Chapter 224

Anu is a very lively and lovely girl, and she looks pretty good. For such a carefree girl, Zhao Bi still prefers it.

At the very least, the existence of an active atmosphere is quite good.

With the arrival of Anu, Zhao Linger's mood has obviously improved a lot, and there is a person who is close to her and can talk, so she doesn't have to rely too much on Zhao Bi's side.

After the two finished their meal, Zhao Bi walked directly outside the cave, and the two still stayed inside chatting.

"Come out, I'm afraid it's not good to stay outside?" Zhao Bi said directly to the woods in front of him.

The words have been finished, but no one came out in the end, Zhao Yu smiled and then said, "It's meaningless if you don't come out, isn't it?"

Then, an old man walked slowly out of the woods. He was wearing a Taoist robe, and he felt as if he was flying straight into the air when he walked. Although he still walked over step by step, not only did he not walk The sound, but also no footprints.

Zhao Bi took a look at the old man, and when he was still more than a dozen feet away from him, Zhao Bi smiled and said, "You brought that old man here, too?"

"You really misunderstood this point. Although there are people manipulating those people behind them, it's not done by old Taoists!" The old Taoist came over and said directly with a smile.

He also looked at Zhao Bi very curiously, and he also had a lot of doubts about the man in front of him.

"Then I don't know why you came here?"

"Why did you come here?" The old Taoist also thought about it for a while, and then said, "Maybe it's for the future."

"Okay, old man, don't play tricks anymore, don't you all like to do such things in Shushan, and say such incomprehensible words?" Zhao Yu said directly and bluntly.

"You kid. No, you bastard, you are really rude. What's wrong with us in Shushan?" The old Taoist gave Zhao Bi an angry look, and then he found a stone beside him and sat down.

Zhao Bi looked at the old man and felt that the other party was not malicious, so he sat directly beside him, looked at the old man and asked directly, "Do you know how the people inside can restore her to her original appearance?"

"I know I know, but there are some things"

"Speak up if you have something to say, why beat around the bush?" Zhao Yu said directly, looking at the old man in front of him.

"Shu Mountain is not easy to do now! To protect the affairs of the world, but relying on only one Shu Mountain is still a bit insignificant!" The old Taoist said directly with a bit of misery.

After hearing this, Zhao Yu felt that the blue veins on his forehead had already come out. Looking at the old Taoist, he sighed and tried to relax his body and mind and asked, "Old man, can you explain it more clearly?"

"From now on, you can come to our Shu Mountain!"

"What are you thinking, old man, didn't that guy Jiu Jianxian tell you?" Zhao Bi said directly.

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have come down here to look for you."

"By the way, are you really from Mount Shu? How do you feel that you have all kinds of people in Mount Shu?" Zhao Bi said with a smile directly.

The old Taoist blew his beard directly, then glanced at Zhao Bi, and said, "There are many differences in our Shu Mountain, but if you want to know, you still need to take a look yourself."

"Okay, about Shushan, I'm not in the mood to know yet, maybe I will have a chance in the future." Zhao Yu smiled and said directly.

"But there are some things that the old Taoist still needs to tell you. The girl in it needs to spend a calamity in Shushan in her life."

"Don't talk about that yet, tell me how to get him back to his original state." Zhao Yan interrupted him directly.

Looking at Zhao Yu, the old Taoist shook his head helplessly, then looked at the direction inside and said, "Just a drop of blood, what a simple matter."

"Okay, I get it. If I have the opportunity to go to Shushan, I will talk to you about the old days." Zhao Yu smiled and stood up and walked into the cave.

"He's really an interesting person." The old Taoist said with a smile as he looked at Zhao Yu's figure entering.

After finishing speaking, a sword appeared directly under the old Taoist priest's feet, and then disappeared in this place.

After Zhao Bi walked in, he looked at the two people who were coming and chatting, and said directly after walking over, "I have found a way for you to recover."

"Really?" Zhao Linger Youdian said in surprise.

"I don't know about this kind of thing, but you still need to try it yourself."

"How to do it? Brother, tell me quickly?" Zhao Linger said impatiently.

"You can try to use a drop of blood on the tail to see what's going on?" Zhao Bi said with some doubts.

Zhao Ling'er didn't hesitate at all, and directly cut her wrist under Anu's shout. With the blood falling, the snake tail directly changed back to its original shape, and the wound on the wrist disappeared afterward.

Looking at her current appearance, Zhao Linger laughed directly, and then turned around twice.

"Anu, why are you unhappy?" Zhao Ling'er looked at Anu's expression and said.

"No! Anu is just curious, why doesn't the princess like her original appearance?" Anu looked at Zhao Linger with some doubts and said.

"Such a thing, at the very least, has to become like that after returning to Nanzhao. Now it is possible to return to Nanzhao. Otherwise, people will still think he is a monster when walking on the road." Zhao Yu Straight up.

Anu looked at Zhao Bi meaningfully. For the man in front of him, Anu felt that the other party was too mysterious. When Zhao Bi went out just now, she herself talked with Zhao Linger about the situation. As if they don't know anything.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, hurry up and get ready, we'll go straight away later." Zhao Bi turned around and walked outside after speaking.

There is nothing to prepare, but it is still the item on this body.

As soon as Zhao Bi's front heel came out of the cave, the two men followed directly behind him.

"Where are we going? Anu is going to starve to death." Anu looked at Zhao Bi and said.

"Find a town, go eat something first, and at least know where you are right now?" Zhao Bi said directly, and then walked forward.

"It's really not fun, not as cute as the general." Anu muttered directly from behind.

"You! You don't know brother, that's why you said that. You will know what kind of person brother is in the future." Zhao Linger walked directly beside Anu, and the two walked forward arm in arm.

For these words, Zhao Bi has no interest in responding at all.

After a group of three people walked straight for nearly an hour, they finally saw the existence of the town. Before entering, Anu yelled and ran towards it.

(End of this chapter)

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