Chapter 206 New World

The moment he stepped into the vortex, Zhao Yu showed a smile. This is not only a consolation to those masters, but also a farewell to this world, or it may be a farewell.

Taking a last look at this place, after hundreds of years of Wang Yuyan's departure, Zhao Bi no longer has the slightest nostalgia for this world.

When turning around, Zhao Yu saw nothingness, everything seemed to be in a dream.

Afterwards, Hua Wen no longer hesitated, and said, "Masters, this disciple is gone."

At the moment when stepping into the vortex, Zhao Yu's whole body died of all perception, just like a ship with no direction sailing in the vast ocean.

The space vortex was pitch black, without any color, the whole world was completely quiet, and the only thing he could hear was his own breathing.

There is no passage of time, no sound of wind or water, only the endless loneliness.

Zhao Bi's whole body was floating in this space, and he probably didn't know how long it had passed, his feet couldn't touch the ground, and he didn't have any place to rely on.

With the passage of such time, Zhao Bi closed his eyes and began to rest directly, everything was left to his fate.

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Yu suddenly felt a huge falling force, and he didn't even react to anything.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the sky was already bright, and it was obvious that I had entered another world.

Looking at the vortex in the sky that had begun to heal, Zhao Bi tried to suspend directly in the midair, but finally found that he couldn't do anything.

"Fuck, I just came here, is it possible that I will face the scene of being thrown to death?" Zhao Yan couldn't help but began to curse.

When looking at the water below, the tension in my heart relaxed a little.

Although I can no longer use exercises to suspend myself in the air, I can still manipulate the water below.

As Zhao Bi used his last internal strength in this area, the lake below directly raised a water column as high as tens of meters.

After falling on the water column, with the help of the ability of the water column, Zhao Bi could not be the first one to ascend and fall to his death.

After falling down, with wet clothes on, Zhao Bi looked around here.

"It looks like this should be in the middle of an island?" Zhao Yu looked around, and saw that there was a circle of flat islands outside the lake, and there were even relatively large waves on the periphery.

Standing on the surface of the water, Zhao Yu first felt the power of this world, and finally realized that this place is completely different from the energy of heaven and earth he absorbed. Only then did he confirm that he was not still in the original world for a long time. above.

Walking on the water, before Zhao Bi reached the lake, he saw the weeds growing here and couldn't help but sighed directly, "So it's a deserted island without people!"

Before I got ashore, I heard a beautiful voice, "Who are you?"

As soon as the voice came out, Zhao Bi was startled. What's going on?
When I turned around, I saw a very beautiful girl by the water, but when I came here just now, I didn't see her at all?

"Why didn't I see you just now?" Zhao Yu looked suspiciously at the girl by the water whose clothes were also stained with this wet appearance.

The beautiful woman sitting on the rock on the shore opposite was wearing a sky blue dress, her hair was wet, but her facial features were very delicate, and her eyes were so clear that Zhao Yan had never seen before.

The little girl was also very curious about Zhao Bi's arrival, and said directly with a smile, "You surprised me by your sudden appearance just now, and the water column you made just now smashed me into the water. How could you see me?"

Listening to her voice, Zhao Bi really didn't know what to say for a while, but the most important thing now is to hurry up and know where this side is.Or is this the other side of the world?

Facing such a light and agile girl, Zhao Bi sat directly on the stone, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "Where is this place?"

Hearing Zhao Bi's voice, the little beauty was stunned for a moment, and after a while she smiled and said, "This is Fairy Island, but how did you come down from the sky?"

Looking at the little girl's curious eyes, Zhao Yu didn't know how to explain it better, could it be possible to tell you that I fell?
However, upon hearing the name of Fairy Island, Grandmaster somehow felt a little familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he heard it.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Bi didn't bother with this matter anymore, but looked at the little girl opposite and said, "What's your name? Are there other people living here?"

"You are a real person. You ask so many questions as soon as you meet, but how should you answer them?" The little girl raised her chin with her hands, but when she looked at Zhao Bi, the wind started to blow on the lake. Although it wasn't very cold, it was still a bit cold for the two of them who were already soaked.

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to answer, Zhao Bi stood up directly, walked to her side, and put his hand directly on the other party's shoulder. Just when she was surprised, she found that her body, including her hair, had begun to dry up.

In less than two breaths, the moisture on the little girl's body was gone, and her hair was hanging directly on her shoulders.

After seeing this, Zhao Yu shook his head helplessly, and then used his internal force to directly dry the clothes on his body. Just as he was about to leave, the little girl said, "My name is Zhao Linger, what's your name?"

Just hearing the name, Zhao Bi was obviously stunned for a moment, it felt so familiar, but he still said, "My name is Zhao Bi."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Bi started to walk forward directly, but Zhao Linger also followed directly behind him.

Zhao Linger's current appearance looks at most sixteen or seventeen years old. Although she looks very attractive, she is really too young for Zhao Bi, who has been down on life for a hundred years. I have no interest in this aspect at all.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Ling'er followed behind and said directly.

"Find a place to eat, and then see how to go out better?" Zhao Bi said indifferently.

"Don't think about it, you can't get out of here. Grandma and I have lived here for more than ten years. Grandma said, you can't get out of here?" Zhao Linger smiled lightly and jumped in front of Zhao Bi and said.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Zhao Bi really didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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