Chapter 159 Kill
After Hu Ze heard Mo Wen's words, he immediately became more confident. Although there are only 6 people on his side now, he can't stand the many people in the martial arts world.

In the current situation, it is no problem to resist the Liao army.

After half an hour, the Song people staying in the woods could already clearly hear the sound of thousands of horses galloping, and even the Liao army had appeared not far from them.

On the Liao army's side, although the morale has improved, it is still useless to their proud attitude. It is useless to even a single spy to attack Yanmen Pass.

After a stick of incense, the Liao army completely entered the ambush site of Hu Ze and the others. Although Yelu Hongji was still riding in the forefront at this time, he didn't notice the woods on both sides at all.

Just when Hu Ze was about to give the order, Xiao Feng next to Yelu Hongji immediately shouted, "Brother, be careful."

For a while, all the Liao army began to enter the vigilance, but it is still too late at this time.

Tens of thousands of bows and arrows flew out of the woods, and the Liao army who were closer had already died before they could even react.

Hu Ze didn't lead people out immediately, but let people shoot non-stop. When the entire Liao army was in chaos now, Hu Ze directly ordered to shout "Everyone, kill!"


The sky-shattering voice came directly from the forest, Yelu Hongji directly fell to the ground under Xiao Feng's cover, looking quite embarrassed.

"Kill these Song dogs for me." Yelu Hongji shouted angrily.

Just as the Liao army was about to charge, people began to fly out of the woods. The scene of tens of thousands of people directly shocked Yelu Hongji and the Liao army.

"Brother, these people are from the Wulin of the Great Song Dynasty." Xiao Feng even couldn't believe his eyes, there were so many people from the Wulin, and some of them were people he knew.

"What can people in the martial arts do? I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, why be afraid of them." Yelu Hongji has already entered the state of madness, and he can't listen to Xiao Feng's words at all.

After Mo Wen fell into the Liao army, his light body skills were immediately harvested in pieces. With every move, more than a dozen people fell down.

This time, the martial arts people who came to participate this time, although there will not be a master-level master in the future, there are still more first-class masters, at least there are hundreds of them.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Xiao Feng directly grabbed Yelu Hongji who was beside him and said, "Brother, let's retreat first."

Yelu Hongji didn't say anything, he flew down next to a person, looked at Xiao Feng and said, "Xiao Feng, it really is you, I, Da Song, raised you for more than thirty years, but this is how you repay me now?"

Xiao Feng also lowered his head in embarrassment, but the person opposite directly slashed at Xiao Feng with a big knife.

Although he didn't want to kill Song Ren, Xiao Feng didn't want to die by himself now, so he directly punched him on the shoulder with a sideways movement.

As soon as he landed, a Liao army directly next to him took a spear and pierced him. Even a first-class master is already dead and can't die anymore.

Of course, this scene was directly watched by many Song people, and they even despised Xiao Feng's behavior.

There are many Liao troops in front of him, if not, how many martial arts people will come to Xiao Feng to fight desperately.

In order to prevent Xiao Feng from continuing like this, Wen Tianzong's 21 directly stood in front of Xiao Feng, and introduced himself, "Wen Tianzong's disciple 21 came to learn Xiao Daxia's brilliant moves."

For Xiao Feng, a master level master, even 21 who is known for his defensive power, has no confidence at all at this moment.

The current battlefield has become completely chaotic, but it is because the Liao army has messed up its alignment that these martial arts people who don't know how to cooperate have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Looking at the Liao army that kept falling, Xiao Feng looked at 21 and said, "Brother, I will persuade the emperor of Liao to withdraw his troops, and please tell both sides to stop."

"Hahaha, Senior Xiao, in vain our suzerain always mentions you, saying that you are very good, but when I saw you today, I am really disappointed. Faced with this situation, especially if you can do it with just a few words It’s a matter of letting go, this matter was provoked by your Liao Kingdom, let’s get on with it, I want to ask, who will comfort them from the 21+ sons of our Song Dynasty.” 10,000 said with a big smile at first, then glared directly at each other roared.

How could Xiao Feng not understand such a thing, but now what else can he do but give up?
Seeing Xiao Feng who wanted to leave, 21 directly blocked him, looked at Xiao Feng and said, "Senior Xiao, please forgive me, I have to block you here."

Looking at 21 in front of him, Xiao Feng was speechless, but now he had to go to Yelu Hongji to protect him, in the current situation, he might be killed directly.

Xiao Feng, who didn't want to get entangled with 21, directly slapped it with a palm, and drank "Flying Dragon in the Sky"

All of a sudden, a golden dragon directly rolled up the dust and moved towards 21.


Although 21's defense is relatively good, it can't move at all. When the golden dragon put on 21's defense, 21 just stepped back a few steps, but the surrounding Liao army was blown away by the powerful shock wave.

Seeing that the other party was not harmed, Xiao Feng was just about to fly away, but 21 couldn't make his wish come true.

But even 21 never thought that Xiao Feng didn't want to leave, but wanted to attack 21 in this way.

21, who just stood in front of Xiao Feng, was directly hit on the chest by Xiao Feng's palm before he had time to defend himself.

Accompanied by the impact, 21 flew directly for a distance of tens of meters, and he even vomited blood in the air.



Seeing this scene, the Wentian Sect disciple immediately started to shout.

21 who fell on the ground did not pass out, and still fell beside the Liao army. If no one rescued him at this time, he would probably be cold.

Seeing 21 flying over, many people in the Liao army became excited, and the spears in their hands were all aimed directly at 21.

When 21 landed, in the eyes of outsiders, there were already many Liao troops surrounding him, and no one would have thought that these people were healing him.

"I'm going to kill you all"


Wen Tianzong's disciples started to go crazy at this time, and even Zhuo Bufan directly used his big move at this time.

Basically, as far as the eye can see, the Liao army was basically massacred one-sidedly.

(End of this chapter)

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