Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 153 Ships in the hinterland of Liao Kingdom

Chapter 153 Ships in the hinterland of Liao Kingdom

After all, Maid Zhao is not a bloodthirsty person, but if this matter really goes on like this, he can already foresee how many people will die.

Looking at Wang Yuyan, Maid Zhao said with a smile, "Princess Wang can go to have a rest first. Regarding this matter, I still need to discuss it with the Minister."

"Okay, then I will take my leave first."

After Wang Yuyan left, Maid Zhao became the same as before. Now there are only a few prime ministers and some related officials left, and the rest are all cleared out.

Maid Zhao told them the content of Zhao Bi's kit directly, but what surprised Maid Zhao was that these people would agree.

This is basically carried out in accordance with this operation without any negotiation.

Ask Tianzong

Mo Wen had already arranged to contact martial arts sects to support Yanmen Pass a few days ago. Of course, many sects were willing to go, and even the Shaolin Temple sent hundreds of monks to participate.

The Iron Palm Gang was even more willing to come here with all their strength. In less than seven days, Wen Tianzong received a total of responses from more than 30 sects, and they made an appointment for a trip to Yanmen Pass.

These sects plus some patriotic martial arts casual cultivators, this time there are nearly 1 people in the martial arts willing to go.

It can be said that the battles that people in the martial arts participated in can directly make Yanmenguan even more powerful.

Ding Chunqiu is still fighting the Jurchens at this time. This time in the battle of the northern border, how long will it be before Ding Chunqiu alone can beat the 10,000+ army to kill people? Now he is still attacking the city continuously. Song Jun Casualties here are also pitiful.

In ten days now, only the last few cities of this future Dajin are left. In the next words, this country that has not yet been established will be aborted.

"Daxian, Luocheng is not far ahead, which is probably the most difficult part of our trip to the north?" Duke said to Ding Chunqiu with a smile.

The current Duke is completely based on Ding Chunqiu's words. Of course not only him, but even the soldiers respect him. The main reason is that the fact that so few people died on his side is due to Ding Chunqiu. .

"Let's set up camp here. I've heard of this Luocheng old fairy before, and there is also a master-level expert in it. Now I need to cultivate the old fairy." Ding Chunqiu said, looking at the city in front of him.

Although the price comparison is said to be easy, Ding Chunqiu still underestimates in his heart, mainly because he has no confidence in his heart.

After hearing Ding Chunqiu's words, Duke felt a sudden nervousness in his heart, and then began to set up camp on the spot as Ding Chunqiu said.

Anyway, the Song army had sufficient food and grass, and they were not worried about what would happen. An army of 10,000+ was their best guarantee.

Duke knew before that this Luocheng would be the most difficult bone in the entire northern territory, but now he didn't expect that it would be too difficult.

A master at the master level, Duke knew Ding Chunqiu when he looked at him, but not all masters are like Ding Chunqiu.

The reason why Ding Chunqiu wanted to set up camp here was mainly because he wanted to meet the master master in the city for a while, and Ding Chunqiu was quite familiar with this person.


"General, the Liao army doesn't know what the hell is going on now, it's been two days and still haven't seen any movement?"

Chen Cheng listened to the lieutenant general's words, and then said with a smile, "Our task is to guard Yanmen Pass, and don't worry about the rest."

Now the blood on the city wall has long been clear and clean, but the blood seeping into the cracks in the wall still exudes a bloody smell.

Standing on the city wall, Chen Cheng could no longer see the Liao army at this distance, but the spies would go out to check every day, and any disturbance would be directly discovered.

After the first battle at Yanmen Pass, the morale is now booming, and many people also want to go out of the city to attack the Liao army, but things are not that simple.

The land of the Liao Kingdom is much larger than that of the Song Dynasty, but it is not as much as the Song Dynasty in terms of the population.

This time the Liao Kingdom's attack on the Song Dynasty was originally a tug-of-war, and the longer supply line was the biggest obstacle for the Liao Army.

Liao army camp
"Now let's talk about your own feelings and how to conquer Yanmen Pass." Yelu Hongji said in the tent.

This time, the loss of 40 killed and [-] to [-] injured is still too heavy for the current Liao army. The extension of the supply line has directly led to the fact that there are now more than [-] troops left in the army, which can only supply for half a month. forage.

"Your Majesty, why don't you let the Great King of the South Court fight, in that case the Yanmen Pass must be relatively easy." A middle-aged man in civil servant's attire said.

When Yelu Hongji heard this, he didn't want Xiao Feng to come, but now he is still under house arrest in Daliao, the reason is because he is unwilling to start a war against Song.

"Don't think about the Great King of the South Courtyard now, but think about the immediate matter. We still have 40 troops. How to win Yanmen Pass within seven days is the most important thing." Yelu Hongji is most concerned about the matter in front of him. In this matter, once the Yanmen Gate is broken, the next step is to drive straight into Song Dynasty.

For these generals, wanting to win Yanmen Pass is nothing more than filling in with the lives of the soldiers, otherwise relying on this natural danger, they are basically invincible.

"Your Majesty, Yanmen Pass is currently in a state where entry and exit are not allowed. Before this subordinate secretly caught a spy, I learned from him that the current Yanmen Pass has enough food and grass to last for half a year, so we cannot afford such consumption now. .” At this time, a general stood up and said directly.

During the war, wanting to sneak into a heavily guarded city is simply wishful thinking. All things like burning food and grass, first of all, don't even think about it.

Yelu Hongji, as a man with ideals and ambitions, still said, "We will attack Yanmen Pass tomorrow, and the generals will come up with a good plan when they go back. At that time, we will try our best to cooperate with them remotely. This time, I must take Yanmen Pass. "

"The most difficult pass in history, I want to see if I can take it." Yelu Hongji also said in his heart.

Everyone also understands that the reason why Yanmen Pass is difficult to take is mainly due to its natural danger, otherwise it is just a very ordinary pass.

At this time, on the coastline far away in the hinterland of the Liao Kingdom, warships also began to slowly appear one by one, and began to move directly towards the border of the Liao Kingdom.

Looking at the ship that can't be seen at a glance, Gu Meng standing on the bow is also very excited now.

In the past few years since the establishment of the Qing Navy, this can be regarded as the first official battle.

(End of this chapter)

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