Chapter 243 An Immortal Breaker
Two people are arguing here for a piece of meat, but the key is that there are three guys tied up there!
Zhao Bi didn't pay attention to them, and handed Luo Ran a piece of meat and said, "How about a quick taste?"

"Hmph..." Although Luo Ran was a little unhappy, she took it over honestly.


Seeing Luo Ran's appearance, Zhao Yu said with a smile, "My craftsmanship is pretty good, right?"

Seeing that Luo Ran didn't speak, Zhao Bi continued to say, "Not to mention, this monster meat is just different, it tastes much better."

This time, the two of them couldn't eat much, but there was still a lot left.

"It's a pity that these can't be taken away."

Hearing Zhao Bi's voice, Luo Ran ate and said, "What a pity..."

As she said that, Luo Ran stretched out her hand directly, and then so many things left disappeared.

After the two had finished eating, Zhao Yu stood up, looked at the few people who were tied here, and then waved their hands and the ropes fell off.

"Zhao Bi, it took so long to let us go, you man"

"Remember, I have no obligation. Letting you be tied here can at least let you understand that if you don't have this strength, don't rush ahead recklessly. Your behavior will probably make the people around you suffer together." Zhao Bi didn't Listening to Lin Yueru's words, she said directly with a smile.

"Sorry, it's all my fault."

Several people looked at Jiang Wan'er, but Zhao Bi said, "Let's go. After we go out, it's better to divide things up."

This layer is now full of bloody smell, and they also don't want to stay any longer.

"Luo Ran, where is the way up?"

"I've told you eight hundred times, it's just ahead," Luo Ran said angrily.

"I don't know. Besides, there are still many places ahead?"

When Zhao Bi just finished speaking, Li Xiaoyao directly opened the way to the top by relying on a golden rune in his hand.

Just arrived at the seventh floor, Hua Wen looked at Li Xiaoyao beside him and said, "When you came in, did those people tell you which floor Linger is on?"

"Say it, it's on the eighth floor"

After listening to Li Xiaoyao's words, Zhao Yu directly smiled and asked Luo Ran on the shoulder, "Where is the way up to this floor?"

"You bastard, the way up is not far ahead."

This time the distance is not very far, and even the two channels are connected together.

With the rune in Li Xiaoyao's hand, there is no need to work hard to go up now.

The seventh floor doesn't need to stay here at all, since you know that Zhao Ling'er is on the upper floor, why bother.

The seventh floor can be said to be the easiest to pass this time.

As it reached the eighth floor, it was filled with various voices, and there were even more resentful spirits.

Each floor has a form different from other floors. This floor is completely a relatively large empty platform, and Zhao Linger's existence has already been seen as soon as he came up.

At this time, the whole air was filled with that kind of black wraith, and it was relatively powerful in terms of attack.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Zhao Bi said directly.

But now it was nothing more than telling Luo Ran that the few of them were currently fighting those resentful spirits.

"I don't know how to live or die." As soon as he took two steps, many resentful spirits flew towards him.

Seeing such a situation, Zhao Bi stomped his feet, and a gossip pattern appeared directly in front of him, and the thunder light kept flashing on it.

While everyone was still fighting hard, the entire eighth floor was instantly filled with lightning, and even the outside of the Demon Locking Tower could be seen covered by a layer of lightning.

After a few breaths, the only sound left on the eighth floor was the breath of a few people, and all the wraiths completely dissipated at this moment.

Before Zhao Bi could move his pace, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru had already run to the very weak Zhao Linger.

"Ling'er... how are you, Ling'er?" Li Xiaoyao started shouting directly.

But when he looked under Zhao Linger, Li Xiaoyao sat down on the ground directly.

This is completely different from what I imagined?
"What's the matter? Seeing Ling'er like this, you start to get scared?" Zhao Bi said with a smile.

"Ling' did you this?"

At this time, even Lin Yueru was very surprised by Zhao Linger's change. This huge snake tail hit the hearts of the two of them.

When they came in, Jiu Jianxian didn't tell them about Ling'er, and the two of them just thought that Ling'er was still the same.

At this time, Zhao Linger also came over. Although she was relatively weak, she could still hear what these people said.

As Ling'er began to sit up slowly, the huge chain behind him also made a relatively crisp sound.

"How is it? The living experience here is not very good, right?" Zhao Bi smiled and walked directly behind Zhao Linger, and then directly held the chain with one hand.

As Zhao Bi began to inject spiritual power into the chain, the chain instantly became red, and then it turned into liquid and fell directly to the ground.

Listening to this low-pitched voice, it was completely criticizing the hearts of these people.

"Bang" as the broken iron chain fell, Zhao Ling'er couldn't stabilize and fell directly on Zhao Bi's body.

"Okay, everyone, let's go quickly." Zhao Bi directly hugged Zhao Ling'er and said with a smile.

But the long tail is still quite laborious. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Bi picked up Zhao Linger's finger and bit a small hole with his own teeth. With the blood dripping on the tail, Zhao Linger instantly returned to its original appearance .

"What are you doing?" Lin Yueru yelled loudly seeing Zhao Bi like this.

"What's none of your business?" After Zhao Bi finished speaking, he was about to leave directly. After taking two steps, he stopped, looked at Li Xiaoyao and said, "Did Jiu Jianxian tell you how to get out?"

It's not that Zhao Yu is lazy, but the main thing is that the group of people in Shushan can't be trusted. If you lock yourself in here, it won't be very good.

"If you want to go out, you can only go out from the ninth floor"

Before Li Xiaoyao finished speaking, Zhao Yu said directly annoyed, "These Shushan dogs really have no good intentions! Let me come in, and don't tell me how to get out."

"What are you worried about? With me here, will you still be able to get out? Isn't it just a broken fairy weapon, don't worry." At this time, Luo Ran stood directly on Zhao Bi's shoulder and said domineeringly.

"Haha, it makes sense, but where is the way to the upper floor?" Zhao Yu said awkwardly just after laughing.

"I knew it would be like this?" Luo Ran whispered in a speechless voice.

(End of this chapter)

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