Chapter 245 Leaving Shushan

Zhao Bi was the one person who directly shocked the audience, even if they wanted to say something, they finally swallowed it back.

In the end, Shushan directly compromised like this, which was unexpected by everyone.

There was originally a condition to help him find the five spirit beads, but now there is nothing.

For this group of people in Shushan, in Zhao Yu's view, they are all relatively hypocritical existences, and they don't want to have any kind of intersection in the future.

Seeing that they had already started to let go, Zhao Yu said with a smile, "Since everyone has no opinions, then let this matter be as it is, and I hope we will not see each other again in the future."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Bi turned around and walked to the Black Panther, looked at Jiang Wan'er and said, "Aren't you staying in Shushan?"

"I don't want to stay here. My mother was killed by Mount Shu. Can you take me out? As long as I leave the range of Mount Shu, I won't bother you." Jiang Wan'er said pitifully.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Bi directly asked the black panther who was lying on his stomach waiting for Zhao Bi to come up, and said, "You have no problem with one more person, right?"

"What the old man said, even if there are ten more people on our side, there is no problem at all."

Hearing what the Black Panther said, Zhao Yu really looked disgusted. The key is that the Black Panther has no choice but to get out of this demon-locking tower with great difficulty. The key is that there is still such a powerful person covering him now. This is a good thing. Where to find it, don't rush to curry favor.

Of course, Zhao Bi didn't know what the Black Panther thought, but he just thought this guy was pretty good.

"Okay, let's go, this place really doesn't sound interesting." Zhao Bi said directly while sitting on the black panther.

"It's quite boring. Let's leave quickly. We still have to see the world." Luo Ran sat directly on the black panther's head, holding his ear and said.

The black panther who stood up did not have the feeling of fear when he first came out, he directly raised his chest and led Zhao Yu and the others to walk in front of the group of young and old in Shushan.

"Can you fly?" Zhao Bi asked directly as he watched the black panther twist and turn.

"My lord, I'm just a little demon. I don't have such a deep knowledge yet, maybe I will in the future." Hei Bao said directly, without the slightest embarrassment.

"That's the only way to go, let's leave now."

After listening to Zhao Bi's instructions, the panther ran straight and fast. Although it couldn't fly, its speed was about the same as taking off.

"It seems that you have found the way of spiritual power?" Zhao Ling'er has recovered a little now, looking at Zhao Bi and said directly.

"As long as I'm not involved in such a small matter." Luo Ran turned around and stood there, speaking like an elf as a whole.

"I didn't expect her to be so blessed. It's really good." Zhao Linger's tone was a bit bitter, especially thinking of the moment when Li Xiaoyao saw her real appearance, Zhao Linger felt even more uncomfortable.

"It's better to find Anu and the others to meet up first. As for you, I will send you to Nanzhao directly this time. By then, we will have nothing to do with each other."

After listening to Zhao Bi's words, Zhao Ling'er didn't say anything, anyway, she didn't give any hope now.

The black panther dived directly from the top of Shushan and ran down. For some people with relatively low strength, what they saw was a black light slipping in front of them.

Except for Shushan, the speed of the black panther began to slow down. Looking at the outside world, if there were no people on him, this guy would probably yell straight away.

"Why don't you run away?" Zhao Bi said, looking at the panther.

"My lord, I've been locked up in the Demon Locking Tower for hundreds of years, and now that I've come out suddenly, it seems like I've lost my way?" Black Panther said embarrassingly.

"It's really a talent. No, it's a leopard talent." Zhao Bi said speechlessly.

Pausing for a while, Zhao Bi directly began to direct the direction of the black panther. At the beginning, he was still thinking that it would be good to send Zhao Linger back to Nanzhao, but he didn't know why her grandma had restricted him. where,

This side is thousands of miles away from Anu's side, but according to the speed of the black panther, it will only take an hour or two. Thinking that he will be completely interviewed soon, the corner of Zhao Bi's mouth is also directly panting. smiled.

As time passed, the black panther also started to run quickly according to Zhao Bi's request, and even arrived at the place where Anu and the others stayed before in less than an hour.

"Are you sure it's here, my lord?" Black Panther asked curiously looking at the scene in front of him.

"It is indeed here, but I don't know what happened here?" Hua Wen said with a strange expression.

The town, which was originally relatively prosperous, has turned into the desolate look it is now in just a few days.

The cobwebs on the street look as if no one has lived in it for a long time, let alone the lifeless feeling here.

"Luo Ran, can you see what happened here?" Zhao Bi asked directly.

"I still know a little bit about this!" Jiang Wan'er said timidly.

"I need to listen to it." Zhao Bi said directly with a smile.

"My father once said when he regained his sanity that there are ghosts and ghosts in the land of thousands of miles in the Shu Mountains. The mana is so high that it can instantly destroy a city, and then it will become the desolate state it is now. According to what my father said, it is estimated that here It should be not far from Guiyin Mountain."

After hearing Jiang Wan'er's words, Luo Ran said directly, "Well, there is indeed a different aura here, it's weird, but it's not necessarily so powerful?"

Zhao Bi looked at the two of them, and then directly turned on the perception, and everything within a thousand miles around was in Zhao Bi's understanding for a moment.

"The place two hundred miles ahead is really different and weird?" Zhao Bi pointed to the front and said.

"My lord, are we going?" the panther said timidly.

"Can you stop being so cowardly? Anyway, I'm still here?"

"Hehe." Jiang Wan'er and Zhao Ling'er laughed directly.

"Let's go forward. Let's take a look at the situation. Maybe it would be nice if we can pick up a corpse for some guys." Zhao Bi said directly.

"You say you can't say something nice?" Luo Ran said contemptuously.

"I believe Elder Shi and Anu are fine." Zhao Ling'er also said directly.

"Okay, let's go and see if you don't know."

With that said, the black panther set off directly with a few people.

"Little Leopard, make your body bigger, I'm going to lie down for a while." Before walking far, Zhao Bi said directly to the Black Panther under him.

"Okay sir."

For Black Panther, getting bigger has no effect on him at all, being able to become a demon essentially means having a relatively huge body.

(End of this chapter)

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