Chapter 251 Concentric Gu

Before she was ready to eat, Luo Ran stepped on her short body and began to eat the food on the table.

Zhao Bi really looked at this guy with an embarrassing look on his face, but there was no change in his movements.

"It's okay, it's okay. Since it's already this time, it's more important to eat quickly." The emperor looked at the crowd and said.

"Father, hurry up and eat, you haven't eaten home food for a long time."

Hearing what Zhao Linger said, the old father's eyes immediately turned red, and every time he thought of this incident, he felt a little uncontrollably sad for this person who had lived for so many years.

"Ling'er, it's the father who is sorry for you." The emperor said.

The sensationalism between the two didn't affect Zhao Bi, he and Luo Ran started to exchange cups, and even the Black Panther had joined the eating and drinking camp, Jiang Wan'er looked at this with embarrassment .

Looking for you during a meal can be considered to understand the structure of this place. Zhao Linger's father is Zhao Yan. He is not an emperor, but a witch king. There is no emperor in this country. This matter makes Zhao Bi a little embarrassed up.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhao Yan sent someone to directly arrange Zhao Bi's residence. At first, he thought that this person was his son-in-law anyway, and then arranged to live with his daughter. Finally, he realized that things didn't seem so simple. look.

When Zhao Yu returned to his place of residence, he realized that there was nothing wrong and started to lie down.

But in a room in the palace, Zhao Yan and Zhao Linger were chatting here.

The furnishings in the room are basically very old. Zhao Yan looked at everything in front of him and said, "This is what it looked like before you left, and it is still like this now. For more than ten years, people have come in to clean it and told them not to move." Anything in it, now you are back, but it is not used here, after you have a husband, you still have to be a wife and a mother."

When Zhao Yan was talking, his eyes were full of doting. For a daughter whom he hadn't seen for more than ten years, he still maintained such strong paternal love.

"Father, we are not what you think"

Zhao Ling'er lowered her head as she spoke, not even daring to look directly at Zhao Yan.

"What's the situation?" Zhao Yan was stunned for a moment, then sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Zhao Ling'er and said.

"Actually, Ling'er is not very clear about this matter. Grandma took a drop of Ling'er's blood and put it in the food for him to eat." Zhao Ling'er thought about it.

Listening to Zhao Linger's words, Zhao Yan knew mana himself, and he was also quite clear about such things. After thinking about it for a while, he only heard Zhao Yan talking to himself, "One Heart Gu"

"Father, what is the same heart Gu?"

Looking at Zhao Linger's innocent face, Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Tell my father first, why did your grandma plant the same heart Gu on him?"

"He is very powerful, he doesn't seem to be from this world, and he directly overwhelmed the entire Shu Mountain by himself before." Zhao Linger said directly.

But Zhao Yan heard these things, and he stood up straight away, and said in disbelief, "What you said is true?"

Seeing Zhao Yan's appearance, Zhao Ling'er could only nod her head, and then said, "A few days ago, I was still locked in the Demon Locking Tower in Shushan, and it was my brother who brought me out, and in front of the head of Shushan and many elders let's go."

"Haha, what a surprise!" Zhao Yan laughed.

"But father, my brother probably came here this time to think about how to solve the problem of the concentric Gu on him."

"Good Ling'er, then is there any way to undo the concentric Gu, this can't be solved." As soon as Zhao Ling'er finished speaking, Zhao Yan started talking casually.

In his opinion, even if it can be solved, it will not be done.

Seeing that Ling'er didn't speak any more, Zhao Yan took Zhao Ling'er's hand and said with a smile, "Ling'er, tell Father, do you like that Zhao Bi?"

Zhao Linger froze for a moment, thought for a while, and then said, "I like it."

"Ling'er, you are hesitating. Is there anyone else you care about more?"

"Father, I."

Zhao Ling'er didn't know what to say at all, so in the end, she could only tell her father about everything since Zhao Bi came to this world.

Anyway, for the two of them, the most important thing now is time.

Zhao Yan felt a little helpless after listening to what Zhao Linger said, and then looked at Zhao Linger and said, "Linger, I understand your matter a little bit. From what you just said, you mentioned it many times. The name Li Xiaoyao was mentioned, and the information revealed in his expression also explained the young man's affairs."

In fact, Zhao Yan still wanted to say a lot, the key is that Zhao Yan didn't say anything in the end, and the situation with his daughter, it is estimated that a man would feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Father, in fact, Anu once told Ling'er, but my brother is really just a brother." Zhao Linger said directly with a little shame.

"Remember Ling'er, no matter what the situation is, don't tell Zhao Bi about the concentric Gu. This will at least keep you safe." Zhao Yan said seriously, and after a pause, he shook his head helplessly and said "If you can, don't think about that Li Xiaoyao anymore, Zhao Bi looks pretty good too."

Zhao Ling'er didn't say a word, and now she didn't feel much about Zhao Yan's words, and she couldn't even think of such things at all.

Why did Zhao Yan not understand Zhao Linger's idle thoughts, and in the end all his words directly turned into helplessness, as long as Zhao Bi couldn't solve the matter of the concentric Gu, then Zhao Linger would be safe forever.

This can be regarded as Zhao Yan's own little calculation, of course Zhao Bi still doesn't know all this.

After staying in this palace for two days, Zhao Yu seemed to have found the feeling of a lazy prince again, but he could never go back.

According to chatting with Luo Ran, Zhao Bi learned that there is no time to stay in that dark world, maybe endless years have passed since he woke up, and this is the real reason why he can't go back.

Whenever he saw the stars in the sky, Zhao Bi would always look for the one he was in.

After chatting with Luo Ran, I realized that what I see will never have the original world.

"Zhao Bi, you're lying here again"

While Zhao Bi was still lying down thinking about something, Luo Ran jumped on top of him and shouted.

"What's matter?"

"I can't come to you if I have nothing to do? Besides, it's meaningless for you to lie down all the time?" Luo Ran said directly lying on Zhao Bi's chest.

In this way, the one that was originally basking in the sun directly became two.

(End of this chapter)

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