Chapter 249 Spirit Weapons
Looking at the Guiyin Mountain in front of them, everyone had indescribable emotion.

"Tell me about you, it's too much effort to deceive an old man about something that is obviously easy to solve." At this time, Luo Ran on Zhao Yu's shoulder began to speak disdainfully.

"What do you know? Why use your hands when you can move your mouth? Besides, you can get this extra thing if you do it?" Zhao Yu took out Jiang Yuan's own bronze mirror in his hand and said to Luo Ran with a smile.

"It seems reasonable for you to say that?" Luo Ran immediately said the same thing.

"What is this?" Zhao Ling'er looked at the bronze mirror in Zhao Bi's hand and said.

Others also looked over, this is indeed Zhao Bi's unexpected joy this time.

"By the way, Luo Ran, what exactly is that iron piece? I feel that this thing is very capable!" Zhao Yu couldn't help but say in shock as he imagined the situation of that iron piece.

"That thing has some history, keep it, maybe it will be useful in the future." Luo Ran thought for a while and said directly.

Zhao Bi didn't think too much about it, anyway, it's nothing to keep this thing on his body, just keep it.

"What's going on next?" Jiang Wan'er looked at Zhao Bi and said.

"There is nothing underneath, only a small piece of iron, nothing else."

Listening to Zhao Bi's slightly perfunctory statement, Jiang Wan'er didn't ask any other questions in the end.

"Anu and Elder Shi don't know where they are?" Zhao Linger said worriedly.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to them. I'll send you to Nanzhao first." Zhao Bi said directly.

At this time, Guiyin Mountain has completely changed its appearance. Since those white light spots flew out, the entire Guiyin Mountain has changed from the original black soil until now and it still looks relatively normal.

"Before I leave, I'll give you some rewards." Zhao Bi looked at the Guiyin Mountain that had been damaged by him, and then waved his hand, and a large number of trees began to emerge from the ground.

Not long after, the already bare Guiyin Mountain immediately turned into a forest.

This is the benefit of spiritual power, which can be created arbitrarily.

After doing all this, the Black Panther didn't need Hua Wen to remind him any more, he just turned into a giant and waited for the other party to sit up.

"Master, where are we going next?" Black Panther asked Zhao Bi.

"Let's go to Nanzhao, but I really don't know which direction to go?" Zhao Bi said a little distressed.

"Nanzhao should be in the south, right?" Jiang Wan'er looked at Zhao Bi and said curiously.

"Where did this theory come from?" Zhao Yu smiled, then said, and then said to the black panther, "Let's go first, find a place with people, and we can talk about it."

"Yes, sir"

As the black panther began to leave, the original Guiyin Mountain also slowly began to disappear from the sight of several people.

Zhao Linger's expression was not very good along the way, although she was still thinking about Li Xiaoyao's situation in her heart, but whenever she thought of him seeing her appearance, Zhao Linger couldn't help feeling sad.

There are many ways to go to Nanzhao, and you can even find a businessman and ask.

"Brother, should we find Elder Shi and the others first?" Zhao Ling'er sat on the black panther and said to Zhao Bi on the way.

But with such thoughts, how could Zhao Bi not know, with a smile on his face, and then said, "They probably have started to return to Nanzhao now, isn't it better for us to wait in the past?"

Zhao Ling'er had a feeling that she couldn't express it. According to the current speed of the Black Panther, it would only take a day or two to reach Nanzhao.

"Is there anything wrong with Nanzhao?" Jiang Wan'er looked at Zhao Ling'er and said directly.

"Nanzhao is in my memory now, and I haven't been back for more than ten years." Zhao Linger said.

While the two were chatting, Zhao Bi lay on the black panther, took out the bronze mirror from his arms, looked at it for a while, and asked Luo Ran who was also lying beside him, "What do you mean by these four things? "

The edge of the bronze mirror is golden yellow, with a rather strange pattern, and at a glance, it is just a slightly more delicate mirror.

"This thing isn't very useful, it's just a spiritual weapon."

Hearing Luo Ran's casual tone, Hua Wen became curious for a moment, and then asked, "Is there something different?"

"Would you like to share with you?" Luo Ran said directly with a sinister smile on her face.

This remark aroused Zhao Yu's interest, and then he sat up and looked at Luo Ran and said, "Come on, I'll accept your popularity."

"Haha, your cheap expression is really too much!" Luo Ran said with a big laugh.

The movement of the two also attracted Zhao Ling'er and Jiang Wan'er, and they also looked towards Luo Ran.

At this time, Hei Panther and Panther were still running fast, but they didn't feel the slightest thing about the people on them.

"The bronze mirror in your hand is a spiritual weapon. It's not very good, but it is already a very good thing for this world. There are fairy weapons and divine weapons on the spiritual energy. In short, there are many things that you have not seen. Arrived."

Hearing Luo Ran say such words, Hua Wen, who had been expecting a little bit, suddenly didn't want to talk.

"You don't need to look like this, there's no need at all, it's already pretty good to have spiritual weapons in this world." Luo Ran said directly.

"That's right, it's better than nothing." Jiang Wan'er also said directly.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Yu then put the bronze mirror in his arms, and then lay down, watching the color of the sky passing by at this moment.

Nothing special happened along the way, let alone any so-called special circumstances.

During the day, the panthers struggled to move forward, basically avoiding places with crowds.

As the two days passed, the overall situation was the same as Zhao Bi imagined.

Standing on the edge of Nanzhao, looking at everything here, Zhao Bi said directly to Zhao Linger, "You guys in Nanzhao seem to be like that!"

"Nanzhao is much better now. In the past, there were often wars on Nanzhao's side. In recent years, it has gradually eased up." Zhao Linger said.

Nanzhao is not a big country, at least Zhao Bi can perceive the whole country of Nanzhao at once.

Nanzhao is indeed a relatively beautiful country, but the cultural environment here is very different.

"Let's go, go directly to the palace." Zhao Bi said to the black panther.

Now that we've all arrived at this place, there's no need to hide our body and set out.

Going in like this is probably the best way to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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