Chapter 203 Zhong Nanshan

After traveling for nearly ten days on the way out, the group finally reached the foot of Zhongnan Mountain.

Looking at the steps that can't be seen at a glance, Zhao Bi already has a sense of majesty standing at the foot of the mountain.

"This Zhong Nanshan is indeed a relatively good place, but I don't know how much manpower and material resources will be consumed to build these things at that time." Zhao Yan looked at the steps with emotion and said.

Now it is not just a matter of emotion, it all depends on manpower for excavation and laying, it is hard to imagine the situation at that time.

"This is not very good, at least it proves the current wealth of Song Dynasty." Wang Yuyan said with a smile on the side.

"Let's go, let's go up and have a look." Zhao Bi smiled and led Wang Yuyan to the top.

"Who dares to trespass on Quanzhen Sect?"

As soon as Zhao Bi walked up the steps, he immediately jumped out and several people blocked the way and shouted.

Looking at the man wearing a Taoist robe of one color in front of him, Zhao Yu smiled, it was completely different from what he had imagined.

"We just came here to watch Zhong Nanshan, and when did Zhong Nanshan become the place of your Quanzhen sect?" Zhao Yan still said with a smile.

"How can the whole town be taught by someone like you?"

"Boom" Just before the little Taoist finished speaking, the coachman who was standing not far from Zhao Bi walked up to her in an instant, and slapped her.

Looking at the little Taoist priest who flew upside down more than ten meters away, he no longer knew whether he was alive or dead. The coachman looked at the remaining people with a cold face and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, how can you insult me?"

Looking at the coachman in this state, the rest of the people were already terrified, and now they just stood there not daring to move, not even daring to breathe.

After a while, several people started to run directly towards the mountain.

Looking at the few people who left, Zhao Yu smiled and said, "If you can do it in the future, don't do it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The coachman bowed directly and said.But even though he said so on his mouth, he still thought in his heart that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

After the two chatted, Zhao Bi continued to walk up, while the coachman stayed with the big eagle.

After a period of time, the dirty look on the eagle's body has disappeared, but there are still few feathers on his body, and he can only move forward by walking. As for flying, Zhao Bi is no longer doing anything here. fantasy.

As the road up the mountain became longer and longer, the few people did not rush on the road, but walked over and over again to browse the scenery of Zhongnan Mountain.

"It seems that there is nothing particularly attractive about Zhong Nanshan, but it has been exaggerated." Wang Yuyan looked ahead and said involuntarily.

"The most beautiful scenery in the world is actually around you, but it's just that many people have never seen it in their lives?" Zhao Yan looked at Wang Yuyan and said affectionately.

Listening to Zhao Bi's love words, Wang Yuyan directly lowered her head and leaned on the other's chest, feeling the warmth of this moment, Wang Yuyan understood what Zhao Bi said.

But it's not that I didn't know about such a topic until now, otherwise I wouldn't be willing to stay in one place with someone for a hundred years.

While the two were still in love, the Quanzhen Sect came directly down to see at least hundreds of disciples coming, and everyone's clothes were the same color.

This kind of clothing seems to complement this Zhong Nanshan quite well.

Seeing Wang Yuyan leaning on Zhao Bi's chest, and the two of them still standing on Zhong Nanshan, this made two of the people who came here feel very uncomfortable.

"Presumptuous, you dare to do such a mediocre thing in Zhong Nanshan, you really don't take Chongyang real person seriously." The speaker was a woman, who seemed to be at least 40 years old.

Zhao Bi ignored her, mainly because it was unnecessary, but the coachman not far behind stepped forward and looked at the group of people.

"Master, he was the one who killed Zhihe, let Master be the master."

The few disciples who left here just now were talking, but the coachman also saw it.

"Your Majesty, Zhong Nanshan thinks highly of you, so leave as soon as you are sensible," the coachman said directly in a deep voice.

The woman who came here to take the lead, had already heard the name from the disciples when she was on the mountain, and now that she heard it again, she felt a little doubtful in her heart. Could it be ordinary people who can have this name?

But she also knew that the emperor of the Song Dynasty was a man in his 40s, but the man in front of him seemed to be only a few years old at most, and besides, he had never heard of the emperor's death.

"I am Sun Buer of the Quanzhen Sect. I don't know who the other two are. Why did you come to my Quanzhen Sect to make trouble?" Sun Buer's tone obviously softened a lot.

"Look at it, don't talk." The coachman said directly.

Looking at the current situation, Sun Buer didn't say anything, but the disciples below were dishonest, just relying on the large number of people, they looked at the coachman and yelled, "What are you, dare to come to our Quanzhen sect to play wild!" ?”

Zhao Bi let go of Wang Yuyan who was in his arms, turned around and walked towards the group of people.

When he came here, Zhao Yu looked at Sun Buer and said with a smile on his face, "That kid Wang Chongyang should be dead, right?"

"Fang" Sun Buer hadn't finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, combined with the word "Your Majesty" that guy called just now, he immediately froze there.

"How dare you insult Patriarch Chongyang, no one will be able to save you today?" While speaking, he had already started to organize his disciples to take action.

"Stop." Sun Buer yelled directly, then looked at Zhao Bi and said respectfully, "I don't know how much your Majesty will be offended by coming to Quanzhen Sect, please sit on the mountain."

"Okay, let's lead the way." Zhao Bi said as usual.

This can be regarded as the start of Zhong Nanshan's journey this time.

The other disciples are still curious about the identity of this Zhao Bi, who can make his uncle's face change instantly, and even the dead disciples are no longer concerned.

After walking for a while, Wang Yuyan began to show a panting expression, and her face also began to turn paler.

Holding Wang Yuyan's hand, the other Zhao Bi couldn't help clenching his fist.

Before reaching the mountain, Wang Yuyan fell directly into Zhao Bi's arms.

Looking at the current situation, Sun Buer immediately shouted to his disciples, "Go and ask the head teacher to come, and let all the doctors of the Quanzhen Sect come over, hurry up."

Hearing Sun Buer's yell, it took a while for the disciples to react, and immediately started running towards the mountain.

"Zhong Nanshan is not very beautiful, but he also has a special sentimentality, but the journey is probably coming to an end." Zhao Bi didn't show any expression, looking at Wang Yuyan who had passed out in his arms, he still smiled and said.

(End of this chapter)

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