Chapter 234 Chapter 234
For Luo Ran who spoke suddenly, Zhao Bi was really taken aback.

When he looked up, Zhao Bi understood everything at once.

"It should be your masterpiece that I became like this, right?" Zhao Bi was not angry, but still stared straight at Luo Ran, the little elf.

Looking at Luo Ran in front of him, Zhao Bi didn't seem too surprised, but seemed to have known each other for a long time.

"Don't you look at me like that? People are already shy." Luo Wan quickly said while covering his face with the salesman.

"Okay, don't cover it, even if you don't cover it, I can't see the expression on your face."

There is nothing wrong with what Zhao Bi said, Luo Ran in front of him is really too small, if you don't look carefully, you really can't tell the expression on the other party's face.

"You actually say that about me? I'm your savior, okay?" Luo Ran yelled directly.

"Isn't this your masterpiece?" Zhao Bi asked directly.

"You're really stingy. Your lifespan is so long, and I just used up a little bit of it." Luo Ran said directly, gesticulating with her fingers.

Seeing Luo Ran like this, Zhao Yu laughed directly, then looked at Luo Ran and asked curiously, "By the way, why are you here?"

"It's not you. You brought me here when you came to this world." Luo Ran said a little angrily.

The image of Luo Ran before Zhao Yu was only seen in the dark environment of Tianlong World when he came to this world. At that time, there was no sound, and an image of Luo Ran inadvertently appeared in his mind.

I didn't expect that there was something in that space at that time, not only that, but in the end I even let myself bring it out.

"To be honest, you are still quite lonely in that space, and it would be nice to drive in this world." Zhao Yu smiled directly, then sat up, and then directly let the beads in front of him float on him in the palm of your hand.

"You'd better practice quickly! I've already solved the problems you couldn't cultivate in this world, so how are you going to thank me?" Luo Ran lay directly on the beads, staring at Zhao Bi with a smile and said .

"So powerful? Tell me, what do you want?"

"It seems that there is really nothing I want. Besides, I have already come to this world. Let's take a good look. Anyway, don't worry about them finding it." Luo Ran said to herself.

When he just woke up, Zhao Yu already felt the changes in himself, not only in his lifespan, but also in his internal strength.

"Okay, just sit like this for a while, I want to feel what the state of spiritual power is like?" After Zhao Yu spoke, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a sky-blue aura flowed directly in the body. With the guidance of this ray of aura, Zhao Yu had already begun to perceive the surrounding aura.

When the sea of ​​consciousness was opened, Zhao Yu discovered that the concentration of aura in this world was still very high, at least much more than the vitality he used when he was in Tianlong World.

At the moment when he felt the aura, Zhao Bi, who closed his eyes, directly showed an undetectable smile.

I want to convert the vitality of heaven and earth in my body into spiritual power. Although it is a bit time-consuming, it is nothing to Zhao Bi at all.

The basics are all the same, and it was only then that Zhao Yu discovered that the secrets of the exercises he had learned were completely universal in this world, but the process of creation was different.

"I didn't expect the Changchun Kungfu to be a kungfu that uses spiritual power to keep it running." Half an hour later, Zhao Bi opened his eyes, and even murmured to himself in disbelief.

When he was in Tianlong World, Zhao Yu spent a lot of effort to research the Changchun Kungfu that might not be like Wu Xingyun, but he did not expect that this kungfu has such a high affinity with spiritual power .

If the vitality of heaven and earth in Tianlong World is compared to flour, then spiritual power is flour mixed with water, which can be created very well without worrying about the situation that you can't hold it.

"Beiming Divine Art."

After half an hour of familiarization, Zhao Bi has understood the use and absorption of spiritual power, and now he doesn't have to worry about other situations at all.

As the Beiming Divine Art began to operate, all the acupoints in Zhao Bi's body began to absorb the aura at hand.

For a moment, a spiritual vortex formed directly above Zhao Bi's head, and even ordinary people could directly see it with their naked eyes.

However, the absorption of spiritual energy also caused a strange situation in the surrounding area. All the plants within a radius of [-] meters all withered in an instant, and there was no vitality at all.

The absorption of spiritual energy continued like this for nearly two hours. When Zhao Bi opened his eyes, the sky was already bright.

When Zhao Bi stood up and looked at the surrounding situation, even he jumped down. A mountain that was originally good, because of him, has now completely become a barren mountain and exists here.

"Are you awake?" Zhao Bi looked at the floating bead and shouted directly.

"You think it's all you? I don't need to sleep." Luo Ran sat up and yelled at Zhao Bi.

Seeing Luo Ran's appearance, Zhao Bi smiled directly, and then said, "Since we haven't slept, let's go."

"By the way, I already feel that your lifespan has increased a lot, why is your hair still white!"

"I don't know, but it's pretty good." Zhao Bi smiled, and had no other reply to Luo Ran's words.

Here, Zhao Yu thinks it's good to be like this now. He is already a person in his 100s, so maybe he looks more like a fairy.

Zhao Bi had white hair loose, and walked on this narrow and long mountain road. No one came here all year round, but the scenery still looks very good.

Along the way, Zhao Bi learned that Luo Ran could get away from the beads. In this case, the beads were put in Zhao Bi's arms directly, and Luo Ran chose to sit on Zhao Bi's shoulders.

It's small, but it looks pretty good this way.

"Where are you going now?" Luo Ran asked curiously.

"Of course, I have to finish my task first. I still have someone else's spell in my body." Zhao Yu said directly.

Now I should hurry up to rescue Zhao Ling'er and send it to Nanzhao, so I should not have any interaction with other people in this world.

Tianlong World I have been sleepy for a hundred years and have not gone out. When I came to this world, the most important thing is to wander around.

Of course, so far these things are still just my own thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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