Chapter 204 Vision
Looking at the current scenery of Zhong Nanshan, Zhao Bi didn't say anything more, and he didn't have much thought to look at these things anymore.

"Huanyu, you can go back by yourself, I don't need you to accompany me here." Zhao Yu said directly to the coachman.

This is also the first time Zhao Bi mentioned his name. The coachman is Liu Huanyu, the great-grandson of a tall man, and the matter of driving a carriage can be regarded as an ancestral tradition.

After hearing Zhao Bi's words, the coachman knelt down on the ground and kowtowed, saying, "Send off Your Majesty."

For Zhao Bi to remember his name, the coachman was still quite excited, but now he is quite clear about such things, Wang Yuyan is already like this, so that's all he can say.

Under the eyes of the entire Quanzhen Sect, Zhao Bi disappeared in the next second.

Although everyone was shocked, they didn't know what to say now.

At this moment, all the old men from the Quanzhen sect ran over and looked at the coachman who was still kneeling on the ground, together with the expressions of all the people.

"No, what happened just now?"

"Senior brother, he is here. The god that the master said really exists. He was here just now, but he has gone now." Sun Buer looked at the old man next to him and said.

As for the coachman kneeling on the ground, he didn't care what the group of people said anymore. After standing up, he walked down the mountain with the big eagle with few feathers.

Zhao Bi took Wang Yuyan and appeared in Prince Mu's mansion in just a split second. After walking to the room, he put her on the bed and watched quietly like this.

"I really want to guess what the first thing you want to say when you wake up?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

This time I went out and didn't even come to get it for a month, and I came back in such a hurry, which was something I didn't expect.

Not to mention that Wang Yuyan's situation has become like this.

At the beginning, I left not because of my son Zhao Luo's failure, but mainly because of Wang Yuyan. According to Zhao Yu's perception, my son can live for at least ten years. This is the only heir that I became a god to myself Good thing.

After the so-called becoming a god, it is already a difficult thing for Zhao Bi to want children, or it is completely impossible. The stronger the strength, the lower the possibility of having children.

This is also the constraint of the universe.

The two stayed in the room like this for two or three days. During this period, Zhao Bi didn't leave here, and no one in the whole palace knew they were back.

When Zhao Bi walked out of the room, the weather, which was originally sunny, suddenly turned into dark clouds, and Lei Jie's spinning thunderclouds appeared above his head again.

"Come here, hurry up and send an order to the commander of the forbidden army, the commanding army, and all the troops have begun to deploy in Bianjing." Outside the palace, the elderly emperor who was watching this scene shouted directly.

The emperor looked about 50 years old, but his eyes were still relatively clear, and the majesty of the emperor on his body was much stronger than that of Zhao Maid back then.

Looking at the scene in front of him, even the emperor was very touched.

At the same time, ask Tianzong.

"Meet the suzerain."

What came out was an old man with gray hair but good spirits, he was Mo Wen.

Mo Wen was also staring at Lei Yun in the distance, and then began to say loudly, "Call all Wen Tianzong disciples, including those who are still in retreat, to come out."

Hearing Mo Wen's voice, the disciples below started to be shocked, and then they started to run around in a panic.

Mo Wen flew directly to the roof, looked into the distance and murmured, "Is it time?"

The situation above Prince Mu's Mansion, let alone in Bianjing, can be seen clearly from a hundred miles away.

At this time, all the people began to let go of the movements in their hands, just looking at the situation here.

Royal Palace
The emperor looked at the two men in armor and said directly, "Send everyone to start maintaining the order in Bianjing. The high officials will inform all the concubines in the harem, as well as the empress dowager and all the princes. They are ready to leave the palace with me."

"Yes, Your Majesty." After taking the order, several people started to rush outside.

Not long after, the bell rang directly from the palace.

"Boom. Boom." Followed by twelve sounds, the whole sound directly resounded throughout Bianjing.

"What's the situation? Why is it ringing so many times, and it doesn't sound like the sound of death?" The emperor's death just rang, but now it rang twelve times directly. Very curious what happened.

But combined with the situation above the head, for ordinary people, this matter is really incomprehensible.

At this time, Bianjing has become very lively, and many people have started to walk on the street to know what happened.

Now it's not just a matter of bells, even the Forbidden Army and City Commander Army have already started to act.

Half an hour later, Emperor Zhao Lai showed up on the street with his royal family. They didn't take a carriage, and they weren't even accompanied by maids of honor.

Among this group of people, the older ones were dozens of years old, and the younger ones were only a few years old. Everyone walked on the ground and headed in the direction of Prince Mu's Mansion.

The imperial guards on both sides of the street are also guarding against death, but the more this is the case, the more people are watching, and it has even become a scene of empty streets.

Of course, Zhao Yu still doesn't know about these things now. He is sitting at the door of his room, and the whirling thundercloud above his head has not dissipated, as if he is waiting to obey his orders.

As for Wang Yuyan in the room, she has now turned into a white-haired old man, her eyes are closed, as if she is sleeping, and her expression is very peaceful.

The Prince Mu's Mansion has turned into a very solemn place in a short time.

Zhao Luo was the first to arrive here, leaning on a cane, and with a large family behind him, he knelt straight outside the gate of Prince Mu's Mansion.

Everyone is like this, now no one speaks, no one even cries, but that's it, the scene looks very solemn.

When Zhao Lai arrived, he looked at the scene in front of him, and said directly to the concubines and princes behind him, "Find a place to kneel on your own."

Hearing Zhao Lai's voice, several princes couldn't help but want to jump, but then Zhao Lai said directly, "Whoever dares to make trouble today will be killed directly, without exception."

All of a sudden, everyone started to wonder now, what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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