Chapter 235 Returning to Shu Mountain

Without the shackles of spiritual power, Zhao Yu now doesn't have to worry about his own consumption at all, and this world is much stronger than Tianlong World, so no matter how he fumbles now, he should have no problem.

Luo Ran sat on Zhao Bi's shoulders. In order to look more in line with her own temperament, Luo Ran directly increased in size by more than ten times, and she looked more like a kitten, which was even cuter.

Under this image, Luo Ran can directly grab Zhao Bi's ears, and sit on his shoulders and put his legs on Zhao Bi's chest.

"Can you still do this?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"What's the point? I know more." Luo Ran said a little arrogantly.

"What else are you talking about? Why don't you hurry forward?" Luo Ran said directly, grabbing Zhao Bi's ear.

"Where do you want to go?"

Hearing Zhao Bi's weak words, Luo Ran was silent for a while, and then said directly, "Whatever, I can go anywhere, I want to take a good look at this world, how about it?"

"Okay." Zhao Bi didn't refute this time. He mainly thought it was good. Compared with Zhao Ling'er, Zhao Bi liked Luo Ran more. He didn't need to think about relationships at all, but he could have a more lively dazed Be by your side.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Bi directly circulated his spiritual power to the soles of his feet, and then his whole body slowly rose into the air.

"Amazing? A mortal can actually fly directly into the air!" Luo Ran yelled as she sat on Zhao Bi's shoulder.

"What's so surprising about this, I was already able to fly in the air when I couldn't use spiritual power, let alone now." Zhao Yan said directly with a smile.

"Then where are we going?" While speaking, Luo Ran climbed directly onto Zhao Bi's head, pulling his hair and said.

"Can't you just sit on your shoulders?"

"I don't want it, so that I can see further." Luo Ran playfully smiled directly.

"Let's go, let's go to Shushan first. After leaving yesterday, I don't know what's going on. Of course we should go and have a look today." Zhao Yan said with a smile, but the whole person has already started to fly in the direction of Shushan went.

"Where was that place yesterday? It's not bad, but I haven't looked at it carefully yet. I must take a good look this time." Luo Ran said a little excitedly.

Although this time I didn't directly use the sensory body, but the speed is not slow. It only takes half an hour to reach the boundary of Shushan.

This time Zhao Bi came to the place where he went yesterday, and the place is still so desolate, but this time the difference is that Zhao Bi can already perceive the existence of the Shushan enchantment.

Even the direction of the gate of Shushan has been sensed. The difference between Zhao Yu who possesses spiritual power is that not only has he completely surpassed his previous self in terms of strength, but even in terms of perception, as long as he wants to, he can appear anywhere within a thousand miles. There is no need to worry about the lack of spiritual power.

In the world of Tianlong, if he moved within a thousand miles in an instant, he would go back and forth two or three times at most, but now he has no worries about this at all.

Standing outside the gate of Shushan, the situation here is not much different from the place where I stayed just now, the difference is that this side is a little more elegant, and the gate of the enchantment is nothing more than some more unique decorations.

As Zhao Bi approached, the barrier of the gate opened slowly, and what caught my eyes was a place I was familiar with. This was the place I was at for the first time yesterday.

At this moment, the disciple guarding the gate saw Zhao Bi and shouted directly at the others, "The guy who insulted us in Shushan is here!"

But before he finished speaking, Zhao Bi punched him directly in the face, and then said, "It's really long-winded."

"Good boy, dare to come to our Shushan to make trouble, today is just a change of hair color, you"

Similarly, before the Shushan disciple finished speaking, Zhao Bi punched him down again.

"These Shushan people are really talkative! Don't they just want to fight, why do you have to say that you are so noble." Hua Wen sighed and said directly with a smile.

"It's long-winded. Could it be that the strongest sect in this world exists?" Luo Ran said directly.

"The strongest? This may not really be true. I don't know how far it takes to be the strongest." The Chinese said, but after thinking for a while, he said, "Perhaps the strongest sect of human beings exists. The world is so big, who knows if there is a better existence!"

"That's true, but aren't we here to save people?"

"It's saving people, but I still need to meet the old men up there for a while." Zhao Yu smiled and flew directly towards the mountain in the air.

This time, there was no pressure at all. Thinking about my appearance yesterday, it was really a rare thing since I was born.

"The scenery on the top of the mountain is really good." Zhao Bi said directly with emotion as he looked at the road going down the mountain from the top of the mountain.

Rather than saying that this is the top of the mountain, it is better to say that this is another mountain on the top of the mountain. No wonder it is so high. It turns out that this mountain is completely suspended on the foundation of another mountain.

Looking around, the entire Shu Mountain has hundreds of suspended hills, large and small, and it really feels like a fairyland on earth.

"What a wonderful place." Zhao Bi said with a little emotion.

"Are you still in the mood to talk? There are already a lot of people coming behind."

Zhao Bi didn't even need to turn around to know what Luo Ran said.

"You are really arrogant, dare to come to Shushan to act wildly."

"You really talk a lot." Zhao Yu looked at the formation of a hundred people in front of him, but the arrangement was quite neat.

"Let's do it, don't the people above you just want to see this scene?" Zhao Yan continued, ignoring the expressions of these people.

In the inner hall, those old men are still staying here at this time, the only difference is that there is a man lying there drinking wine not far from them, Wine Sword Immortal.

"Junior Brother, what do you think of this Zhao Bi?" Shushan Master Sword Master asked Jiu Jianxian directly.

After taking a sip, Jiu Jianxian looked at the Juggernaut and smiled, and then said, "The strength is very strong. In the case of no spiritual power, I guess it would be more difficult for me to do my best, but look at him now, it is completely different. Well."

"Now the world is uneasy, demons are rampant, and more and more heavy responsibilities fall on Shushan's shoulders, junior brother, it seems that this matter still needs you to come forward once."

Hearing what the Sword Master said, Jiu Jianxian immediately stood up, and then said dissatisfiedly, "You guys, let me come now if you have something to do? That kid, Zhao Yu. No, that guy has no feelings for Zhao Linger. , being able to come directly this time already shows a big problem, and you still have to test it."

"Junior brother, it's not because your plan wasn't completed at the beginning. This matter needs you to come forward to solve it." At this time, the old men who were in front of the mirror showing Zhao Bi's situation said.

(End of this chapter)

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