Chapter 215 Leaving Yuhang
The next few days passed smoothly in this way. During the period, Zhao Bi left directly and went to a relatively Dade city where he pawned his head with a golden hairpin. In the end, he got nearly 1000 yuan Two silver, although it is already cheaper to buy things, but in the end it is the only way to go.

On the fourth day, Zhao Bi went directly to his aunt, stood in front of the table and took out a dozen taels of silver and said, "Thank you for your care these few days, the lady boss, and we will leave directly tomorrow. This is the room rate for these two days."

The aunt looked at what Zhao Bi said, and although she was stunned for a moment, she began to politely say, "You two don't stay here for two more days? Besides, what are you talking about in terms of my life? Ah, you should hurry up and collect these silver taels, and I will prepare delicious food for you at night, so let’s count it as a practice.”

Looking at his aunt's appearance, Zhao Bi still left the silver here and did not take it away. As for what he said to leave, it is still a certainty.

In the evening, my aunt did cook a lot of delicious food. Looking at the sumptuous dinner on the table, Li Xiaoyao put his hand on his aunt's forehead, and said, "Auntie, what is this today?" What a good day? You have made so many delicious food?"

"Mr. Zhao and Miss Ling'er are leaving tomorrow morning, so today's meal can be regarded as practice." The aunt looked at Li Xiaoyao and said directly with a smile.

"I've been bothering my aunt for the past few days. I didn't expect us to leave. You have made so many delicious food here." Zhao Linger stood up directly and thanked her.

"I've decided." When they were still sensational, Li Xiaoyao yelled directly, and the aunt next to him was shocked.

"What's your name, you brat?" The aunt slapped Li Xiaoyao's junior directly.

"I've decided that I'm going to travel with them tomorrow, and I also want to get out of Yuhang Town."

Seeing Li Xiaoyao's appearance, Zhao Ling'er laughed directly, but Zhao Bi didn't respond at all.

Jiu Jianxian had already left a day ago, but he has been teaching Li Xiaoyao how to learn swordsmanship and kung fu a few days ago, not to mention that Li Xiaoyao is indeed a talent suitable for cultivation , These two days can be regarded as a small achievement.

"If you set off together, the journey should be more interesting." Zhao Linger also smiled and said.

Compared with Zhao Bi, Zhao Linger likes Li Xiaoyao's personality more, mainly because this carefree boy sometimes has interesting conversations.

Facing Zhao Linger's words, Zhao Bi didn't have any thoughts, and even if Zhao Linger said that he liked Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Bi wouldn't have any opinion.

Thinking about his side being able to go out for a walk tomorrow, Li Xiaoyao's side is also so excited that he can't even eat anymore.

In the past few days, although Zhao Bi lived in the same room with Zhao Linger, during this period of time, Zhao Bi didn't even touch each other, but now he doesn't want to be talked about by outsiders.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Yu didn't say anything against it, and he didn't care about such things at all. The current goal is to send Zhao Ling'er back to Nanzhao, and the rest will follow the fate.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Bi walked out of the inn with Ling'er and the package. As for Li Xiaoyao, there are still many people around him saying goodbye.

Today's Li Xiaoyao is also a bit different, not only has an extra sword on his body, but even the whole person is much more energetic at this time.

After bidding farewell to everyone on his side, the three of them directly embarked on the road of travel. In fact, for Zhao Yu, it is completely possible to take Zhao Linger to Nanzhao in an instant, but he is still relatively clear about his current situation. If you don't find a way to convert your spiritual power, your strength will be exhausted sooner or later.

My current situation is a kind of consumption for myself, let alone bring Zhao Linger to such a far place at once.

At the beginning, Ling'er's grandmother told Zhao Bi that the method of spiritual power conversion was in Ling'er, but Zhao Bi had asked many times in the middle, and the other party made it clear that he didn't know, which made it more difficult for Zhao Bi up.

As they set off, the three of them started walking directly, without even a carriage. Sometimes Zhao Yu felt that life in this world was indeed much more complicated than what he lived at that time.

For the three of them, they couldn't even walk fifty miles in one day. Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao were even more noisy along the way, which further delayed the process.

It was because of this that at night, the three of them managed to find the town, but it was already relatively late, and even if they were looking for an inn, they could not find it.

In desperation, the three of them came directly to a gazebo. As soon as they sat down, Zhao Linger said directly, "Brother, do you have anything to eat there?"

"I have it here." Before Zhao Bi could speak, Li Xiaoyao beside him said directly.

Zhao Bi smiled, and then pointed to Li Xiaoyao to Zhao Ling'er.

Li Xiaoyao also quickly opened the bag, took out a few buns from inside, and handed one to Zhao Linger. When he was about to give it to Zhao Bi, Zhao Bi said directly, "No, you can eat."

But just when they were about to eat, suddenly several people came out and looked directly at Zhao Yu and the others and said, "Several, our brothers have nothing in their hands now, I wonder if you can take out some to share What about?"

Looking at this relatively gentle way of robbing, Zhao Bi and An felt like laughing a little.

"What are you thinking? Robbery is so fresh and refined, if we have money, why would we eat dry food here?" Li Xiaoyao stood up and said to several people.

"Boss, what he said here is also quite reasonable?"

"It makes sense, what a fart, check it and guess it?" Several people started talking, but Zhao Yu just watched all this quietly.

After a while, when they were about to start, Zhao Yu opened his mouth and said, "This is five taels of silver, which can be regarded as your compensation for tonight. You should go back quickly."

As Zhao Bi said, he took out a piece of silver from his pocket and threw it over.

"What are you thinking, kid? Just want to send us away"

"Pfft..." Before the other party finished speaking, Zhao Bi sent out a blue light with a finger and pierced his head.

Looking at the companions who had already fallen on the ground, the others froze for a moment and then immediately became shocked, but at this moment, Zhao Yu said unhurriedly, "It is obvious that you have benefited but still don't know how to cherish it. Why?"

"This god, we know we are wrong, please let us go," said the leader, who knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

(End of this chapter)

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