Chapter 250 Nanzhao Emperor
Looking at the scenery in front of him, the black panther also led several people into the city directly.

This situation is absolutely cool.

A big guy with a height of five feet suddenly appeared, not to mention ordinary people, even the soldiers guarding the city were terrified when they saw this scene.

"Slow down, let's just walk in like this." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"good lord"

"Brother, is this not good? I think many people have been frightened." Zhao Linger said a little nervously at this time.

"Don't worry, it will be fine later."

In fact, it is really the same as what Zhao Yu said. After many people saw someone sitting on the black panther, many people have already begun to take courage.

Several people were walking on the streets of Nanzhao, and the surrounding soldiers were constantly approaching. At this moment, Zhao Bi stood directly on the head of the black panther and shouted loudly, "Your princess of Nanzhao is back."

The sound began to spread directly along the city, and even the side of the palace can now be heard clearly.

Royal Palace
"Did you hear anything just now?" The emperor asked the person next to him while sitting upright.

"Your Majesty, I seem to have heard that the princess has returned just now?" an eunuch beside him said directly.

The emperor stood up and walked slowly towards the door. At first he thought he was hallucinating, but the people around him said the same thing. He was not sure about the situation, so he was going to ask someone to check it out.

"Report, Your Majesty, there is someone riding a big monster in the imperial city, and said that the princess is back."

Before the emperor was ready to say anything at this time, he had already heard the voice of Tong Chuan.

"Go and inform the national teacher to come quickly," said the middle-aged emperor.

"Yes, this subordinate will go now"

But when the middle-aged emperor was thinking about the direction in which the servants were leaving, he saw the huge figure they were talking about in the palace.

Zhao Bi directly rode the black panther all the way to the palace, without even leaving the gate, the black panther appeared in front of everyone in one leap.

Seeing that the surrounding soldiers were holding spears and tremblingly guarding him, Zhao Yu smiled and said, "I've said it all, I just sent your princess back."

But how could this group of people believe such words.

"All back down."

As a voice came out, the group of people slowly gave way to a passage.

"Father...?" Zhao Ling'er looked at a middle-aged man in a yellow robe not far away and shouted softly, a little afraid to recognize him.

"Is it Ling'er?" The middle-aged emperor walked up to the people and shouted towards Zhao Bi.

"Father is Linger." Zhao Linger immediately jumped off the black panther and started running towards the middle-aged emperor.

Seeing this touching scene, Zhao Bi's heart was already excited, and he hurriedly began to check the imprint connected to Zhao Ling'er in his body.

"Why is it still there? Is there something I haven't done well?" Zhao Bi began to fall into thinking.

Originally thinking about sending Zhao Ling'er back, I guess there is nothing else to do, and now it has been done with great difficulty, but the rhythm of things seems to be a little bit wrong.

Zhao Bi even became a little anxious. The father and daughter are now hugging each other, but he has no clue yet.

"You are still here"

While Zhao Yu was still thinking, a voice came directly from his ear.

When Zhao Bi raised his head and saw that it was the guy who worshiped the moon, Zhao Bi said casually, "Zhao Bi is going to drink tonight"

"Okay, besides you, it's been a long time since I had a drink with anyone else." Bai Yue said with a smile.

The moon worship in front of people showed a very gentle and even elegant feeling, making people feel kind and easy-going when staying by his side.

Zhao Bi didn't talk too much to Baiyue, he was worrying about Zhao Ling'er now.

Ling'er exchanged pleasantries with her father, and then led him to the bottom of the black panther, but the black panther didn't even squat down without Zhao Bi's order.

Seeing such a situation, Jiang Wan'er jumped down, and then greeted the middle-aged emperor.

"Brother, this is still my royal father"

"Brother?" The middle-aged emperor was immediately surprised after hearing Zhao Linger's address.

Then Zhao Linger quickly said, "His name is Zhao Bi, and he is also Linger's current husband."

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged emperor was not surprised, on the contrary, the clothes looked good, and he probably was very satisfied with Zhao Bi in his heart.

"Zhao Bi, this place is good, let them prepare food quickly." Luo Ran directly pulled Zhao Bi's thoughts back.

No need for Zhao Bi to say anything, the black panther felt Zhao Bi's emotions, and lay down directly on the ground to let Zhao Bi get down.

"I haven't eaten anything good for several days. It should be fine to eat something here?" Zhao Yan looked at the middle-aged emperor and said.

"Haha, there must be some. Since you are a son-in-law, you should live in this palace first, and arrange accommodation for you later." The middle-aged emperor said, not caring about Zhao Bi's attitude at all.

Zhao Bi talked about this matter, and the soldiers began to disperse when they saw the situation on both sides, leaving Baiyue standing here alone.

"You seem to have spiritual power?" Bai Yue said with a smile.

"Oh, I'll forget about it if you don't tell me about it. It's really thanks to you."

"What do you mean thanks to him? Obviously I helped you, okay?" Just as Zhao Bi finished speaking, Luo Ran on his shoulder immediately disagreed and said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's true." Zhao Bi hurriedly said with a smile.

"Let's stop chatting here, let's hurry in and eat first." The middle-aged emperor immediately greeted him and said with a smile.

Regarding the return of his daughter, the emperor was a little worried at first, but now that he saw Zhao Bi's situation, at least he was relieved a lot.

"I won't bother your family anymore, I'll take my leave first." Bai Yue saluted the middle-aged emperor and said.

"Since the national teacher has something to do, I will invite the national teacher later." The emperor said with a smile.

"Then I'll look for you later..." Zhao Bi said with a smile.

For worshiping the moon, Zhao Bi didn't feel any disgust. On the contrary, he felt that the worshipers of the moon were pretty good, but they were just stubborn about certain things.

After entering the palace, the servants had already served a lot of delicacies, and on a long table was Zhao Bi's most sumptuous meal since he came to this world.

As for the black panther, it transformed into a kitten the size of a kitten and sat beside Jiang Wan'er.

Even if Zhao Bi wants to be polite, there is one thing that she has absolutely no idea about.
(End of this chapter)

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