Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 238 Entering the Demon Locking Tower

Chapter 238 Entering the Demon Locking Tower

"Who said that there is no way to lock the demon tower." Jiu Jianxian said without a word, and then took out a yellow rune from his pocket and pasted it on it.

Under the watchful eyes of the two, with a flash of light, a door of space appeared directly under the words Suoyao Tower.

"How do you get out after going in?"

"Here's one for you. Just stick it on the door when you get back to this place. Remember to help bring out my disciple along the way." Jiu Jianxian said and directly gave Zhao Bi a yellow talisman that he used to open the door just now. arts.

"Don't worry, there must be no problem if you encounter it." Zhao Yu said with a smile, and then walked directly into the demon lock tower.

"You really dare to come in?"

"Then why dare not?" Hearing Luo Ran's words, Zhao Yu asked directly.

"Anyway, I don't think that group of people has any good things. Anyway, there's no problem coming in. It's okay, the uncle will take you out, hahaha." Luo Ran laughed maniacally to herself.

"What are you thinking? It seems that there must be nothing good." Zhao Yu looked at a little guy in Luoran laughing wildly here, expressing that he couldn't understand it at all.

Walking on the road inside the demon-locking tower, Zhao Yu realized that the space in this ordinary-looking demon-locking tower is actually so big?
The corridor alone is already the kind where you can't see the end at a glance, and it feels like an independent space exists.

"Did they say which floor Ling'er stayed on just now?" Zhao Bi turned his head and looked at Luo Ran on his shoulder and said.

Just when the two were looking at each other, Luo Ran jumped up and began to hammer on Zhao Bi's head, and then scolded angrily, "Bastard, you still ask me about your own woman, you don't even know about me How do you know?"

"Oh, so they didn't say it? But where can I find such a big place?" Zhao Bi pondered for a while and then said.

"Are you stupid? There are so many magic ghosts here, just catch a few and ask them?"

"That's right, why didn't I think of it?" Zhao Yu said after listening to Luo Ran's words. Isn't it too simple.

People with thoughts are the scariest, so the two of them no longer have the idea of ​​looking for Zhao Linger, but directly start looking for the monster here.

After checking the space on the entire first floor, I couldn't find anything here. It was completely empty, and even Zhao Yu couldn't perceive the internal situation at all. Fortunately, his strength was not affected by anything. suppress.

After wandering around for a while, Ruffle turned to Luo Ran and said, "There doesn't seem to be anything under here?"

"I said it doesn't seem to be true, but I'm hungry, let's go up and have a look?"

"Are you still hungry?" Zhao Bi said looking at Luo Ran's small appearance.

"You bastard, I'm going to be hungry too, don't you know how to find a place to eat before you come in?" Luo Ran said a little angrily.

"Okay, then let's talk about it on the second floor." Zhao Yu didn't know what was going on in this demon-locking tower. The only thing he knew was that he had counted it himself, and that was that there were nine floors in total.

"But you know how to get there?"

"It seems that you really don't know this?" Zhao Yu said blankly.

"Haha, I knew it was like this, I knew it."

"Tell me, where is it?" Zhao Yu said directly in surprise.

"You begged me?"

"Do you still want to eat?"

Luo Ran suddenly began to show a grievance, looked at Zhao Bi eagerly, and then said, "I want to eat meat."

"No problem." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"It's decided like that." Luo Ran immediately resumed her embarrassed look, and then began to direct Zhao Yan to move forward.

"I didn't say that, are you sure you're going in here?" Zhao Bi said, looking at the empty place in front of him with only a pool of water.

"Do you not believe me? Then you should not go in, we just go out." Luo Ran said indifferently.

Seeing Luo Ran's appearance, Zhao Yu looked around helplessly, and then jumped into the pool directly.

In just a blink of an eye, the scene in front of Zhao Yu completely changed. The first floor was still empty, but the second floor was completely different.

Jumping into the pool and coming out, there was no change in the body, but it was different on the second floor. As soon as I came up, I saw many monsters locked there, and even some creatures with only bones left.

"It seems to be more lively here?" Zhao Yu said directly with a smile.

"It's delicious. Come to me quickly."

As soon as Zhao Bi's voice fell, there were miscellaneous voices at this moment.

Looking around, Zhao Bi squatted on the man who was staring at him in front of him. This guy has been staring at him, and he is still using his ability to charm. The key is still facing a man.

"I said, you made the sound just now?" The guy in front of him had a lot of pimples on his head, and he didn't look like a good thing. Zhao Yu squatted down and looked directly at it.

When Zhao Bi was approaching, the ugly guy in front of him turned into a hideous creature with four legs and appeared, almost biting Zhao Bi.

"You guy is really too much? I came to chat with you in vain?" Zhao Yan said directly and plainly.

Seeing that the other party still didn't move, Lei Guang appeared in Zhao Yu's hand, and then looked at the guy in front of him with a smile and said, "I'll give you a bonus for the whole second floor."

Immediately afterwards, the area was blazed with lightning, accompanied by inhuman cries.

After a stick of incense, the screams ended, and the entire second floor was no longer noisy like when I first came in.

"Do you want to eat this guy?" Zhao Yu looked at Luo Ran and asked directly.

"Asshole, who wants to eat such an ugly guy?" Luo Ran said angrily, grabbing Zhao Bi's ear.

Now it's all right, the chat between the two was directly overheard by other demons, feeling that these two people came here to pick food?

On the road ahead, what Zhao Yu and Luo Ran saw were all kinds of crouching and hideous creatures appearing, even if they were a little nicer, they still showed their ugliest side, so they were afraid of being caught by such creatures. The way the two guys looked.

"I said, is there any good-looking one on your side?" Zhao Bi stopped in front of a dog-like demon with a long tongue sticking out.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Zhao Bi said again, "Dog meat should also sound delicious."

"Grandpa, I'm not a dog, I'm a dog coat, it's not tasty, besides, I'm too ugly."

Zhao Bi hadn't finished speaking, the guy in front of him was completely cowardly.

(End of this chapter)

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