Chapter 207 Fairy Island

After walking for a while, Zhao Bi finally saw the appearance of the building, but looking at the dome structure in front of him, although it is inappropriate and luxurious, it really has a castle-like feeling on this island .

Combining what Zhao Linger said just now, there should be two people living here, but I don't have any intentions to stay here now, the key is that I still need to know more about the customs here.

Walking into this seemingly clean gate, the fragrance of various flowers inside immediately began to come oncoming.

Zhao Bi didn't have the ability to hide himself, and the two walked in directly one after the other.

When I walked in, I saw an old woman with white hair sitting directly above, and she looked very old.

When he saw Zhao Bi's arrival, the old man stood up and looked at the stranger who came, and when he came forward, the old man said directly, "Variable, I didn't expect a variable to come."

After listening to the other party's words, Zhao Bi smiled slightly, and then said directly, "The variable you call should refer to my side?"

"That's right, it's you, maybe the future fate can also be handed over to you." The old man said, then turned and walked towards his seat.

Even though Zhao Bi has lived to be hundreds of years old, he still looks confused by what the old woman in front of him said.

"Since you were able to come here, you have already explained your fate with us. At the beginning, I made a rule here. The man who came to Xianling Island first, as long as he meets the conditions, I will directly let him go." What do you think of the conditions for Linger to marry him?"

"Can I know what kind of conditions?" Zhao Yu said with a smile and looked at the old man sitting on it.

"That's right, grandma, why don't I know about this?" Zhao Ling'er said the same thing here.

After taking a look at Zhao Linger, the old man smiled, and then said, "The condition is very simple, that is, as long as Linger doesn't dislike it!"

"Do you know how old I am?"

After hearing this, the old man looked at Zhao Bi, the smile on his face slowly dissipated, and after a while, he smiled and said, "Age is something that you don't have to care about in this world. will treat you badly."

Zhao Yu didn't expect that this old woman still had such an idea. Damn it, it's quite unexpected that she gave a daughter-in-law the same day she unexpectedly came here?
Zhao Bi said bluntly, "I disagree. The most important thing is that you don't understand the life I have experienced. Besides, I am older than you now."

"You don't want to know how to convert spiritual power?" The old man directly interrupted Zhao Bi's words, and then said a little leisurely.

"Spiritual power?" Zhao Yu asked in doubt, but Zhao Yu himself has discovered that the energy in this world is different from his original world. Pure too much energy.

But for the current Zhao Bi, he has reached the point where he must learn how to absorb the energy here, otherwise, it is a question of whether he can protect himself in this world with his current ability.

This is not alarmist talk. According to the purity of the energy in this world, there will definitely be more powerful people appearing. I can't find a point to absorb the consumption of my current internal energy. This is Zhao Yu's stage. Something to consider.

Seeing that Zhao Bi was still hesitating, the old man smiled again and said, "You don't have to have any doubts about the old lady's side, the old woman has already lived to the end of her time, and now she is most worried about Ling'er's affairs, so I just There is such an idea."

"Grandma, what are you talking about, aren't you still fine now?" Zhao Ling'er walked to the side and said after hearing what the old man said.

"Ling'er, what do you think about this matter?" The old man took Ling'er's hand next to him and asked directly.

"Grandma, what do you think?" Ling'er said with a simple face.

The old man looked at Ling'er in this state and shook his head helplessly, then looked at Zhao Bi and said, "You can also see that Ling'er has never left this fairy island since she was six years old. For more than ten years, except me, an old woman, she I have never met anyone, so I have such an idea, old woman."

Zhao Bi himself also had a helpless expression on his face. The other party should have seen through his identity, but he didn't explain it clearly. He did this because he had a good idea of ​​what he was thinking now.

"I don't ask much from you, I just hope that you can take good care of Ling'er in the future. This can be regarded as the old woman's last wish."

"How do you know I'm a good person?"

The old man laughed directly when he heard what Zhao Yan said, and then said, "The old woman is not good at other things, but there are many things that are relatively clear. According to your strength, there are many ways to use spiritual power, but you don't have any." No, that would have explained everything."

Looking at the old man, Zhao Yu also smiled, and then said, "Let's talk about this matter in a few days. After all, there is nothing wrong with your body for half a month."

Hearing Zhao Bi's words, the old man smiled a little triumphantly, mainly because the other party definitely didn't know how to leave.

"Okay, that's it, Ling'er, you should take it first." When the old man said this, he immediately paused, and then said to Zhao Yu, "Young man, I don't know what your name is yet?"

"My name is Zhao Bi, you can call me that in the future!" Zhao Bi said it without hesitation.

In this world, I am not a prince anymore, and I am just an ordinary person.

"Zhao Yu is also from the Zhao family. It's good. It seems that the fate is really good!" The old man laughed even more when he heard it, as if everything was fate in her eyes.

"Ling'er, take Mr. Zhao to find a room to rest." The old man said directly to Ling'er next to him after he finished talking to Zhao Bi.

"Big brother, just follow Linger." Linger happily walked to Zhao Bi's side and said with a smile.

Before leaving, Zhao Bi cupped his hands directly at the old man above, and then turned and left directly.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, the old man still had a smile on his face, and said to himself, "What a good couple, the ending of Nuwa's descendants depends on you."

The whole building is not very big. Although there are many rooms, they are basically not cleaned very much. If you want to live in people, you will have to be tired.

Looking at the dusty room in front of her, Ling'er said a little embarrassedly, "This room is a bit messy and dirty, I'll clean it up for you, usually only me and grandma, and no outsiders come here, so All the rooms here are like this.”

Seeing Linger's appearance, Zhao Yu smiled, and then said, "It's okay, it's fine here, just tidy up a little bit."

(End of this chapter)

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