Chapter 216 Gentle scum?

How arrogant these people were just now, how embarrassed they are now.

"Okay, just pay attention in the next life."

"Brother, this way."

Listening to Zhao Bi's words, when Zhao Linger was about to say something here, Zhao Bi turned these people into flying ashes, and then disappeared directly in this world.

Seeing such a method again, Li Xiaoyao was still a little shocked, and even felt a miraculous feeling.

"Brother, they have already admitted their mistakes, why kill them?" Ling'er said a little angrily.

"Ling'er." Li Xiaoyao reminded Zhao Linger by tugging on Zhao Linger's clothes in a soft voice.

Zhao Bi looked at Zhao Linger, immediately restored his smiling face and said, "Have you ever thought about what if we can't resist or are not their opponents?"

Zhao Bi's words directly made Zhao Linger not know what to say, but Zhao Linger still said, "But even if this is the case, they don't have to die, do they?"

"Some things, you think too simply." After Zhao Bi finished speaking, he left the two of them directly and walked towards other places.

If that grandma hadn't tampered with me back then, why would I be with you every day?
But now Zhao Bi seldom has any feelings, but in the middle of the night, lying alone on the roof, he still can't help thinking about Wang Yuyan, but everything has changed.

After Zhao Bi left, Li Xiaoyao looked at Zhao Linger and said directly, "Linger, why did you say that about your brother just now?"

"Ling'er just thinks it's wrong to do this, don't you think so?"

Seeing Zhao Linger's innocent appearance, Li Xiaoyao wanted to laugh, and then said, "Who do you have to look at in this kind of thing? And you say that, it hurts people's heart, okay?"

"Then do you think brother is angry?" Zhao Ling'er also said a little worried at this time.

Zhao Bi is in the mood to be angry, he is still lying on a roof not far from here, looking at the scenery in the sky.

The night passed like this, and Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao fell asleep directly on the chairs in the gazebo at night, and Zhao Bi also fell asleep on the roof not far away.

When it was just dawn, Zhao Bi walked directly to the two of them, and then knocked on the pillar of the gazebo.

After hearing the movement, Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao sat up one after another. When they saw Zhao Bi appear, Zhao Linger immediately stood up and hugged Zhao Bi and said a little guiltyly, "I'm sorry brother, yesterday Linger shouldn't have said that about you"

Zhao Bi patted Ling'er on the shoulder, then let go of the other party, and said with a smile, "I didn't take what happened yesterday to my heart at all. Don't worry, it's just that there are many dangers in this world that you still don't know. , so you still need to learn a lot from your side."

"Linger knows." Zhao Linger directly lowered her head and said.

"Okay, don't talk about it, let's find a place to have breakfast quickly!" Zhao Bi turned around and started to leave as soon as he said that.

Now that they are all in the middle of the town, it is relatively simple to find a place, and there is no need to go far at all.

"It smells so good, brother, how about we eat here?" Zhao Linger said to Zhao Bi.

"That's all, let's eat something good." Without waiting for Zhao Bi's reply, Li Xiaoyao ran in directly.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Bi didn't speak, but just followed behind and walked in.

"Xiao Er, Xiao Er" Li Xiaoyao began to yell continuously, and after holding on for two cups of tea, a slightly fat middle-aged man came over slowly and said, "Who would like to eat something?" what?"

"What are you doing? This hero has already called you several times, why don't you come over?" Li Xiaoyao said loudly.

"Please excuse me, guest officer. The main reason is that the champion of the new department came to our restaurant for dinner. I really didn't hear your voices from my side just now. I'm really sorry." The shopkeeper said quickly.

"If you have any delicious food here, hurry up and serve it up, we still have something to do." Zhao Bi said directly.

Li Xiaoyao also looked at Zhao Bi and opened his mouth, and finally he didn't say anything else.

"Okay, you guys, please wait a moment." After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he immediately started walking towards the inside.

When the food here has not been served yet, the person on the table next to him is the champion of the new department that the shopkeeper said, got up and walked over, looked at a few people, then arched his hands and said with a smile, "Just now Xiaosheng also heard what the shopkeeper said, because I'm really sorry that my arrival here has affected a few of you."

"Brother, he's so gentle!" Zhao Ling'er said with a smile when she saw the words and behavior of the people who came over.

"I didn't find out the gentleness, but the gentle scum may have it." Li Xiaoyao said directly, without taking into account the opinion of the new champion.

"I don't know if there is any aspect of Xiaosheng's side that made brother unhappy." Xiao Zhuangyuan said directly.

"It's nothing, it's just that you're so upset." Li Xiaoyao said as usual.

Looking at the situation of the two of them, Zhao Yu really couldn't stand it anymore and said directly, "If you want to quarrel, go out, don't interfere with the meal here."

"That's right, brother Xiaoyao, you can't say that about the number one scholar here. Besides, it's the first time we met, so it's completely unnecessary to make it like this." Ling'er spoke directly to ease.

"Girl, you don't need to call me the No. [-] Scholar or something. I'm a scholar. I, Liu Jinyuan, will be fine on your side."

"Okay, my name is Linger, you can call me that too." Listening to Liu Jinyuan's introduction, Zhao Linger also said with a smile.

"It's rare to get to know each other. Whatever you want to eat today is on Liu's head."

"No need, we've already ordered." Zhao Bi interrupted Liu Jinyuan's words directly and calmly. For this man who suddenly appeared, Zhao Bi really felt that he was too polite and made people feel uncomfortable.

Liu Jinyuan was also choked all of a sudden, mainly because Zhao Bi hadn't spoken much, which caused him to ignore Zhao Bi's existence.

"The food is here" just at this moment the shopkeeper came up with the food directly.

"Then let's eat first, Mr. Liu." Zhao Ling'er still gave a smile and said directly.

Liu Jinyuan also smiled and said, "That's fine, you guys use it first."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jinyuan left the restaurant directly, and the shopkeeper directly escorted him out of the gate.

Looking at the food in front of me, it is still the same method, basically boiled, with some salt added, there is nothing delicious to say, but now it can only be eaten like this.

After a meal, several people started to move forward again, mainly because the distance this time was still relatively far.

After leaving the town, the few people must ensure that they can reach the next place before dark, otherwise, it is estimated that they still need to camp.

(End of this chapter)

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