Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 239 This old man is quite strong...

Chapter 239 This old man is quite strong
Looking at this little demon who calls himself Quanqiu in front of him, his desire to survive is quite strong!
Zhao Bi looked at the guy in front of him and smiled, then squatted down and said, "Is there a girl on your floor with a snake's head and a snake's tail, and she was just sent in?"

"Master, there are only so many monsters on this floor. I haven't heard of the kind you mentioned. Besides, the last monster sent to the entire second floor was 50 years ago!" Quan Qiu said quickly.

"It doesn't look like it's on this level?" Zhao Yu said to himself.

"Master, there is no reason for this level because the demons here are too weak, and most of them are not strong enough, so we don't have any special treatment except being locked here, you What is said here is likely to be on the top, and it is placed here according to the degree of importance."

"Okay, I see." Zhao Bi stood up and said with a smile.

For the question of whether it is a human or a demon, Zhao Yu doesn't have too many ideas. Humans are divided into good and bad, and demons are the same, but they have different positions.

Afterwards, Zhao Bi led Luo Ran and started to walk forward, not having too much nostalgia for this layer.

"Luo Ran, where is the place to go up on this floor?" Zhao Yu said, looking at the little guy on his shoulder.

"I'm hungry"

"At the very least, we need to find a better looking one, right? You also saw that there is nothing edible on the second floor?" Zhao Yu smiled and said directly.

"Okay, the way up is straight ahead." Although Luo Ran was a little dissatisfied, she still said.

Now Zhao Bi still believes in Luo Ran, since he has already said so, he should just do it directly.

After a stick of incense.

"Luo Ran, are you sure there is nothing wrong this time? Why hasn't it arrived after so long?" Zhao Yan asked with some doubts.

"Can you stop questioning me? This is a fairy weapon, and there is a space inside!" Luo Ran said directly.

"All right."

There is no way, Zhao Yu can only admit that he is cowardly. In such a situation, if he is here, he doesn't know when it will take?

It's been a long time since I walked this road, not to mention that the space inside the Demon Locking Tower is really not small.

"It's just ahead." Looking at a copper wall at the end, Luo Ran said directly.

"Okay, I believe you, but how do I get in?"

"Just walk in, the wall in front of you is just a blindfold." Luo Ran didn't want to communicate with Zhao Bi any more, it was simply too much effort.

When he got to the wall, Zhao Yu stretched out a hand to test it out with some doubts, and then the whole person entered another space.

"Is this the third floor?" Zhao Yan looked at this world of ice and snow, everything was the same as the real one, there were no prison cells or imprisoning any monsters here, but there was really no grass here, and there were only endless winds It's just snow.

"Not to mention, this guy who made fairy artifacts is quite capable." Luo Ran said as she stuffed her bare legs directly into Zhao Bi's clothes.

"Are you still cold?"

"Are you talking nonsense? Of course not, it's just that this is more appropriate." Luo Ran said with a smile.

Standing on the edge and looking at the entire surrounding, it is basically the kind that is endless, but at a glance, let alone a demon, I didn't even see a ghost.

"It is estimated that there will be no whereabouts of Ling'er on this floor, let's hurry up."

After listening to Zhao Bi's words, Luo Ran hurriedly said, "Yes, it's too uncomfortable here, the place to go to the upper floor is in the front center."

This time, Zhao Bi didn't walk step by step, but flew up into the air.

According to Zhao Bi's guess, this time Zhao Ling'er was mainly arranged to test Li Xiaoyao, it would definitely not be that simple, Zhao Ling'er would definitely not have any special circumstances, but she just didn't know where to stay.

"If I had known when I came in, I would have asked which floor Linger was on?"

After Zhao Bi finished speaking, he took a look at Luo Ran, and then said, "Why didn't you speak this time?"

"I don't even want to talk to a guy like you who is so slow-witted." Luo Ran said disdainfully.

Immediately following the fourth floor, the situation here is similar to that of the third floor, except that this is a desert scene, endlessly hot, and there are no monsters here.

When he first arrived at the fifth floor, Zhao Yu looked at the scene in front of him, looked directly at Luo Ran and said, "Why is there nothing on this floor?"

The fifth floor looks the same as the outside world, the only difference is that this place is completely a place for self-cultivation.

"There are people on this floor!" Luo Ran said while looking ahead.

"You said someone?" Zhao Bi reconfirmed in doubt.

"Yes, human beings."

"Could it be Li Xiaoyao?" Zhao Bi said to himself.

Then it started heading straight in that direction.

As the steps approached, Zhao Yu saw that there was such a building in this grassland-like place, which obviously meant that someone lived here.

Before Zhao Bi came to the front, a powerful attack appeared directly in front of him.

"Isn't this Li Xiaoyao?" Zhao Bi said directly with a cold face.

Before he could understand what was going on, a sword made of condensed spiritual power flew over, as if it wanted to kill the two of them.

"This is a bit too much." Zhao Bi said as he saw that the sword that failed to attack him just now turned into a dozen swords and appeared in mid-air.

"Tell me about you, everyone is already like this, do you still have the mood to talk here?" Luo Ran glanced at Zhao Bi and said.

But now there is no need to talk about Luo Ran, Zhao Bi crossed his fingers, a Tai Chi pattern appeared directly in front of his hands, and then pushed towards the cabin directly.

The Tai Chi pattern, which was still between the two hands just now, instantly became more than ten feet in size and suspended more than ten meters in front of Zhao Bi.


When Zhao Bi yelled this word, the Taiji pattern instantly sent out a huge fireball and attacked the wooden house.

Just when the bombardment was about to come, an old man walked out of the wooden house. Judging from his age, he should be about the same as the Jiujianxian.

The old man had a decadent look on his face, the kind of person who was very listless.

In Zhao Yu's gaze, a sword appeared out of nowhere in the old man's hand, and then he waved towards the fireball, and a sword light appeared, forcibly split the fireball into two halves, flew across the wooden house and landed on the ground.

"This old man's strength is quite good!" Luo Ran said, holding her chin.

"It's pretty good, but it looks like it should be an attack from the Shushan lineage, but why is this guy here?"

"It's hard to say, but there is another person in the room."

Luo Ran and Zhao Bi were standing here chatting, but the people on the opposite side seemed not so easy to talk to.

When breaking up Zhao Bi's attack, the whole person flew towards Zhao Bi with a sword.

"I don't know who gave you courage? Could it be that people in Shushan are so arrogant?" Zhao Yu looked at the old man and said directly with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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