Chapter 158 The Fall of Shangjing City

Liao army camp
With Xiao Feng's arrival, the Liao army as a whole is still relatively energetic, even Yelu Hongji started to greet him in person after he knew about it.

"Good brother, why are you here?" Although Yelu Hongji had some doubts, he was quite happy when he saw Xiao Feng.

"His Majesty."

"What's your name, Your Majesty? It's not the time to go to court, just call him Big Brother." Yelu Hongji laughed and interrupted Xiao Feng directly.

At this moment, Xiao Feng still had no expression on his face, and his face was still quite serious.

Yelu Hongji seemed to have discovered something, his originally laughing expression immediately froze, looked at Xiao Feng, and said with an ugly face, "My dear brother, let's talk about something."

Xiao Feng came over at this time, Yelu Hongji didn't believe that he didn't come anytime, but Yelu Hongji actually felt uneasy in his heart at this time.

After entering the tent, Yelu Hongji first signaled Xiao Feng to sit down, and then asked the people below to summon some generals of Daliao to come.

Less than a while later, when more than a dozen people were already seated in the tent, Yelu Hongji said with a serious expression, "My dear brother, speak your mind."

Xiao Feng glanced at Yelu Hongji, then glanced at everyone present, and said directly, "Shangjing City has been captured by the Song Army."

Hearing the news, Yelu Hongji burst out laughing, then leaned forward while sitting and looked at Xiao Feng viciously and said, "My dear brother, do you know that if you disturb the morale of the army, you will be beheaded?"

"Of course I know about this matter. I came from Shangjing, so it is possible that you will be a good brother and lie to you about this matter." Seeing Yelu Hongji like this, Xiao Feng was rather disappointed.

But after seeing that everyone was silent, Xiao Feng continued, "This time, I got to know that the Song Army's [-] troops entered the hinterland of our Liao Kingdom from the sea, and they had already arrived at Shangjing before everyone knew it. The general defending the city thought it was our Liao army in the dark. After opening the city gate, it was already too late. Now Shangjing has been completely captured, and it is estimated that it is also encircling us in our direction.

So this time I came here mainly to persuade His Majesty, it would be better to take the army back as soon as possible. "

After listening to Xiao Feng's words, although Yelu Hongji believed his words a little bit, he still had a dismissive expression on his face.

Now tell the soldiers that Shangjing has been occupied, what will happen, Yelu Hongji is very clear.

Thinking of this, Yelu Hongji looked at Xiao Feng with a smile and said, "Your brother came just in time, tomorrow we will go to attack the Yanmen Pass, as long as the pass is broken, then the Great Song Dynasty is as simple as trying to find something for our Liao army."

After directly deciding on this matter, Yelu Hongji dismissed everyone and left, leaving Xiao Feng alone. After the two of them stared at each other for a while, Yelu Hongji, who was sitting well, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. The whole person also began to turn pale.

"Big brother."

Seeing this, Xiao Feng hurried forward to help Yelu Hongji, but the matter was not as simple as he thought.

Yelu Hongji directly pushed Xiao Feng aside with one hand, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Now you are satisfied, if what you said is true, do you know what the 20 Liao army will face now? You don't know .cough cough"

"Brother, I'm really thinking of you. My virtuous brother really didn't deceive you. If you don't believe me, my virtuous brother is willing to use the head of this item as a guarantee." Xiao Feng saw that Yelu Hongji was basically to himself now. Without a little trust, I couldn't help feeling sad in my heart.

"Okay, you go and have a good rest first, tomorrow morning I hope you can participate in the battle of Yanmen Pass tomorrow for my Daliao."

Xiao Feng saw that he couldn't beat Yelu Hongji at all, finally he just sighed and left Yelu Hongji's tent directly.

Yelu Hongji, who was left alone, immediately vomited blood again. It's not that he didn't believe in Xiao Feng, it's just that he couldn't accept it for a while now. He still has an army of 25, and he can still Has the power to fight.

Ever since the grain and grass had not arrived, Yelu Hongji had been feeling uneasy in his heart, now that Xiao Feng came to talk about this matter, it was a stone hammer to his inner thoughts.

But the current Yelu Hongji really didn't expect that Song Dynasty would be so insidious and attack his imperial capital directly. Is this forcing him to withdraw his troops?
Although he was already facing this matter, Yelu Hongji still didn't think too much, and he had already sent all his hopes to the battle at Yanmen Pass tomorrow.

The next day

After the sky lightened slightly, there was already the sound of crowds surging in Yanmen Pass. For these martial arts people, they had never participated in such a group battle with a large crowd.

So the current arrangement is basically to wait until the previous wave of troops has passed, and the people in the martial arts will step forward to harvest heads.

The importance of army coordination is very important. If the coordination is good, just relying on the realm of second-rate masters in the martial arts alone, 1 or even [-] troops will not be able to break through.

This time the commander was Hu Ze, and Mo Wen was just on the side to cooperate with this.

When the day just dawned, there was already a lot of commotion on the side of the Liao army, because Xiao Feng's arrival had boosted the morale of the Liao army a lot, and everyone was also very energetic towards the direction of Yanmen Pass come.

After several battles, they still mean that the Song army is still shrinking inside Yanmen Pass, but this time they were wrong.

At a place ten miles away from Yanmen Pass, at this time, [-] people from the martial arts and [-] troops from Hu Ze are already waiting here. Far.

In the woods, the spies ran up to Hu Ze and Mo Wen and whispered, "General, Mr. Mo, the entire Liao army has been mobilized now, and our army is only ten miles away."

"I know, let's go down and explore." Hu Ze said.

Then he turned and asked Mo who was next to him, "Mr. Mo, what do you think about this matter?"

"General Hu doesn't need to care about my opinion. If you need to prepare anything, you can just order it." Mo Wen said with a smile.

Although he is good at martial arts, he is still quite clear about his own sense of propriety when it comes to marching and fighting. After all, in such a matter, one mistake can mean the life and death of tens of thousands of people.

Hu Ze glanced at Mo Wen, nodded with a chuckle and said, "Then I, a vulgar man, will make a fool of myself, and I hope Mr. Mo Wen can support me when the time comes."

"They are all colleagues now, please don't say that." Mo Wen said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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