Chapter 240 Endless Attack——
Before the opposite came, Zhao Bi casually yelled "Kan"

Immediately, Tai Chi, which was still spraying fireballs just now, suddenly began to freeze in an instant, and quickly dispersed towards the person who came.

"The boy has some strength and can come to this place, but if you only have these two strokes, then you will die." The old man looked directly at Zhao Yu and said.

"This old man is too arrogant, Zhao Bi, come on, beat him up." Luo Ran stood up directly on Zhao Bi's shoulder and said.

"It's a bit arrogant, people in Shushan are so annoying." Zhao Bi retracted the Tai Chi pattern attack, mainly because it didn't have much effect on the old man in front of him.

In this demon-locking tower, there is no way to use powerful attacks at all. This place is completely self-contained, restricting too many things.

But for the old guy in front of him, there seemed to be no restrictions at all.

Zhao Bi raised his foot, and then suddenly shook the ground. At this time, he could already feel the vibration even outside.

"Old guy, I'm not interested in you. I just want to go up now. Why do I have to find trouble?" Zhao Yu said.

"Boy, if you want to go to the sixth floor, don't even think about it, unless I die."

"If you are stubborn, then go to hell." Zhao Bi showed an evil smile directly on the corner of his mouth, but what the scruffy bearded old man opposite him didn't notice was that a very large gossip pattern had appeared in the sky above his head.

"There are too many people who want me to die, it depends on whether you have the ability."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he let go of the sword in his hand, and then began to manipulate it.

Moreover, the sword also began to split into two, and the four finally formed a long dragon composed of swords.

"You really can't beat it, so you started to fight for numbers?" Zhao Yu looked at the attack that had at least tens of thousands of swords. If this thing fell on him, even he probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Since you are comparing quantity, let me show you what quantity is." Zhao Yu said with a smile, and then attacked a transparent lightsaber directly in the air with his fingers.

But at this time, the opponent's attack had already come. Facing such a powerful attack, Zhao Yu didn't dare to bear it directly, so he could only start to retreat instantly.

Just when the sloppy old man was a little proud, he noticed that Zhao Bi's attack towards the sky just now had begun to fall, and it was the kind that subverted his own cognition.

A huge gossip pattern appeared directly in the sky, and it looked for the lightsaber you attacked just now, but when it fell, it had become countless.

Watching the attack fall, the old man began to rush towards his wooden house frantically at this time, even Zhao Bi couldn't care about it anymore.

"Wan'er, leave quickly," the old man shouted hoarsely.

At this time, a little girl walked out of the wooden house. She should be about 20 years old, wearing purple clothes, and she looks quite delicate in Zhao Yu's eyes.

But at this time, Zhao Bi's attack had already begun to carry out a carpet-like attack from in front of him, and the place he went directly turned into barrenness.

Seeing her father, who had always been a little crazy, rushing towards her at this moment, this beautiful woman named Wan'er ignored the attack and ran to her father, smiling and hugging her.

"Wan'er, hurry up and go."

"Father, it's too late." Wan'er said directly with a smile, facing such an unavoidable attack, she might as well die with her father.

The two of them closed their eyes directly and waited for the arrival of death, but after a while, nothing happened between them.

When Wan'er opened her eyes, she saw that the attack had already come in front of her, but it had stopped.

When she let go of her father, Wan'er stood up and looked at Zhao Bi and said, "Who are you? Why are you attacking us in the Demon Locking Tower?"

"I said you didn't come to be funny, did you?" Zhao Bi was directly amused by this position squeeze, why did you attack yourself?

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yu stared at Wan'er, and after a while, he said to Luo Ran on his shoulder, "Do you like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you want to eat good-looking ones? This one is pretty good?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"You bastard."

"You bastard, what do you think of me? I'll beat you to death." The old man was just about to get angry and fight Zhao Bi to death, but Luo Ran grabbed Zhao Bi's hair and beat him with both hands and feet. head.

"Hello, isn't that what you said?" Zhao Yu said while grabbing Luo Ran.

"I'm talking about a demon? What are you?" Luo Ran looked at Zhao Bi angrily.

"Is there still a distinction between demons and humans for you?"

"What you said seems to make sense?" Luo Ran also said, but then said, "What makes sense, you bastard."

Seeing the two growing up again, Wan'er directly whispered, "That."

"Ahaha, sorry, I was teasing you just now, but do you have anything to eat here?"

Listening to Zhao Bi's words, Wan'er hesitated for a moment but nodded.

"I want to eat meat." Luo Ran said directly and loudly.

"By the way, why do you want to eat meat?"

"This is something from your memory, so I want to eat it too!"

"You bastard, when did you spy on my memory?" Zhao Bi looked at Luo Ran angrily and said.

"What are you talking about? It's not just about staying in the endless darkness." Seeing what this girl said so lightly, Zhao Yu really wanted to strangle him to death.

"I'm sorry. Ah..., we don't have meat here." Wan'er said a little embarrassed.

At this time, the old man also came over, looked at Zhao Bi, bowed and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for letting Jiang Li and the little girl Jiang Wan's life go."

For a man who takes his self-esteem a lot, it is very difficult to thank him for letting his daughter go.

"Okay, there are so many things." Zhao Bi said and walked directly towards the wooden house.

"So this is the passage to the top! Why can't I not find it?" Luo Ran said looking at the seal on the wooden house.

From the outside, it looks like this wooden house looks very ordinary, but when you walk in, you find that it is actually full of seals.

"Has a 20-year-old man been here in the past two days?" Zhao Bi directly asked Jiang Wan'er who was following behind.

"Why are you asking this?" Jiang Wan'er showed a guarded look at this moment.

"I can't protect myself and I still think about others, really!" Zhao Yu said with a smile, and then sat down directly in the wooden house.After picking up a glass of water, Zhao Bi continued, "The one who came in is called Li Xiaoyao, and his master entrusted me to take her out."

"Impossible, he has a sigil that can go out."

"You don't believe me, really, but it seems that he should be on the top, hurry up and get something to eat, and leave when it's done." Zhao Yu said to Jiang Wan'er with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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