Chapter 247 Guiyin Mountain

Now the Ghost Yin Mountain doesn't look as weird and gloomy as it was when we first came here, and the whole thing begins to have a rancid smell.

The soil in front of him slowly began to turn black, which was completely different from the one at the beginning.

"I don't know how many people have died down here?" Jiang Wan'er said with a little fear.

"Let's go, let's go in and have a look. I don't know if Anu is also buried here? Maybe your Elder Shi is also down here." Zhao Yu looked at Zhao Linger and said with a smile.

"No, I believe Anu and the others are still alive." Zhao Linger said directly.

Zhao Bi smiled, and then started to walk inside.

"My lord, the evil spirit in front is quite strong, shouldn't we go in that direction?" Hei Bao led Jiang Wan'er and said directly to Zhao Bi's right front at this time.

"Okay, let's go straight there." Zhao Bi said and walked in the direction that the black panther said.

The evil spirit here is already very obvious, and the whole ground has begun to emit black smoke.

"My lord, if there is a demon here, it should be under this tombstone."

Now there is no need for the black panther to say anything, Zhao Bi himself is already staring at the tombstone in front of him.

"The Tomb of Jiang Yuan, Prime Minister of the Jiang Kingdom." Looking at the name, Zhao Bi was not disturbed at all.

As for the things in this fairy sword world, Zhao Bi has already almost forgotten.

"Who is it? Who is interrupting my rest?"

While several people were still watching, a voice came directly from the ground.

Listening to this voice, it completely began to reveal the vicissitudes of life, and it didn't feel like having very violent emotions at all.

"I want to go in and take a look, but I don't know what to do?" Zhao Bi said to the tombstone.

But as soon as the words fell, a passage appeared under the tombstone, which happened completely unreasonably.

Zhao Bi was not afraid of anything, seeing that people had already started to invite, so he walked directly underground.

Although the few people in the back were a little scared, they all walked in together after seeing Zhao Bi's appearance.

The inside is not as bad as these people imagined, and there is no rotten smell as imagined, just like a normal cave.

As Zhao Bi walked towards the cave in the darkness, blue will-o'-the-wisps lit up on both sides of the wall, and then illuminated the entire cave ahead.

Everything looks so weird, but everything seems to be taken for granted.

"Are you from Mount Shu?" There was a room at the end of the cave, and before Zhao Yu and the others walked in, the voice inside had already been heard.

I asked you to come in and look at the old man who was sitting there fiddling with the teapot. He looked no different from a normal person, but the black panther behind him reminded him, "My lord, he has a very evil spirit."

"Sit down and have a taste of our Jiang country's tea, you are the first one who can drink it in thousands of years." The old man Jiang Yuan said.

Zhao Bi didn't say anything, walked directly opposite the old man, and then sat down directly.

There are no chairs here, the old man is still living a thousand years ago, and all the people sitting here are futons, the so-called sitting down is nothing more than kneeling.

Zhao Bi directly picked up the Lecong teacup, looked at the red tea inside, and drank it without any hesitation.

"Well, good tea. This is probably the sweetest tea I've ever had."

"Haha, the young man is right, this is indeed the best tea, but it wasn't like this at the beginning." Jiang Yuan said with a big smile.

For Zhao Bi's arrival, the old man didn't seem to have any surprises. It felt as if all of this would come sooner or later.

Zhao Bi didn't speak, Jiang Yuan looked at it and continued, "You Shushan didn't expect such an interesting person to appear. It's been thousands of years, and it's about time."

"The elders are not those bastards in Shushan, please don't feel random, okay?" the black panther said directly to the old man.

"Aren't you from Shushan?" The old man looked at Zhao Bi curiously and said.

"Do I look like one from Mount Shu?"

"Haha, it's really not like it. It's impossible for Shushan to allow a monster to stay by his side." Jiang Yuan glanced at the black panther and said directly to Zhao Bi.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuan added another glass of water to Zhao Yu, and then continued, "I have been waiting for a thousand years, thinking that when Shushan will come to deal with me, an old man, I didn't expect to wait for you as soon as I waited."

"Why wait for Shushan to come?" Zhao Bi asked.

"Thousands of years ago, there was no Shu Mountain at that time, and the whole world belonged to Jiang State, and this was the most commonly drunk tea, but the Yunbi tea was still green at that time, but now it has turned red.

Thousands of years ago, when Yang Guo attacked Jiang Guo, hundreds of thousands of soldiers died here, but in the end, they all became like this. There was no chance of reincarnation, and everything seemed to be frozen at that moment.

After I woke up, almost 100 years have passed, and only then did I often hear people passing by say that there is a Shu Mountain or something, alas”

Hearing Jiang Yuan's words, Zhao Yu didn't intervene, after all, the country was ruined, and everyone looked at the old man in front of him and didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, Luo Ran on Zhao Yu's shoulder said directly, "Isn't it just reincarnation, such a simple thing."

"Luo Ran, don't talk nonsense." Zhao Bi said immediately.

"I don't know your name yet, so what's the point of coming to our place?" Jiang Yuan said.

Especially the eyes, which were already frantically looking at Luo Ran.

"You are welcome, old man. My name is Zhao Bi. This time I came here mainly because a town two hundred miles away from here turned into ruins overnight. I have a few friends in it, so come and have a look." Zhao Bi directly Said.

"Your Excellency really misunderstood. Although our side of Guiyin Mountain is quite weird, everyone including me here has no way to leave the range of Guiyin Mountain. Although she will not die once she leaves, various things will happen to her body. It makes life worse than death," Jiang Yuan said.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuan saw that Zhao Bi didn't speak, and then asked Luo Ran on her shoulder, "Is there really a way for the immortal to let us enter reincarnation?"

"What fairy, she."

"Since I said it, there must be a way." Before Zhao Bi finished speaking, Luo Ran said directly.

The main reason why Zhao Bi didn't want to do this was because she was worried that she would cheat herself in the end. It wasn't the first time she had done such a thing.

"Also ask the immortals to save the souls of the [-] soldiers of the Jiang Kingdom." The old man fell to his knees and begged loudly for a moment.
Zhao Bi looked at Jiang Yuan who was kneeling on the ground, and stood up straight away.

This man is worthy of admiration for kneeling down and giving up his dignity for the sake of his soldiers.

"Luo Ran, do you really have a solution?" Zhao Bi said in a low voice.

"Of course, but you still need to do it?"

Hearing Luo Ran's words, Zhao Yu looked like that, so he knew that such a thing must be done by himself?

"But I"

"Don't worry, this time it's very simple, just take out something from the ground in this place." Luo Ran said directly.

This time it was Zhao Yu's turn to be taken aback, and then said, "Is there something under here?"

"There is something, I can prove this, I can prove it" Jiang Yuan immediately stood up and shouted.

This feeling is exactly like grabbing a life-saving straw.

"What?" Zhao Yu asked directly.

"Immortal, what's underneath is a black piece of iron, which was discovered by my side 600 years ago, but none of us can get close to it." Jiang Yuan said excitedly.

"Brother, if you have a way, help them." Zhao Ling'er also said directly at this time.

"Okay, where is it? You can take me to see it." Zhao Bi said directly.

"This cave was originally dug for that thing in the ground. I can take you there to have a look." Jiang Yuan hurriedly started to take Zhao Bi to walk forward.

Originally thought that this room was the innermost part of the cave, but the old man Jiang Yuan opened a door directly behind him.

Looking at the long and narrow passage ahead, Zhao Bi turned to them and said, "You guys stay here, I'll go down and have a look, the black panther will protect them."

"Don't worry, my lord." The panther immediately began to speak.

Not to mention the bottom, even here the panthers don't want to stay, now that Zhao Bi has said so, it's the best way for him.

After walking in, the door behind him closed directly, and then a blue ghost fire began to light up inside.

This cave is very long, even with the light, Zhao Yu can't see the end of the front at all, the most important thing is that he can't feel anything at all when he stays in it.

"How did you find out what's here?" Zhao Bi asked directly.

"A chance, after all, I have been here for thousands of years." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

As he walked more and more inside, Zhao Bi began to feel a little dizzy, and even began to breathe heavily.

"How far is it?" Zhao Yu asked panting.

"It's almost there, just ahead." Jiang Yuan said directly with a smile.

After walking forward for a stick of incense, Zhao Bi finally saw a black object floating in the middle of the underground hall.

But when Zhao Bi didn't touch it, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Haha, that's true, that's true." Jiang Yuan laughed loudly and shouted at Zhao Bi.

"Jiang Yuan, you." Zhao Bi coughed twice again, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"It's all of you, it's all of you, if it wasn't for you, how could our Jiang country be destroyed, it should be the people of Shushan."

Up to now, Jiang Yuan still thinks that Zhao Bi is from Mount Shu. Maybe in his cognition, those who know magic are from Mount Shu.

"May I ask you, since you think I'm from Mount Shu, why did you bring me here?" Zhao Bi asked directly.

"I, I saw that you turned the entire Guiyin Mountain into that with one move, I am no match."

Listening to Jiang Yuan's words and looking at the other person's current expression, Zhao Bi, who was still a little weak, straightened up straight, and the paleness on his face slowly returned to normal.

"So that's the case, but I'm really not from Shushan, and I really disdain to have sex with people from Shushan." Zhao Bi said.

But seeing this scene, Zhao Bi himself didn't know how to communicate with the old man in front of him.

But in his impression, Zhao Bi seemed to have thought of a name, and then asked directly, "Do you know Solanum nigrum?"

"Solanum nigrum?" Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened and he shouted loudly, "How do you know solanum nigrum?"

Seeing that this is really useful, Zhao Bi then started to say seriously, "It seems that there is such a person deep in my memory?"

As soon as these words came out, even Luo Ran on the shoulder looked at this guy with disgust.

I can clearly solve the matter with my own hands, but now I am talking here!
After a long while, Jiang Yuan burst into tears, and muttered directly to himself, "It must be like this. It must be like this."

Zhao Bi didn't understand what the old man would do like this at all, but he was also ready to do it.

But who knew that Jiang Yuan opened his mouth at this time and said directly, "It seems that you should have talked about the people in the palace in your previous life. The previous seniors also told me that after reincarnation, people will have memories of the last obsessed things in life. It seems You should be."

Jiang Yuan stood up, looked at Zhao Bi with an excited expression and finished speaking, then took out a bronze mirror from his bosom, which was unusual at first glance.

"You really believe that what I said is true?" Zhao Bi said directly.

"It's not wrong. There is no written record about Princess Solanum nigrum, and it is impossible for anyone to know about it. Since you can say such a thing, it means that this matter must be true." Jiang Yuan said seriously, Then he put the bronze mirror in Zhao Bi's hand and said, "This is a treasure of the royal family. It must be kept away. We have been tortured here for thousands of years. I will ask you to help us solve it this time."

Looking at Jiang Yuan's appearance, Zhao Bi himself couldn't bear it anymore. It is really rare to see a person who is so loyal to his country.

"I just took this thing away, and I hope we can meet again in the next life." Zhao Bi said with a smile, and began to show off his acting skills.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan had closed his eyes, Zhao Bi immediately wrapped the floating iron piece in front of him with spiritual power.

At such a moment, the entire Guiyin Mountain began to vibrate directly. In order to prevent himself from being buried in the ground, Zhao Yu directly began to teleport and left here.

After arriving at the original bottom room, there was no need for Zhao Bi to say anything, the black panther had already led them out.

After coming up, Zhao Yu looked at the Guiyin Mountain. The originally black land began to subside slowly, and many white spots of light began to disappear here.

"Brother, it means they are all freed, right?" Zhao Ling'er looked at Zhao Bi and said.

"Ah, yes." Zhao Bi said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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