Chapter 242 Too Ugly

Although he was rather curious, Zhao Bi didn't pay too much attention to it. Anyway, it was all caused by the Shushan gang.

The sixth floor is not like others, it is completely staying in a building here, especially the feeling of staying in a cave.

As the distance from the sound got closer, Zhao Yu looked at Luo Ran again and said, "Where is the way up here?"

"Don't worry about this for now, you just promised that old man to take care of his daughter, and now she's gone, why don't you hurry?"

"What's the rush? Besides, when did I agree?" Zhao Bi said in a veto.

He meant to take her out, but he didn't say anything else.

In it, basically everyone is desperate, and there is no way to speak of it at all.

"Wow, I didn't expect there to be humans here. I haven't tasted this delicacy for a long time."

Zhao Bi looked at the guy who looked like a frog in front of him, everything was already written in his disdainful eyes.

"Aren't you too scared to move? But it doesn't look delicious?" At this time, a more strange guy beside the toad-like guy said.

"Luo Ran, how are these two guys?"

"I don't want it, it's too ugly." Luo Ran said directly with disgust.

Looking at Luo Ran's appearance, Zhao Yu waved it immediately, and a light blade appeared, and before the two monsters could react, they had already become two halves.

"Really, don't show ugliness." Zhao Bi stepped across the bloody place and continued walking forward.

At this time, what was in front of him was still a cave-like passage, and the whole place looked like a maze.

"Zhao Yu."

Just after turning a corner, Lin Yueru's surprised voice came directly.

Just like this, the few people met directly, but they didn't see Jiang Wan'er's existence.

"Zhao Bi, why are you here? And your hair...?" Lin Yueru said directly, followed by a large group of demons and ghosts.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu didn't speak, and pointed directly at the coming monsters.

Immediately afterwards, after a white light wave appeared, the passageway suddenly became quiet, not even a drop of blood remained.

"Brother Zhao, why did you come here?" Li Xiaoyao finally spoke directly at this time, but the expression on his face still betrayed him.

Li Xiaoyao looked embarrassed, even a little embarrassed, which directly made Zhao Bi laugh.

"Okay, let's go, your master asked me to take you out by the way! By the way, where is Jiang Wan'er? Didn't he come to look for you?" Zhao Bi looked at Li Xiaoyao and said.

"What? Wan'er is here too?" Lin Yueru said in shock.

Lin Wan'er doesn't know any mana, not even fighting. If she is not careful here, she will probably die.

"Yes, she heard your voice, so she came over, but she ran too fast and couldn't find her."

Seeing Zhao Yu's indifferent face, Li Xiaoyao directly said angrily, "Since you brought her up, why didn't you protect her? She will die here."

"Hehe, if you have the ability, hurry up and look for it? Besides, she did this to find you, what does it have to do with me?"

"Yue Ru, let's go, don't stay with such a ruthless guy." After listening to Zhao Bi's words, Li Xiaoyao said directly angrily.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Zhao Yu didn't have any intention to hold back, but asked Luo Ran directly, "Where is the way up?"

"Front. But there are a lot of monsters over there!" Luo Ran said a little excitedly.

In this demon lock tower, Zhao Yu was really a little impatient. He teleported to the intersection when he saw the intersection. Although the speed was up, the direction was always wrong.

After almost a stick of incense, Zhao Bi finally came to a relatively bright place.

The space here is relatively larger, and there is no such anxious trail anymore.

But everything in front of them directly made the two parties dumbfounded.

"Brother Zhao, help me."

Looking at the people bound here and the demons in this place, Zhao Yu asked Luo Ran curiously, "Who do you like?"

"The one in front is pretty good!"

Following Luo Ran's gaze, a wild boar-like monster was eating there, with long black hair, but it should look really good.

"It's pretty good, that's all."

Zhao Bi's words surprised everyone at the scene, what exactly is this guy going to do?
But in the eyes of this group of people, looking for you walked directly to the side of the pig demon, then stretched out a finger, followed by a "bang", the pig demon lost its head in an instant.

Seeing this situation, the other demons all prepared to go up and turn on the monster directly. Zhao Yu squatted on the ground directly, and a blue light mask appeared all over his body.

Let these monsters try their best, but in the end they didn't even move their clothes.

"A group of bastards." After Zhao Yan finished speaking with a smile, a gossip pattern appeared on the top of the place, and immediately after that, all the monsters squatted on the ground and shouted.

For such a thing, Zhao Yu also had doubts on his face. Didn't he do it yet?
After two breaths, when none of these waists could move, Zhao Yu looked at Luo Ran on his shoulders in surprise, and then said, "You did all this?"

"Who let them delay my eating!" Luo Ran said angrily.

Ignoring the three of Li Xiaoyao who were still tied up there, Zhao Bi grabbed the headless pig demon and quickly cleaned everything up.

Before and after, there was no time for a stick of incense, Zhao Yu directly used his spiritual power to start roasting the meat in front of him, and the aroma that emanated in an instant made Luoran Liuqi on his shoulders drool.

"Okay, give it to me quickly"

two breathing times
"are you done."

Two more breaths.
"are you done."

"I said Luo Ran, can you stop worrying? This is the beginning? At least you need to wait a while, right?" Zhao Yan said directly speechless.

"I said, can you let us go first?" Lin Yueru shouted directly at Zhao Bi.

"Brother Zhao, Wan'er was wrong, Wan'er shouldn't have done this." Jiang Wan'er also lowered her head and apologized, but she didn't ask him to untie the rope like Lin Yueru did.

Not to mention Li Xiaoyao, he came here for other people's wives. When encountering such a thing, what face would he have to say such a thing?
"Don't worry, it will be fine soon." But Zhao Bi didn't say this to them.

After a while, when the barbecue in front of him was ready, Zhao Bi directly picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, chewed it twice, and then exclaimed loudly, "It's delicious."

"Bastard, why didn't you give it to me?" Luo Ran immediately started to grab Zhao Bi's ear and said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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