Chapter 154 Death Battle
Under the leadership of Gu Meng, the Qing navy participated in the war for the first time. For the [-] army behind them, they have a lot of expectations and enthusiasm.

This time the Liao Kingdom basically participated in the war with the whole country. Of the 80 troops in the country, 50 were used to fight the Song Dynasty. Now the remaining 30 are basically scattered in every part of the Liao Kingdom, and can form an army. At most, a scale of [-] to [-] is considered pretty good.

When the fleet docked, everyone began to connect these ships together, and the soldiers began to gather towards the shore continuously.

This time there will be [-] troops left, and the remaining [-] will start to take advantage of the battle between Liao and Song to capture the hinterland of Liao.

"Soldiers, this will be the first battle of our Qing navy. This time we have no backup and can only rely on ourselves. Are you afraid?" Gu Meng shouted loudly.

"Not afraid. Not afraid."

Hearing the voices of all the soldiers shouting in unison, Gu Meng who was standing at the front felt better than ever.

Although this place has reached the hinterland of the Liao Kingdom, it is not very close to the town. No matter how loud these people are shouting, it is impossible for anyone to hear it.

It is even more impossible for the Liao Kingdom to think that there will be troops coming directly from the sea to their side.

"Soldiers, let us start to build meritorious deeds together now. Let's strive to take Shangjing City within seven days and set off..."

Gu Meng yelled directly, and then started to head towards Liao Kingdom.

The biggest disadvantage of the navy is that there are no horses, and everyone can only rely on walking, which also causes a lot of slow progress for the mobility of the war.

But even if it is impossible, it is impossible to stop the dedication of these passionate men. This battle against the Qing Navy represents honor.

Gu Meng stood on the spot and looked at the surrounding situation. The place where he stopped this time had already been investigated in advance, otherwise it would not be possible to directly enter the hinterland of Liao with an army of tens of thousands.


"General, the Liao army has started to move again." The deputy general came to Chen Cheng and said eagerly.

"Haha. If they don't make any more moves, the general will be suspicious. Now they are in short supply of food and grass. If they can't finish taking Yanmen Pass, they will soon be unable to bear it." Chen Cheng said with a direct laugh.

The Liao army was impatient for a long time now, and Chen Cheng knew this better. While the other party was investigating them, this side was also investigating the other party.

"Notify everyone to start preparing for the battle. Are all the city defenses ready?" Chen Cheng said seriously.

"General Qi, all the matters have been prepared, and now the Liao army is left to come and die." The deputy general said firmly.

"Follow me to the tower."

The Song army is now completely waiting for the Liao army to attack. For them, everyone's face shows a firm side. Can smell a pungent smell.

"Report to the general, all members of the Liao army are now heading towards my Yanmen Pass." The spy directly bowed to Chen Cheng and said.

"Then let's fight to the death."

Chen Cheng yelled, and the soldiers standing on the city wall also yelled "fight to the death."

Half an hour later, the people standing on the city wall could already see the large figure of the Liao army, but they did not have the vigor they had when they came here for the first time. For the people in Yanmen Pass, this is really a good one. Couldn't be better.

After a while of incense sticks, Emperor Yelu Hongji of the Liao Dynasty rode his horse to the front and shouted towards Yanmen Pass, "I am Yelu Hongji, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom. Let your general come out and answer."

This situation can be regarded as a kind of courtesy before the death battle between the two armies, and it can also be regarded as telling each other.

"I am Chen Cheng, the left general of the Song Dynasty, and I am also the supreme commander in charge of the Liao army. I don't know what happened to the Liao emperor?" Chen Cheng stood directly on the city wall, his whole body revealed, and shouted at Yelu Hongji.

At such a time now, there is no need to worry about other people's sniping arrows. After all, the two armies are not fighting.

Yelu Hongji looked at Chen Cheng standing on top, smiled and said, "General Chen, it's already dusk in Song Dynasty, why don't you surrender me to Daliao, I promise you will be given the position of Marquis of Guannei."

"Emperor Liao, there is no need to say such things. I, Chen Cheng, belonged to Song Dynasty when I was born, and I am also a ghost of Song Dynasty when I die." Seeing Chen Cheng directly uttering such domineering words, all the soldiers shouted together, "Zhan Zhan. Zhan."

Seeing that the opponent was not willing to throw at him, Yelu Hongji immediately shouted, "Attack."


All of a sudden, all the Liao troops began to rush towards Yanmen Pass again.

The sound of tens of thousands of people running was like thunder, with a length of one kilometer horizontally.

Looking at the Liao army rushing in front of him, Chen Cheng took a deep breath and shouted, "Shoot the arrow."

The attack had already started at 150 paces, mainly because Chen Cheng discovered that many of the people from the Liao army camp who came over this time were carrying bows and arrows.

As a battle-tested general, Chen Cheng could see the opponent's intentions at a glance.

But this time the Liao army obviously already had a strategy to deal with it. The armored soldiers walked side by side in front, and all the archers behind them.

Although this is the case, when each wave of arrow rain falls, a large group of people can be clearly seen falling to the ground, but this is still too small for 40 people.

The current Chen Cheng can only watch the Liao army approaching step by step. When there are still a hundred steps left, he directly shouted "Let go!"

The trebuchets in the city immediately began to throw fire oil towards the outside of the city. This is also the fastest and most effective way to stop the Liao army.

According to speculation, if the Liao army wants to shoot arrows on the city wall, at least it needs to be a hundred steps closer to the city wall, but it is far from enough now.

But even if the fire oil burning did not stop the Liao army's offensive route, when it was about a hundred steps away, Chen Cheng shouted directly, "Everyone pay attention to defense."

But after saying this, the Liao army's arrow rain had already fallen, and groups of people could be seen falling directly on the city wall.

Even if Chen Cheng's eyes are tearing, it's useless now, he can only fight hard.

The 200-year-old personnel fought against each other in order to survive in such a chaotic situation.

The degree of casualties this time was far more serious than the first time, and the intensity was even more violent than the first time. In just one morning, the city wall was already full of corpses.

There are those of our own people and those of the Liao army. There are fireworks everywhere. Looking around, it is already like the end of the world.

At this moment, Chen Cheng was already standing on the tower, looking forward with his eyes, but he had already been shot with more than a dozen arrows, but he still leaned on the spear in his hand and refused to fall to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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