Chapter 225 Tang Yu
Looking at the town in front of him, Zhao Bi looked at Zhao Linger behind him and said, "Let's go, let's go too."

"Xiao Er, quickly bring up all the delicious food from your side, Anu's side is going to starve to death." As soon as he sat down, Anu's side yelled in a lovely voice.

After waiting for a while, Anu looked at the delicious food on the table in front of him, and immediately picked up a piece of meat and said, "The delicious ones are more attractive. Anu really likes this kind of life."

After eating, Anu looked at Zhao Bi and said in embarrassment, "Anu has no money, do you have any?"

"Don't you know the magic of immortality? Is it possible that it won't change?" Zhao Yu smiled and said directly.


"Okay, brother, don't tease Anu on your side." Zhao Ling'er looked at Anu and said directly to Zhao Bi.

"Hehehe, it's just that the little girl is really cute like this, isn't she?" Zhao Bi said.

"Okay, you have money here, so I am worried?"

"Don't you want to eat so much?" Zhao Bi said, but seeing Anu's cute expression, he still said, "Let's go, find a place to live."

Zhao Bi hasn't rested for two days now, the most important thing now is to take the time to get a good sleep.

When choosing rooms this time, Zhao Bi chose two, one for himself, and the rest for Zhao Linger and Anu.

At night, when Anu and Zhao Linger stayed in the room, Anu looked at Linger and said directly, "Aren't you husband and wife?"

"I know what you want to say, but my brother has never touched me since we got married!" Zhao Ling'er said very normally.

"That you"

"My brother is a very powerful person, and he is also the most powerful person Linger has ever seen, but my brother seems to have a lot of things on his mind, but he has never talked to Linger." Zhao Linger said a little frustrated.

"If you have time to ask later, you will know. I think he does have a lot of secrets here? But let's not talk about these, you hurry up and tell Anu about your previous life here." Anu is a little bit Looking at Ling'er expectantly, she said.

As the two of them chatted, Zhao Bi was still lying on the roof and looking at the stars. This has been a habit of his since he came to this world, and this is probably what makes him feel more at ease every day.

This time the inn is pretty good, there is still a place to lie on the roof,
It's just that there is nothing in the night sky today, and all that can be seen are dark clouds.

As time passed, it was midnight in the blink of an eye. Just when Zhao Bi was about to go down to rest, he saw two people fighting on the street. It was not so much fighting, but it looked more like flirting.

Looking at Anu's appearance, Zhao Bi directly looked at the situation below with great interest,
During the fight between the two, they didn't notice the existence of Zhao Bi's side at all. Maybe the two of them only cared about you and me.

After waiting for a long time, the two slowly stopped, and then sat directly on the steps of the inn to start their chatting journey.

When he saw this, Zhao Bi already felt very boring. He just stood up and made a little noise, and then the man who was sitting with Anu just now appeared in front of Zhao Bi in an instant. It's all over.


As the sound appeared directly, Zhao Bi flicked the knife in the opponent's hand to the side with a snap of his fingers, and even the person took two steps back.

"Tang Yu Xiaobao, stop beating me."

Listening to the voice, Zhao Yu saw that the opponent didn't make any more moves, and then said with a smile, "The body skills are still very good, but the strength is a bit weak."

After Zhao Bi finished speaking, he jumped directly to the window he opened earlier and returned to the room.

"Anu, who was that person just now?" Seeing that Zhao Bi had left, Tang Yu directly landed and asked Anu in front of him.

"Talk about him, he is the princess's husband I told you about, you really did just now, fortunately you didn't do anything, otherwise what would you do if you hurt him? Such a person who doesn't seem to have much strength, you want It scares people to death." Anu looked at Tang Yu and said directly unhappy.

"You said he was ordinary?" Tang Yu felt that he had heard something rather surprising, and looked directly at Anu and said.

"Yeah, Tang Yu Xiaobao, you didn't feel that he didn't even have spiritual power, so he must be an ordinary person, but the princess always said that he was very powerful, and Anu didn't understand why the princess said that .”

After listening to it, Tang Yu felt that what kind of brain circuit is Anu doing?Just now when I was fighting and didn't see someone else, I just let myself fall with one finger?

Looking at Anu's appearance, Tang Yu didn't know what to say, so he sat down and looked at Anu and said, "Can you tell me about the husband of the princess?"

"Tang Yu Xiaobao is rarely so curious about a person. It's just that the son-in-law's words are very good except for always having a cold face. It's also very good for the princess."

"Can't you say something else?" Tang Yu asked directly.

"I just met him today, but I heard from the princess that he fell directly from the sky, and the princess didn't talk about the rest. But, Tang Yu Xiaobao, she seems to be really He's more handsome than you!" Anu said, staring at Tang Yu's face.

"Ask you is really tantamount to asking for nothing. I need to tell my adoptive father about this matter, so I won't accompany you. You should go back to sleep quickly." Tang Yu said directly, then stood up and was about to leave.

"Tang Yu Xiaobao, don't you want Anu?" Anu looked at Tang Yu who was about to leave and said a little aggrieved.

"Okay, I only have this little silver tael now, and I will come to find you in the next two days." Tang Yu threw a small bag directly to Anu, and he knew what was in it without thinking. .

After getting it, Anu glanced at Tang Yu with a smile, then hugged him and went back to the inn.

Looking at the situation in the center, Tang Yu shook his head helplessly, and then looked curiously at the direction where Zhao Bi had closed the window.

After Tang Yu left, the entire street returned to the dark and silent time.

The next day, when Zhao Bi just woke up, he felt that it was too noisy downstairs, and the sound of knocking on the door came directly before he got dressed again.

After getting dressed, Zhao Yu opened the door and looked at Anu at the door, and said, "Why don't you sleep this early in the morning?"

"Princess, the princess is gone." Anu said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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