Chapter 246 Sunda Wind—The Promise——
As the body of the panther got bigger, the few people on it now didn't feel crowded at all.

In the blink of an eye, the black panther has become a behemoth five meters high and 20 meters long, but the same will not affect his forward speed at all.

The black panther shuttled between the mountains and forests. It seemed that this place was his paradise, and even the surrounding trees would not touch half of it.

"It's still so comfortable!" Zhao Bi lay there and sighed, saying to himself that everyone else could only watch like this.

Along the way, the panther completely ignored any obstacles, mountains, rivers, and even canyons, all of which were accomplished in one leap.

After two sticks of incense, the black panther directly brought Zhao Bi and the others to a place that still looked rather gloomy. This thing already looked like this during the day, so I don't know what it will be like at night?
"My lord, the front is where you said." The black panther stopped on the top of the mountain and said directly, looking at the gloomy and foggy environment below.

Hearing the sound, Zhao Yu sat up and looked at it, and then said naturally, "This place is probably not for living people."

"My lord, there's poisonous gas down here, I can't get in at all."

"It's just a bit of poisonous gas. Go straight in, and the rest will be dealt with by the master for you." Zhao Yan patted the panther with a smile and said.

"Should we observe it first, I feel very dangerous here?" Zhao Linger said directly.

"What's so good"

"Zhao Bi. Eat first, quickly give me a barbecue and then go in." Luo Ran directly interrupted Zhao Bi's words at this time, and said to herself.

"Okay, let's eat first, anyway, it's not too late." Zhao Yu was also talking to himself.

On the top of this mountain, there are still quite a lot of big rocks.

After Luo Ran jumped off the black panther's body, she immediately threw out the meat of the previous pig demon.

Seeing such a situation, Black Panther couldn't help but get a little nervous. This thing is the same kind as him, so it seems a little inappropriate to eat it in front of him.

"Why are you nervous? Is it possible that you don't eat meat?" Zhao Bi smiled directly and said, looking at the black panther whose body had become the size of a cat in front of him.

"My lord, although I eat meat, I won't attack a monster that has given birth to intelligence."

"It's really rare that such a thing still exists? Then why do you eat people?" Zhao Yu looked at the black panther curiously and said, but he was still holding the pig demon meat in his hand.

"My lord, you probably don't know about these things, I have never eaten humans here, even if I kill them, I won't eat them.

For monsters, our goal is to become gods and immortals. Once we eat a creature with wisdom, it will be retribution to ourselves when we cross the catastrophe. This is what my parents told me. "

Hearing what the black panther said, Zhao Bi finally understood something about it. Feelings, these monsters will not eat people at all in order to become immortals?
It seems that the definition of the world still has a lot of shortcomings.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, I will let you taste it later, don't worry, the soul of this thing has been completely wiped out by this girl." Xiao Luoran said domineeringly directly.

"Small sample." Zhao Yu looked at Luo Ran and smiled, and then directly raised flames in his hands to roast these things.

The pork demon meat does not need any seasoning, it is already the best food when it is cooked like this.

After several people were satisfied, Zhao Bi stood up and looked at the dense fog below, so he said, "If you don't want to go, it's fine to stay here. I'll come back after the meeting is over."

"Brother, I want to go with you"

"Me too." Zhao Ling'er and Jiang Wan'er immediately began to express their opinions.

"Alright then, little leopard, remember to protect these two."

"Don't worry, my lord"

On the way down, Zhao Yu and the others did not choose to ride again, but went directly down.

"Huh..." I heard all kinds of strange sounds as soon as I got down, coupled with the cold environment here, for Jiang Wan'er, who basically doesn't have much magic power, walking in such an environment still has a lot of advantages Not suitable.

"Miss Wan'er, you don't know how to use magic, you'd better sit on my body, it will make you more comfortable." Hei Bao said directly and comfortably.

"That's right, Wan'er, just do what Little Leopard says!"

Jiang Wan'er glanced at Zhao Ling'er, then turned to the Black Panther and said, "No need, I have already registered as a demon clan. This situation does not have much impact on me, but I still have to thank you, little leopard."

"Big bastard, the fog in front is poisonous." Luo Ran said nonchalantly.

"Then you didn't say it earlier," Zhao Bi said with a look of contempt.

"It's so obvious that I need to say it?"

"You two stop arguing, I can solve these things?" Zhao Linger said directly.

"You still need it? This big bastard can be blown away in an instant. Do you think so?" Luo Ran looked at Zhao Bi provocatively and said.

"You fucker, I can solve it, but I don't want to. Haha," Zhao Bi said, showing the appearance of a successful trick.

The two were arguing right in front of the thick fog, and the others could only watch like this. Zhao Linger wanted to solve the poisonous fog issue directly, but Luo Ran completely disagreed, as if letting Zhao Bi do it.

"Are you going to make it or not?"

Seeing that Luo Ran was a little angry, Zhao Yu asked curiously, "Why do you insist on me coming?"

"Don't you want to see your stalwart figure?"

"Oh..." Zhao Yu instantly felt like his goosebumps were about to fall off, and then said helplessly, "Then let you see my stalwart figure."

Zhao Bi walked to the front of the poisonous mist, closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, and a huge eight patterns appeared in front of him.

"Xunfeng - Promise"

After a pause, the noisy surroundings suddenly calmed down, and then the wind rose directly, the wind was so strong that even the big trees couldn't support it at all.

In less than a moment, not to mention the poisonous fog in front of him, not even a single tree disappeared, and the area within a kilometer has become bare.

"That's amazing." Hei Panther was completely dumbfounded at this time.

"You bastard, are you the wind?" Luo Ran jumped directly onto Zhao Bi's shoulder and shouted.

"Isn't it great?" Zhao Yu said with a smile and looked at Luo Ran.

"Your name is Wei'an?" Luo Ran asked looking at the place in front where even the soil had lost two meters.

"Look, there were some unclean guys under here, but now it's fine, there's nothing left"

"Okay, you two better stop arguing, we can go in and have a look now." Jiang Wan'er said timidly.

(End of this chapter)

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