bruno Valen, the director of the General Bureau of Law Enforcement, because Bruno's other identity is a Carleni spy. head of organization.

But the magician didn't dare to take the lead.

Because once the third group army takes the lead, then all previous efforts may be wasted.

After knowing the cause and effect, Bray helped hide the magician, and at the same time found an opportunity to secretly contact the law enforcement team when the third army was not aware of it.

"How are things going?"

Seeing that Bray put down his cup, the middle-aged mage asked hastily.

Bray shook his head: "Lord Ellison, you don't know that although the law enforcement team is everywhere, there are also many troops. It is impossible to contact the law enforcement team without the army's eyeliner. Today, it was almost impossible to contact the law enforcement team." His life was lost, and even tonight's dinner was lost."

"Thanks a lot."

Ellison sighed: "If I hadn't been attacked by the spiritual magicians of the Imperial Army, causing my mental power to be severely injured and temporarily unable to use magic, I would not have fallen to this point. After this incident, I will definitely bring you to Gacili City Branch."

"Thank you, Mr. Ellison."

Bray is full of joy, as long as he leaves this ghostly place of Kareni, he is confident that he can make a comeback.

But at this moment, there was a loud bang at the door.


The leaky broken door shattered.

When the dust settled, a young boy stood there with a dagger in his hand and a bright smile on his lips.

The conversation between the two has all been heard by Veigar.

When he learned that this magician was not a free mage, but a member of the Kingdom Army's spy organization, he realized that there must be some serious tricks in it. It is difficult for even professional personnel from the enemy country to survive in the empire's territory, let alone a magician.

It must have mattered a lot to risk death and enter Kareni.

As long as the tricks in it are related to the survival of the entire Kareni.

Then, with first-hand information, he will become an absolutely irreplaceable existence. Even if he does not make a request to the military department, the upper echelons of the military department will even take the initiative to save his life.

But the strength of the magician made him quite afraid.

Because he hasn't learned the shadow technique yet, if he exposes his figure without analyzing his own strength, he is likely to die here because he is not a magician's opponent. Of course, it is impossible to leave temporarily to seek help from others.

Because the entire upper echelon of the army knew he was going to die.

Now he has no influence in the army, let alone anyone who will help him.

But in the next moment.

Veigar heard that the other party's mental power was injured, and he was unable to release magic.

Therefore, he broke into here at the first time, the short knife in his hand was filled with magic power, and his whole body was ready to go.

He wants to find out the truth of this, which may be his chance of life.

(End of this chapter)

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