Chapter 202
Feeling the current wind blowing on the face is of course nothing to Zhao Bi, even the coachman will not feel anything, but it is a bit unbearable for Wang Yuyan for a while.

Seeing that Wang Yuyan's face suddenly turned pale again, and she even felt a little unsteady on her feet, Zhao Bi waved a hand and a protective barrier appeared to protect her inside.

"How do you feel now?" Zhao Yu asked softly.

"It's okay, let's go in." For the current Wang Yuyan, she already knew her situation, and she was not dissatisfied. She had already experienced a lot in this life, so she wouldn't care too much about too many things. up.

After a while, Zhao Yu and the others walked out of this place and saw everything in front of them.

A relatively small waterfall appears in front of you, the scenery is very beautiful, the disadvantage is that this side is indeed relatively humid, and it is not suitable for living here.

Following the lead of the big eagle, Zhao Bi saw what was written on the cliff stones.

"I am Dugu Qiubai, I have been in the martial arts for more than fifty years, and I have no opponents in my life. The regret in life is that I have not been able to fight against the strongest person, the strongest person today." It actually has its own name written on it.

After reading it, Zhao Bi directly waved his hand and erased the part about himself, and then said, "Life does not need the approval of others. There is no strongest person. Look at life with a smile, whether there is no strong person or not."

This can be regarded as Zhao Bi's recognition of Dugu Qiubai. He didn't expect that he only saw himself in this crowd, and in the end he became the last regret of others.

"A very good young man, but he has found the wrong goal in life." Wang Yuyan leaned on Zhao Bi's shoulder and said regretfully.

The lifespan of a grand master is generally around 70 years old, but looking at the Dugu Qiubai who is recording his life in front of him, in the end, because of regret, he will no longer be able to die at the age of [-].

The coachman stayed behind and watched all this, but he didn't say anything until the end, but when he saw Dugu Qiubai, he felt that the two had too many similarities, and also had an unsurpassable goal. In the end, it may still have the same result.

After the coachman glanced at Zhao Bi, he turned around and looked at other places. Now the coachman thinks that the dead Dugu Qiubai, if they were alive, the two might become best friends.

After the coachman left, Zhao Bi turned around and looked at the direction he was leaving with a slight sigh, but finally said nothing.

"What do you think the martial arts will look like in the future?" Wang Yuyan looked at Zhao Bi and said.

"It's hard to say what will happen in the future, but according to the current situation, it may be difficult for a grand master to succeed in a hundred years, and a first-class warrior may already be a martial arts wizard in the world."

"Yeah, look, there are not many grandmasters in the world now. In a few years, there may be no so-called martial arts in the world."

Hearing the exclamation of the two people, the big eagle not far away also leaned over to listen.

"Da Diao, do you want to go out? At that time, I can let you enjoy the delicacy of the world, and even find you a female eagle to accompany you?" Zhao Bi said with a smile and looked at the big guy opposite.

Regarding Zhao Bi's temptation, Da Diao didn't know what he thought of, and his saliva already flowed out.

"Are you really going to take it out?"

"What a wonderful thing, maybe we can fly directly to the sky to see this world in the future." Zhao Yan looked at Wang Yuyan and said with a smile.

Even so, Zhao Yu still felt a little sad in his heart.

Wang Yuyan became a master not through her own efforts, but was directly instilled into the position of master, but the foundation is still relatively weak. Although Zhao Bi has been trying to maintain this situation over the years, such things have become very difficult as time goes by. It is difficult to maintain the status quo.

"Diao'er, follow us out, you should be able to see that our identities are unusual."

"Needless to say, this guy saw us when he was a child, and he recognized us when we first appeared." Zhao Yan interrupted Wang Yuyan and said with a smile.

"Really? We haven't seen it for nearly a hundred years. It has such an age?" Wang Yuyan was a little surprised, thinking that the big eagle in front of her was just a very young one, but she didn't expect that it had already lived for a hundred years. Ten years old.

"Whether this kind of thing can be true or not, I don't know how to explain this guy, but the only thing I know is that they can live to be nearly a hundred years old even if they don't practice, let alone this one can practice That's it." Zhao Yu said.

It can be said that the big eagle is completely a strange beast in this world, and maybe it is a monster in other worlds.

After listening to what Zhao Bi said, Wang Yuyan didn't say anything, but Da Diao moved closer.

Feeling this dirty guy, Zhao Yu hurriedly said, "Let's go, this place is really not suitable for you to stay here, let's talk about it after we go back."

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Da Diao hurriedly followed. The one in front of him was a long-term meal ticket. Since everyone had already opened their mouths, there was no reason for him to refuse.

When he came out, the coachman had already stayed on it and waited. Seeing that the big eagle was following behind, the coachman saluted respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, is this eagle going out too?"

"As long as it is willing, let him follow." Zhao Bi turned to look at the big guy and said with a smile.

As the two got into the carriage, the big eagle fluttered its wings and landed directly on top of the carriage.

This is good, now there is one more person in the group, but it is not human.

Along the way, after seeing all the scenery here, on the carriage, Wang Yuyan suddenly said, "Shall we go to Zhong Nanshan to take a look? I've always heard that this place just came out, why don't we go there?"

Zhao Bi smiled, looked at Wang Yuyan and said, "That sounds good to you, let's go over there."

The coachman who got the order didn't say anything, and went directly in the direction there. This time the distance was quite far.

Zhong Nanshan's location is not very far from the original Leigu Mountain, but now it seems that this group will not be able to reach that location within half a month.

What the two of them want now is time, but they don't want to be bumpy. Maybe life is so unsatisfactory.

The big eagle on the carriage is the most enjoyable one. Now there is no need to worry about food, and the most important thing is that there is no need to worry about safety anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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